Tableau Performance Optimization | Troubleshooting

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1. Objective

In this Tableau Troubleshoot tutorial, we are going to learn about the Tableau Performance Optimization or Troubleshooting and how to solve the problems, tableau known issues and deal with them.
So, let us start Tableau Performance Optimization.

Tableau Performance Optimization

Tableau Performance Optimization

2. Tableau Performance Optimization

In this Tableau Troubleshooting tutorial, we are going to cover the following points.
a. Work with Log Files
b. Troubleshoot Data Sources,
c. Troubleshoot Subscriptions,
d. Troubleshoot SAML,
e. Troubleshooting Mutual SSL Authentication,
f. Handle Extract Refresh Alerts,
g. Troubleshoot Inconsistent Process Status
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3. Tableau Performance Optimization Techniques

a. Work with Log Files

Work with Log Files – Tableau Performance Optimization Technique
Scene Server makes log records as an ordinary piece of its exercises. You may need to utilize the server log records when you are investigating issues with Tableau Server or if Tableau Support asks for logs to enable you to determine an issue.
You can make a compressed log record file (depiction) from the summon line on the server, or utilizing the Generate Snapshot alternative on the Maintenance page. The zipped file contains duplicates of the logs you can duplicate or download utilizing a web program, and send to Tableau Support. When you have a duplicate of the chronicle, you can erase the file from your server. For more data on making, downloading and erasing log record chronicles, see Archive Logs on Status Page (Snapshot).
This gathering of subjects gives data about how to make log record documents, the substance of particular log documents, and insights about when and how you should need to take a gander at a log.
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Researching Tableau Server Issues to Optimize Tableau Performance
The range and many-sided quality of conceivable issues with Tableau Server imply that there is no straightforward procedure you can use to examine all issues, yet a general approach would incorporate these means:
Tidy up existing log documents to lessen their size. For more data, see Remove Unneeded Files.
Set the suitable logging level. This is something that Tableau Support will educate you on. For more data, see Change Logging Levels.
Duplicate the issue you are investigating so the logs catch the occasions identified with the issue.
Make a document of the logs. For more data see Archive Log Files.
Imperative: Use this document when taking a gander at the log records. You ought not to alter, move or erase any documents straightforwardly on the server.
Survey the server arrangement record (\config\tabsvc.yml) to get an essential comprehension of the server condition.

  • Survey the administrator log (\logs\tabadmin.log) to see any upkeep that has been done on the server.
  • Scan for keep running as: <script> to discover sections particular totabadminmovement.
  • Survey the Apache logs (\httpd\access.####_##_##_##_##_##.log and \httpd\error.log) for demands that might be identified with the issue you are researching.

The Apache logs will contain a decent lot of “clamor” that does not matter to issues you are encountering.
In the event that you observe a demand that is by all accounts identified with your issue, scan \vizqlserver for passages that incorporate the special demand ID from the Apache logs.
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Search for the reaction code and message related to the demand ID.
Look for the name of the exercise manual, view, dashboard, or information source that is identified with your issue. Make a point to search for an important timestamp.
On the off chance that you observe a demand that is by all accounts identified with your issue, take a gander at the reaction code related to the demand. (200s are great, 500s demonstrate issues.)
Find the interesting solicitation ID related to the demand you’ve distinguished (the one of a kind demand ID is a 24 character alphanumeric string at the very end of the demand).
Audit the log chronicle further to scan for different messages and conceivable mistakes.
Utilize the demand ID from the Apache logs to look through the \vizqlserver envelope of the log chronicle for records containing related log passages. Search for signs of an issue (for instance, blunder messages or long-running questions).
Contact bolster
In the event that you are not ready to understand the issue yourself, or if asked for by Tableau Support, send the zipped chronicle to Tableau.
Next to study in Tableau Performance Optimization technique is Troubleshoot Data Sources.
Let’s Look at Tableau Data Sources – Connecting Data to Tableau

b. Troubleshoot Data Sources

A tableau Performance Optimization technique for clients to work with Tableau Server information sources, up to three things should be set up:
Consents for the information source: Anyone associating with an information source must have the Connect and View authorizations for it. This likewise applies to clients getting to sees that interface with information sources. Anybody distributing and altering information sources must be authorized to Publish and furthermore, have the Write/Save As and Download/Web Save As authorizations. See Set Permissions on Individual Content Resources for more data.

