Tableau Known Issues – 9 Frustrating Issues With Solutions

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1. Objective

In our last tutorial, we studied Tableau Performance Optimization. Here, in this tableau tutorial, we are going to study Tableau Known Issues with their solutions. The Known issues in a tableau are: Handle an Unlicensed Server, Handle an Unlicensed VizQL Server Process, Cookie Restriction Error, Troubleshoot Trusted Authentication, Troubleshoot Server Processes, Troubleshoot Desktop License Reporting, Troubleshoot Disk Space Usage on Tableau Server Nodes, Troubleshoot Run As User, and Cleaning Up Tableau Server-Related Files.
So, Let’s start with Tableau Known Issues.

Tableau Known Issues

Tableau Known Issues – 9 Frustrating Issues With Solutions

2. Tableau Known Issues

Here, we are going to explore some frustrating tableau know issues, along with their solutions. So, let’s study them one by one:
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a. Handle an Unlicensed Server

Handle an unlicensed server is well know Tableau known issues.
The scene offers two permitting models: client based and center based. Client based permitting requires every dynamic client record to be secured by a permit. Client based licenses have a characterized limit or a number of clients that it permits. Every client is doled out a one of a kind client name on the server and is required to distinguish himself when associating with the server.
Center construct authorizing has no limitations in light of the number of client accounts in the framework, yet it restricts the greatest number of processor centers that Tableau Server can utilize. You can introduce Tableau Server on at least one machines to make a group, with the confinement that the aggregate number of centers in every one of the machines does not surpass the number of centers you have authorized and that the majority of the centers on a specific machine are secured by the permit.

Tableau Known Issues

Tableau Known Issues – Handle an Unlicensed Server

i. Unlicensed User-Based Server

The most well-known explanation for a server that has a client based authorizing to be unlicensed is a lapsed item key or a terminated upkeep contract. You can see your items keys and include new ones by choosing Start > All Programs > Tableau Server > Manage Product Keys.
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ii. Unlicensed Core-Based Server

A center-based server can end up unlicensed for an assortment of reasons. A typical issue is that any Tableau Server hub has a greater number of centers than the permit permits. At the point when the server is unlicensed, you will most likely be unable to begin or manage the server. You can be that as it may deal with your licenses utilizing the tabadmin order line apparatus. Take after the means beneath to see a rundown of your licenses and number of centers by machine.Open an order speedy as head and explore to the Tableau Server receptacle index. For instance, on a default introduce, type the accompanying: cd C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\10.5\bin

b. Handle an Unlicensed VizQL Server Process

There are a few status markers on the Tableau Server Status page that assistance you comprehend the province of Tableau Server forms. An orange-shading status box, “Unlicensed”, demonstrates that one of the VizQL server forms can’t recover the Tableau Server permit data.
There might be a few reasons why the procedure can’t get to this data. For instance, there might be arranged issues keeping a VizQL procedure, which is running on a specialist machine, from speaking with the essential machine. Or on the other hand, the procedure might get sent a larger number of solicitations that it can acknowledge around then and can’t deal with the permitting demand. Therefore, some of your clients might have the capacity to get to sees while others can’t.
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To determine this Tableau known issues, stop, at that point begin Tableau Server.

Tableau Known Issues - Unlicensed VizQL Server Process

Tableau Known Issues – Unlicensed VizQL Server Process

c. Cookie Restriction Error

At the point when a client signs into Tableau Server, a session treat is put away in their neighborhood program. The put away treat is the manner by which Tableau Server keeps up that the marked in the client has been validated and can get to the server. Since the treatment is set with a similar space or sub-area as the program’s address bar, it is viewed as a first-party treat. In the event that a client’s program is arranged with square first-party treats, they will be not able to sign in to Tableau Server.
At the point when a client signs into Tableau Server by means of an inserted see, or in a domain where trusted confirmation has been arranged, a similar thing happens: a treat is put away. For this situation, be that as it may, the program regards the treat as an outsider treat. This is on account of the treat is set with an area that is unique in relation to the one appeared in the program’s address bar. On the off chance that a client’s web program is set to piece outsider treats, confirmation to Tableau Server will come up short. To keep this from happening, web programs must be designed to permit outsider treats.
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d. Troubleshoot Trusted Authentication