  • Multidimensional (block) information sources must be downloaded and utilized as a part of Tableau Desktop, so they require Download/Web Save As authorization. For more data about solid shapes in Tableau, see Cube Data Sources.
  • Capacity to verify to the database: There are a few ways you can associate with information in Tableau and control who approaches what. Essentially, whichever element is interfacing with the database must have the capacity to confirm. The element could be Tableau Server playing out a concentrate invigorate. It could be a Tableau Desktop client interfacing with an information source that at that pointassociateswith a live database. It could likewise be a Tableau Server client who’s getting to a view that associates with a live database. Allude to Data Security to take in more of your alternatives.
  • Database drivers: If the individual who made and distributed the information source in Tableau Desktop expected to introduce extra database drivers, you may need to introduce themonTableau Server too. In the event that you are running a circulated establishment of Tableau Server where, for instance, the information server process is running on a laborer server, any required database drivers must be introduced there and also on the essential server. Different procedures require drivers also. See Database Drivers for more data.

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Information Source Error Messages
Here are a few blunders that exercise manual creators and different clients may experience as they work with information sources and perspectives:
Authorization to get to this Tableau Server information source denied: Connecting to an information source requires the Connect consent. See Set Permissions on Individual Content Resources for more data.
Information source not discovered: Someone working with a view may see this mistake if an information source is expelled from Tableau Server or if their Connect to Data page should be refreshed. To refresh the Connect to Data page in Tableau Desktop, tap the Refresh symbol:
Unfit to associate with this Tableau Server information source: This mistake may show up if the association data for the information source has changed—for instance, because of the database server name evolving. Take a gander at the Data Connection data for the information source and affirm that it has the right settings.
Unfit to list Tableau Server information sources: This blunder may happen if a client is attempting to get to Tableau Server information sources and there are availability issues between Tableau Server and Tableau Desktop.
Can’t associate with a 3D square information source: To utilize a distributed multidimensional (3D shape) information source, you should download the information source and utilize it in Tableau Desktop. Confirm that you have the Download/Web Save As authorization for the information source.
Next technique for Tableau Performance Optimization is Troubleshoot Subscription.
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c.  Troubleshoot Subscriptions

“The view snapshot in this email could not be properly rendered.”
On the off chance that you get a membership with this mistake message, there could be a few reasons:

i. Missing qualifications

Some perspectives are distributed with implanted accreditations. You may get the above mistake if the inserted accreditations are presently outdated, or if the view was republished without the implanted qualifications.

ii. Database incidentally down

If the view has a live database association and the database was briefly down when the membership was being produced, you may get the above mistake.

iii. Foundation process timeout

By default, the foundation procedure that handles memberships times out following 30 minutes. In the greater part of cases, this is a lot of time. Be that as it may, if the foundation procedure is dealing with an exceptionally vast and complex dashboard, that may not be sufficient time. You can check the Background Tasks for Non-Extracts administrator view to check whether that is the situation. To expand the timeout limit, utilize the tabadmin choice subscriptions.timeout.

iv. Can’t buy in

On the off chance that you can see a view on Tableau Server and it has a membership symbol () in the upper right corner, you can buy into it.
Two things should be set up for you to buy into a view: Tableau Server should be accurately arranged (portrayed in Set Up a Server for Subscriptions) and the view you’re buying in to must either have installed qualifications for its information source or not depend on certifications by any means. Cases of the last incorporate an exercise manual that associates with a concentrate that isn’t being revived, or an exercise manual whose information is in a document that was incorporated with the exercise manual at distributing time. Installing certifications is a stage that occurs in Tableau Desktop (see the Tableau Help for points of interest).
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v. No membership symbol

It’s conceivable to see a view on Tableau Server, however, be not able to buy into it. This occurs for one of three reasons:
No memberships have been booked: If no memberships have been planned, the membership symbol won’t show up. To set a calendar for memberships, see Create or Modify a Schedule.
The view utilizes a live database association: Views with live database associations, where you’re incited for your database accreditations when you first tap the view, aren’t accessible for membership. A membership incorporates a view (or exercise manual), information, and a timetable. To convey the information required for the view, Tableau Server either needs installed database qualifications or information that doesn’t require certifications. Where live database associations are concerned, Tableau Server doesn’t have the accreditations, just the individual clients do. This is the reason you can just buy into sees that either doesn’t require qualifications or have them installed.
Scene Server is designed for confided in verification: You may likewise have the capacity to see a view, however, be not able to buy into it (no membership symbol) if Tableau Server is arranged for put stock in confirmation. See Ensure Access to Subscriptions for more data.