These Tableau known issues include some common issues and errors you might encounter when you’re configuring trusted authentication. Trusted authentication information is written to ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\logs\vizqlserver\vizql-*.log. To increase the logging level from info to debug, use the tabadmin setting vizqlserver.trustedticket.log_level.
To test your trusted authentication deployment, see Testing Trusted Authentication.

e.  Troubleshoot Server Processes

At the point when Tableau server is working legitimately, procedures will appear as active, busy or passive (Repository). In the event that there is extra data, a message shows up underneath the status symbol:
Conceivable status pointers are:
The accompanying areas give investigating proposals to status messages that you may see.
Bunch Controller
This message will just show on the off chance that you have in excess of two hubs.
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Status: Down; Message: “Hub corrupted”
At least one of the accompanying are valid:
Archive on the hub is halted.
Hub can’t react to failover somewhere else on the bunch.
On the off chance that Tableau Server is arranged for high accessibility and this is the dynamic storehouse, failover to the second archive happens.
No status accessible for vault or document store on this hub.
No activity is fundamental unless the bunch controller is routinely down or is down for a broadened timeframe.
In the event that that happens, take the accompanying activities, all together, until the point when the issue is settled:
Check plate space. In the event that plate space is constrained, spare the log documents (utilize tabadmin zip logs) on the off chance that you require them for Support, at that point expel superfluous records (tabadmin cleanup).
In Windows Task Manager, stop the clustercontroller.exe procedure tree and let it restart naturally.
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Restart Tableau Server.
Tidy up the coordination benefit (ZooKeeper) documents: Stop the bunch (tabadmin stop), tidy up records (tabadmin cleanup – reset-coordination), and afterward begin the group (tabadmin begin).
On the off chance that Cluster Controller keeps on appearing as down, spare the log records (tabadmin zip logs) and contact Support.
Document Store
Document Store status just mirrors the condition of the record store when the page was stacked.
A dynamic status () with no message shows that no concentrates were being synchronized when the page was stacked. It is conceivable that the repeating “find all” employment is running and synchronizing separates.
Status: Busy; Message: “Synchronizing”
“Synchronizing,” for the most part demonstrates that concentrates were being synchronized crosswise over document store hubs when the page was stacked.
Notwithstanding, the “synchronizing” message is likewise returned following establishment (both single-hub and multi-hub). After Tableau instates the status ought to vanish inside 15 or 20 minutes.
Status: Down; “Information Extracts inaccessible”
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On a solitary hub establishment: “Information Extracts inaccessible” demonstrates that current concentrates might be accessible however distribute/revive will fall flat. On multi-hub establishments, this message demonstrates that concentrate synchronization will fizzle for this hub.
No activity is essential unless the grind store is consistently down or is down for an expanded timeframe.
In the event that that happens, take the accompanying activities, all together, until the point that the issue is settled:
Check plate space. On the off chance that circle space is restricted, spare the log documents (tabadmin zip logs) in the event that you require them for Support, and after that expel superfluous records (tabadmin cleanup).
Stop the filestore.exe procedure utilizing Windows Task Manager and let it restart consequently.
Restart Tableau Server.
Tidy up the coordination benefit (ZooKeeper) records: Stop the group (tabadmin stop), tidy up documents (tabadmin cleanup – reset-coordination), and after that begin the bunch (tabadmin begin).
On the off chance that the record store keeps on being down, spare the log documents (tabadmin zip logs) and contact Support.
Status: Busy; “Decommissioning”