vi. Accepting invalid or “broken” memberships

In the event that you arranged memberships on test or advancement occasions of Tableau Server notwithstanding your underway example, incapacitate memberships on your non-generation cases. Keeping memberships empowered on all cases can bring about your clients getting memberships that have all the earmarks of being legitimate, however which don’t work, or accepting memberships despite the fact that they’ve withdrew from the view or exercise manual.

vii. Membership’s not arriving

(“Error sending an email. Can’t send a charge to SMTP have.”)
You may see the above mistake in Windows Event Viewer if memberships aren’t arriving and your SMTP server is utilizing encoded (SSL) sessions. Memberships are upheld for decoded SMTP associations. The arrangement is to utilize a decoded SMTP server. (In case you’re encountering this blunder, take note of that Tableau Server will at present show that memberships are being sent out of sight Tasks for Non Extracts administrator see.)
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viii. Custom contents not working after move up to 8.1

To help better session administration, beginning with form 8.1, a hashtag (#) was added to the finish of view URLs. On the off chance that you had custom memberships scripting that created sees as PDFs or PNGs you may need to refresh your contents to take into account the hashtag.
For instance, before rendition 8.1, see URLs utilize this grammar:
http://tableauserver/sees/SuperStore/sheet1. To create a view as a PNG, .png could be added to the finish of the URL. For instance, http://tableauserver/sees/SuperStore/sheet1.png.
Inform 8.1, 8.2, or 8.3, see URLs utilize this linguistic structure: http://tableauserver/sees/SuperStore/sheet1#1. To produce a PNG, include .png before the hashtag. For instance: http://tableauserver/sees/SuperStore/sheet1.png#1

ix. Custom contents not working after move up to 9.0

In adaptation 9.0, the session ID toward the finish of server URLs is demonstrated by an “iid” parameter, :iid=<n>. For instance, http://localhost/#/sees/Sales2015/SalesMarginsByAreaCode?:iid=1. This parameter replaces the hashtag “#<n>” utilized for the session ID in 8.x renditions of Tableau Server.
On the off chance that you utilize custom memberships contents that create sees as PDFs or PNGs, you may need to refresh your contents by expelling the hashtag and number (#<n>), and embeddings the ?:iid= session ID parameter before the number.
Let’s study Third Technique for Tableau Performance Optimization.

d. Troubleshoot SAML

i. SAML and Enable Automatic Log on

In the event that you are utilizing SAML and if Tableau Server is additionally arranged to utilize Active Directory, don’t likewise choose to Enable programmed logon. Empower programmed logon and SAML can’t both be utilized on a similar server establishment.
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ii. HTTP Status 500 mistake while arranging SAML

Under a few conditions you may get a HTTP status 500 mistakes and see the accompanying blunder subsequent to empowering SAML and exploring to the Tableau Server URL in a program:
org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProviderException: User determined restricting isn’t upheld by the Identity Provider utilizing profile urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:SSO:browser
To help settle this blunder, ensure the accompanying:
The IdP URL for the SSO profile indicated in the SAML tab is right.
The IdP URL for the SSO profile gave while making the specialist co-op in the IdP is right.
IdP is designed to utilize HTTP-POST asks. (Divert and SOAP are not upheld.)
In the event that any of these settings were not right, influence proper updates and afterward to play out the SAML design steps once more, beginning with producing and sending out the XML metadata record from Tableau Server.
On the off chance that these settings are right, yet regardless you see the blunder, look at the metadata XML that is delivered by Tableau Server and by the IdP, as depicted in SAML Requirements.

iii. Marking In from the Command Line

SAML isn’t utilized for confirmation when you sign in to Tableau Server utilizing tabcmd or the Tableau Data Extract charge line utility (furnished with Tableau Desktop), regardless of whether Tableau Server is designed to utilize SAML. These devices require the confirmation designed when Tableau Server was initially introduced (either nearby validation or AD).

iv. Login Failed

Login can fall flat with the accompanying message:
>Login disappointment: Identity Provider verification fruitful for client <username from IdP>. Neglected to discover the client in Tableau Server.
This blunder normally implies that there is a befuddle between the usernames put away in Tableau Server and gave by the IdP. To settle this, ensure they coordinate. For instance, if Jane Smith’s username is put away in the IdP as jsmith it must be put away in Tableau Server as jsmith.
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SAML Error Log
SAML validation happens outside Tableau Server, so investigating confirmation issues can be troublesome. In any case, login endeavors are logged by Tableau Server. You can make a preview of log records and utilize them to investigate issues. For more data, see Archive Log Files .
Note: To log SAML-related occasions, vizportal.log.level must be set to investigate. For more data, see Change Logging Levels.
Check for SAML blunders in the accompanying records in the unfastened log document depiction:
In Tableau Server 9.0 and later, the application procedure (vizportal.exe) handles confirmation, so SAML reactions are logged by that procedure.
Trailing Slash
On the SAML tab, affirm that the Tableau Server return URL does not end with a trailing slice
Adjust: http://tableau_server
Erroneous: http://tableau_server/
Affirm Connectivity
Affirm that the Tableau Server you are designing has either a routeable IP address or a NAT at the firewall that permits two-way activity straightforwardly to the server.
You can test your network by running telnet on Tableau Server and endeavoring to associate with the SAML IdP. For instance: C:\telnet 12.360.325.10 80
The above test ought to interface you to the HTTP port (80) on the IdP and you ought to get a HTTP header.
We cover almost half article “Tableau Performance Optimization” let’s move ahead with further Tableau Performance Optimization Techniques.

e. Troubleshooting Mutual SSL Authentication

We couldn’t find a valid client certificate. Contact your Tableau Server administrator.

  • Invalid username or password
  • We couldn’t find your username on the client certificate. Contact your Tableau Server administrator or sign in using your Tableau Server account.
  • Users unexpectedly see a sign-in dialog box that displays an error message
  • Tableau Troubleshooting Mutual SSL Authentication
  • The user is signed in using an unexpected username (LDAP mapping)
  • The user is signed in as the incorrect user (UPN or CN mapping)
  • For more information about mutual SSL authentication and LDAP, UPN, and CN user mapping, see the following topics:
  • Configure Mutual SSL Authentication for Tableau Server on Windows
  • Mapping a Client Certificate to a User During Mutual Authentication