This message shows that this File Store is in perused just mode and that any novel records on this hub are being reproduced to other document store hubs.
To evacuate this hub, hold up until the point when the status message changes to “Prepared for expulsion”.
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Status: Active; “Prepared for evacuation”
This message shows that the File store is in perused just mode.
You can securely stop (tabadmin stop) the bunch and expel File Store procedures, or evacuate the whole hub.
Status: Active; “Decommission fizzled”
This message demonstrates that the File store is in perused just mode and that no less than one extraordinary record neglected to imitate to another document store hub.
To determine a fizzled decommissioning:
Run the tabadmin decommission charge once more.
Check plate space on other record store hubs. Decommissioning will fizzle if another document store hub does not have enough space to store every one of the concentrates.
Check the tabadmin.log document on the essential hub and specialists for mistakes.
Stop Tableau Server (tabadmin stop) and after that take a stab at running the tabadmin decommission summon once more.
Put the document store hub again into reading/compose mode (tabadmin recommission), gather logs, and after that contact Support.
With Support: duplicate and union concentrate catalog from this record store hub to a similar index on another document store hub.
Status: Busy; Message: “Setting up”
The “Setting up” message demonstrates at least one of the accompanying states:
Detached vault is being synchronized with a dynamic store.
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An archive isn’t prepared to deal with failover.
An archive may have become over two minutes behind dynamic storehouse and is being set up once more (this is speedier than sitting tight for a synchronize).
Failover occurs and this previous dynamic archive is rejoining the bunch.
Hold up until the point when the archive status message changes to “Inactive”.
In the event that this message does not show up, or on the off chance that it is requiring a long investment:
Check plate space and free space if conceivable.
Check group controller logs for blunders.
Restart hub.
Status: Busy; Message: “Synchronizing”
Storehouse is synchronizing, for instance after a failover.
Status: Down; Message: n/a
At the point when the Repository demonstrates a status of down and there is no message, at that point the Repository is in one of the accompanying states:
In the event that the establishment is designed for high accessibility, failover of the vault happened.
Procedures are restarting with refreshed database association arrangements after failover.
In the event that another dynamic archive isn’t accessible, Tableau Server is down.
Take these activities all together to the point that a stage settles the issue:
Sit tight a few minutes for bunch controller to endeavor to restart.
Restart Tableau Server (tabadmin restart).
Check circle space to ensure there is free space. Gather logs (tabadmin zip logs) on the off chance that you require them for Support, and afterward cleanup records (tabadmin cleanup).
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Restart Tableau Server.
Stop Tableau Server, gather logs and cleanup coordination benefit records (tabadmin cleanup – reset-coordination)
Begin Tableau Server.
On the off chance that the vault keeps on appearing as down, gather logs (tabadmin zip logs) and contact Support.
Status: Passive; Message: n/a
An aloof status with no message shows that the hub is filling in as planned and that it is prepared for failover if necessary.
VizQL Server
Status: Unlicensed; Message: n/a
For data about unlicensed status for a VizQL Server process, see Handle an Unlicensed VizQL Server Process.
Different articles in this segment:
Work with Log Files
Handle an Unlicensed Server
Handle an Unlicensed VizQL Server Process
Treat Restriction Error
An Investigate Data Sources
Investigate Subscriptions
Investigate SAML
Investigating Mutual SSL Authentication
Investigating Trusted Authentication
Handle Extract Refresh Alerts
An Investigate Server Processes
An Investigate Inconsistent Process Status
The Investigate Install and Upgrade
The Investigate Desktop License Reporting
Investigate Disk Space Usage
Investigate Run As User
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There is much more in Tableau Known Issues Tutorial. Let’s Move forward.

f. Troubleshoot Tableau Server Install and Upgrade

Tableau Known Issues

Tableau Known Issues

i. General Troubleshooting Steps

Many Tableau known issues can be addressed with some basic steps:
Make sure there is enough disk space on each computer running Tableau Server. Limited disk space can cause a failure to install, a failure to upgrade, or problems running Tableau Server.
Restart Tableau Server. Issues related to indexing and processes not fully started can be resolved by restarting Tableau Server in a controlled way. To restart Tableau Server, use the tabadmin restart command. This will stop all the processes associated with Tableau Server and then restart them.
Clean up files associated with the Coordination Service (ZooKeeper). To clean up Coordination Service files, use the tabadmin cleanup –reset-coordination command.
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Starting Tableau Server
Tableau Server cannot determine if it fully started
In some instances, Tableau Server may report that it could not determine if all components started properly on startup. A message displays: “Unable to determine if all components of the service started properly.”
If you see this message after starting, verify that Tableau Server is running as expected by using a tabadmin status -v command.
If the status shows as running (“Status: RUNNING”), then the server successfully started and you can ignore the message. The status is DEGRADED or STOPPED, see “Tableau Server doesn’t start” in the next section.
Tableau Server doesn’t start
If Tableau Server does not start or is running in a degraded state, run the tabadmin restart command from a command prompt. This will shut down any processes that are running, and restart Tableau Server.
Installing Tableau Server
Install fails due to hardware requirements
Starting with version 9.0, Tableau Server cannot install if the computer you are installing on does not meet the minimum hardware requirements. The requirements apply to both primary server computers and worker computers. For details on minimum hardware requirements, see Minimum Hardware Requirements and Recommendations for Tableau Server.
Install or upgrade generates an error when PostgreSQL ODBC driver does not install correctly
In certain circumstances (when a system reboot is pending, or another program is being installed or updated, the Tableau Server PostgreSQL ODBC driver does not install correctly. When this happens, this message displays:
PostgreSQL ODBC driver (64-bit) version 09.03.0400 did not install properly.
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Note: The version may be different, depending on what version of Tableau Server you are installing.
If this occurs, follow these steps to correct the issue:
Check to see if the driver shows as installed in Control Panel.
If the driver is not installed, download it from the Tableau Drivers page and install it.
If the driver is installed, uninstall it from Control Panel, restart the computer, download the driver, and install it again.

ii. Upgrading Tableau Server

Extract migration is slow
Tableau Server 9.0 introduced a more reliable storage mechanism for data extracts called the File Store. Upgrading from a previous version requires migration of the extracts. This can take a long time (up to several hours) if you have a large number of extracts or extracts that have a lot of data. During migration a message displays:
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iii. Migrating extracts to File Store

This process may take up to several hours.
If the migration progress appears to be stalled or stuck, you can verify that migration is continuing by watching the tabadmin.log. An entry is written to this log for each extract that is migrated. You can periodically copy the log and open your copy in a text editor like Notepad to verify that entries are being written to it.

iv. Upgrading fails due to lack of disk space

If there is not enough disk space for the Tableau Server Setup program to run and do the upgrade, the installation will fail. The amount of disk space required will depend on the size of your repository database and the number and size of your extracts. As a part of upgrading to version 9.0, the Setup program migrates extracts to the new File Store and this takes space.
To free up disk space:
If you have this Tableau known issues so, zip and save logs using the tabadmin zip logs command.
After you create the zip logs file, save it to a safe location that is not part of your Tableau Server installation.
Clean up unnecessary files using the tabadmin cleanup command. For more information, see Remove Unneeded Files
Reindexing Tableau Server Search & Browse
Problems that can be solved by reindexing Search & Browse
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Symptoms of an index that needs to be rebuilt include:
A blank list of sites when a user attempts to log in
A blank list of projects when a user tries to select a project
Missing content (workbooks, views, dashboards)
Unexpected or inaccurate alerts (for example, an “refresh failed” alert on a workbook that does not include an extract)
If you see any of these behaviors, rebuild the Search & Browse index using the tabadmin reindex command.
Activating Tableau Server
Tableau Server license activation fails
In some instances Tableau Server license activation may fail with one of the following error messages:
Function flxActCommonLicSpcPopulateFromTS returned error 50030, 71521,
No license found for ‘Tableau Server’
To resolve this issue, try these solutions in the order listed:
Verify the date and time
Verify the date and time on the primary Tableau Server computer is correct. If the clock is set to a time and date earlier than the current date, Tableau Server cannot be activated.
Verify FlexNet Licensing Service has started
If the date and time on the Tableau Server computer are correct, verify that the FlexNet Licensing Service is running on the primary Tableau Server computer.
On the primary computer, from the Windows Start menu, open services.msc.
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In the Services dialog box, verify that the status of FlexNet Licensing Service 64 (64-bit) or FlexNet Licensing Service (32-bit) is Started.
If FlexNet is not listed as Started, right-click FlexNet Licensing Service and select Start.
If the Start option is grayed out, the service may be set to Disabled. To enable the service:
Right-click FlexNet Licensing Service and select Properties.
From the Startup type drop-down list, select Automatic.
Click the Start button, and then click OK.
Force the product key to be read again
On the primary Tableau Server computer, sign in as administrator and open a command prompt.
Change to the Tableau Server bin directory. By default this is:
C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\10.5\bin
Type the following commands:
tabadmin stop
tabadmin start
Send the contents of trusted storage to Tableau Support
If FlexNet Licensing Services is installed and running but you’re still seeing an error, there might be a problem with the Tableau product key information. To resolve this issue, complete the following steps to create a file of the key information located in trusted storage.
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On the primary Tableau Server computer, sign in as administrator and open a command prompt.
Change to the Tableau Server bin directory. By default this is:
C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\10.5\bin
Type the following command:
serveractutil -view > LicResults.txt
Contact Customer Support ( and include the LicResults.txt file that you created.
There is much more in Tableau Known Issues Tutorial. Let’s Move forward.