We couldn’t locate a substantial customer authentication. Contact your Tableau Server head.
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The customer is feeling the loss of an authentication.
On the off chance that the customer has no customer endorsement, the client sees this message amid confirmation:
We couldn’t locate a legitimate customer authentication. Contact your Tableau Server director.
To determine the issue, the client should contact the framework director to produce a testament for the customer PC.
Invalid client name or watchword
The customer doesn’t bolster common SSL validation.
Variants of Tableau Desktop more seasoned than rendition 9.1 don’t bolster common SSL verification. On the off chance that a more established form of Tableau Desktop is utilized to interface with Tableau Server that is designed for common SSL confirmation, the accompanying can happen:
On the off chance that Tableau Server is designed to utilize fallback confirmation, the customer shows a sign-in exchange box and the client can enter a client name and watchword.
The off chance that the server isn’t designed to utilize fallback confirmation, the client sees the accompanying message and can’t associate with the server:
i. Invalid client name or secret key
For more data about fallback validation, see Configure Mutual SSL Authentication for Tableau Server on Windows.
We couldn’t discover your client name in the customer testament. Contact your Tableau Server director or sign in utilizing your Tableau Server account.
ii. Customer testaments are not distributed to Active Directory.
In the event that Tableau Server is arranged to utilize Active Directory for confirmation, and if client mapping is set to LDAP, Tableau Server sends the customer endorsement to Active Directory for verification. Be that as it may, if customer declarations have not been distributed to Active Directory, confirmation falls flat and the client sees the accompanying message:
We couldn’t discover your client name in the customer declaration. Contact your Tableau Server executive or sign in utilizing your Tableau Server account.
To determine this issue, the framework manager should ensure that customer testament are distributed to Active Directory. On the other hand, the server ought to be designed to utilize an alternate client mapping (UPN or CN), and the framework executive ought to make certain that customer authentications contain client names in the UPN or CN fields.
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Clients out of the blue observe a sign-in discourse box that shows a blunder message
On the off chance that Tableau Server is arranged to utilize common SSL validation and endorsements are accessible for use with clients’ PCs, a client ought not to see a sign-in discourse box, since Tableau Server utilizes the testament to confirm the client. Be that as it may, if the server does not perceive the client name in the testament, the client sees a sign-in exchange box with a mistake message that demonstrates why the authentication was not utilized. This can happen when the greater part of the accompanying conditions are valid:
Fallback verification is empowered.
In the event that the server is utilizing UPN or CN mapping, the client name in the testament’s UPN or CN field isn’t perceived. On the off chance that the server is utilizing LDAP mapping, the declaration isn’t mapped to the client in Active Directory.
To determine this issue, the framework executive ought to do the accompanying, contingent upon how client mapping is arranged on Tableau Server:
LDAP mapping: Make beyond any doubt that the testament is connected to the client, that the authentication is accessible for use with the client’s PC, and that the client is designed as a Tableau Server client.
UPN or CN mapping: Make beyond any doubt that the testament is accessible for the client’s PC, that the client name is in the authentication’s UPN or CN field, and that the client name coordinates the client name on Tableau Server (counting area).
We couldn’t discover your client name in the customer endorsement. Contact your Tableau Server head
An endorsement does not contain a substantial Tableau Server client name.
The client name in the UPN or CN fields is absent or invalid
At the point when Tableau Server is arranged to utilize UPN or CN mapping, the server peruses the client’s name from the UPN or CN field of the testament and after that looks into the client name in Active Directory or in the neighborhood archive on Tableau Server. (The particular field that the server peruses relies upon which mapping—UPN or CN—the server is designed to utilize.) If the field that should contain the client name has nothing in it, the client sees the accompanying message:
We couldn’t discover your client name in the customer testament. Contact your Tableau Server manager.
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In the event that a customer testament contains a client name however Active Directory and Tableau Server don’t perceive the client name, the client sees the accompanying message:
Testament does not contain a legitimate Tableau Server client name.
This can happen when the majority of the accompanying conditions are valid:
Scene Server is designed to utilize UPN or CN mapping.
Fallback validation isn’t empowered.
The customer authentication has no client name in the UPN or CN field, or the client name in the UPN or CN field does not coordinate a client name in Active Directory or on Tableau Server.
To determine this issue, the framework executive should ensure that the client’s endorsement has the right client name in the UPN or CN fields of the testament.
The client is marked in utilizing an unforeseen client name (LDAP mapping)
At the point when the server is arranged to utilize Active Directory validation and LDAP mapping, the declaration is connected to a client in Active Directory. In the event that the declaration contains a client name in the UPN or CN field, that client name is disregarded.
In the event that the goal is that the client ought to be marked in with the client name in the UPN or CN fields, the server ought to be designed to utilize UPN or CN mapping.
The client is marked in as the inaccurate client (UPN or CN mapping)
Under a few conditions, the client name in an UPN or CN field in the customer testament can be equivocal. The outcome is that a client is marked into the inaccurate personality.
For more data about the conditions under which this issue can happen, see the area “Address client name vagueness in multi-space associations” in Mapping a Client Certificate to a User During Mutual Authentication.
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f. Handle Extract Refresh Alerts

At the point when Tableau Server can’t finish a booked revive, an alarm seems to demonstrate that the invigorate has fizzled. In the event that a booked revive falls flat five continuous circumstances, Tableau Server suspends the invigorate. At the point when an invigorate is suspended, Tableau Server does not endeavor to run it again until the point when somebody makes a move that endeavors to amend the reason for the disappointment.
Note: The quantity of successive disappointments for an invigorate is set to five as a matter of course, however, can be changed by a Tableau Server director, utilizing the tabadmin set backgrounder.failure_threshold_for_run_prevention charge. For more data, see tabadmin setup alternatives.
You will see the Alerts menu just if a concentrate revive fizzled and you are:
A framework or site overseer
The writer of the exercise manual or information source that couldn’t be revived
The writer of an exercise manual that associates with an information source that couldn’t be invigorated
When you open the Alerts menu you can see more data about the invigorate failure(s):
At the point when a Data source is recorded as Embedded, it implies that the information source definition (which incorporates things like the information source accreditations or the database name) is installed, or lives, inside the exercise manual itself, initially made in Tableau Desktop.
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At the point when an information source name or exercise manual name is recorded as the Data source (for instance, Data source: sales_data), it implies that the information source is a Tableau Server information source. The information source definition lives on Tableau Server.
In the Datasheet on Tableau Desktop, you can decide if the information source is on Tableau Server or is a neighborhood. On the off chance that the information source is on the server, a Tableau symbol is shown by the information source name rather than a database symbol.
Settling Extract Refresh Problems

Tableau Performance Techniques

Tableau Performance Optimization –  Handle Extract Refresh Alerts

To determine to invigorate issues, you can take any of these activities, in view of the reason demonstrated in the alarm:

Tableau Performance Techniques

Tableau Performance Optimization – Handle Extract Refresh Alerts

Mistakes identified with getting to token approval or client accreditations
You can resolve some concentrate revive issues by tapping the Connection Details in the alarm. Select the checkbox beside the hazardous information source, click Actions > Edit Connection, and after that enter the missing data. Snap Save when you’re set. After you refresh the association data, Tableau Server restarts the revived plan.
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Tableau Performance Techniques

Tableau Performance Optimization –  Handle Extract Refresh Alerts

In the event that you initially inserted the certifications or other information association data when you distributed the exercise manual or information source from Tableau Desktop, you can likewise republish the exercise manual or information source. As a major aspect of the distributing procedure, you can set another revive plan. On the off chance that you don’t pick another calendar, Tableau Server restarts the current timetable.
Mistakes that show the database was inaccessible
Affirm that the database is on the web and that you can sign in to get to the information. You can utilize the Try again interface in the alarm to restart the revived plan.
On the off chance that the issue can’t be amended by altering the information association, you should resolve it in Tableau Desktop and republish the exercise manual.
Tip: Administrators can alter information associations whenever on the Data Connections page, open from each site by tapping the Content tab and Data Connections.
The Last Tableau Performance Optimization technique is discussed below.

g. Troubleshoot Inconsistent Process Status

Disclaimer: This theme incorporates data about an outsider item. Consideration of this data isn’t an underwriting of the item, however, is given as a comfort to our clients. If it’s not too much trouble take note of that while we bend over backward to keep references to outsider substance exact and avant-garde, the data we give here might change without seeing as the outsider item changes.
Take the proposals to determine issues with Tableau Server process status. For extra investigating advances in light of process status saw on the Status page, see Troubleshoot Server Processes.
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At the point when Tableau Server is arranged with various systems cards, the Status page may report conflicting or off base process status. These potential irregularities and mistakes can bring about other usefulness, for example, alarming or warnings trickiness.
Scene Server 9.0 and higher
Scene Server PCs with various system cards (NICs)
To address this issue, you can cripple the second NIC, or utilize the accompanying method to dole out measurements to each NIC on the PC.
Note: Updating DNS or utilizing nearby steering in the etc\hosts document to allude to the favored IP address won’t resolve this issue.
Allot measurements for each system interface
A metric is an approach to demonstrate the “cost” of utilizing a system interface. The higher the metric, the more costly it is to utilize. Naturally, in Windows, Automatic Metric is empowered, yet you can physically allot measurements to each system interface to demonstrate which organize interface is favored. The lower a metric esteem the more favored the interface is.
To physically design measurements for a system interface:
In Control Panel, click Network and Internet.
Snap Network and Sharing Center.
Snap Change connector settings.
Right-tap on a system interface and snap Properties.
Select Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) and snap Properties.
On the General tab, click Advanced.
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On the IP Settings tab, clear Automatic metric and enter the metric that you need in the Interface metric box.
The metric demonstrates the cost of utilizing the interface, so give your favored interface a lower an incentive than alternate interface(s) on the PC.
Rehash the procedure for some other interfaces, giving them measurements in view of their inclination. The interface that Tableau Server uses ought to be the favored interface and have the most minimal esteem metric. For instance, give the favored system interface a metric of 5 and the optional interface an estimation of 10.
Disclaimer: Although we bend over backward to guarantee connects to outside sites are precise, avant-garde, and pertinent, Tableau can’t assume liability for the exactness or freshness of pages kept up by outer suppliers. Contact the outer site for answers to questions with respect to its substance.
For more data about Windows and utilizing the metric element for IP courses, see the accompanying Microsoft documentation:

This was all Tableau Performance Optimization Tutorial. Hope you like our explanation of Tableau Troubleshooting.

4. Conclusion

Hence, in this Tableau Performance Optimization tutorial, we study several techniques for Tableau Troubleshooting or Tableau Performance Optimization: Troubleshoot Data Sources, Troubleshoot Subscriptions, Troubleshoot SAML, Troubleshooting Mutual SSL Authentication, Handle Extract Refresh Alerts and Troubleshoot Inconsistent Process Status. Furthermore, if you have any query regarding Tableau Performance Optimization, feel free to ask in a comment section.
Related Topic-  Tableau Operators
For reference

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