g. Troubleshoot Desktop License Reporting

These Tableau Known Issues occurs at the point when Tableau Server and Tableau Desktop occurrences are appropriately designed, Tableau Desktop permit use data is accessible in two regulatory perspectives, Desktop License Usage and Desktop License Expiration. In the event that you can’t see these perspectives, check the prerequisites underneath. In the event that you can see the perspectives yet there is no information in them, you can investigate by utilizing the Troubleshooting point in the Desktop Deployment Guide: Troubleshooting permit announcing. For subtle elements on the best way to design Tableau Desktop, see Configure Desktop License Reporting in the Tableau Desktop Deployment Guide.
Managerial perspectives aren’t accessible
The Desktop License Reporting managerial perspectives are accessible just to Tableau Server heads. In the event that you don’t see connects to the Desktop License Usage and Desktop License Expiration sees on the Server Status page (select Manage All Sites from the destinations menu), confirm the accompanying:
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You are marked in as a Tableau Server chairman.
You are running a rendition of Tableau Server 10.0 or later, and clients are running Tableau Desktop variant 10.0 or later. Work area License Reporting is accessible start with adaptation 10.0 of Tableau Server and Tableau Desktop.
Scene Server has Desktop License Reporting empowered. (The element is debilitated of course.) For more data, see Enable and arrange Desktop permit detailing.

h. Troubleshoot Disk Space Usage on Tableau Server Nodes

When available disk space on a Tableau Server primary or worker node is low, performance can be degraded. If free space falls too low, Tableau Server may begin to perform erratically. To monitor free disk space, configure Tableau Server to save disk usage information (this is on by default) and, if desired, enable alerts about low disk space. For more information, see Quick Start: Disk Space Alerts.
Note: Disk space monitoring measures free disk space on each server node. Available space may be impacted by programs or processes that are not a part of Tableau Server.
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If you find that your Tableau Server installation is running into free disk space limitations, you should take steps to make more space available. This topic suggests some ways you can do that.

Tableau Known Issues - Troubleshoot Disk Space Usage on Tableau Server Nodes

Tableau Known Issues – Troubleshoot Disk Space Usage on Tableau Server Nodes

i. Viewing Disk Usage on Tableau Server Nodes

When disk space usage monitoring is enabled (this is the default), server administrators can use the Server Disk Space administrative view to see current disk space usage, and one month of usage data on your Tableau Server nodes. Use this view to help you determine whether one of your server nodes is experiencing a jump in space usage, or if space usage has increased over time.

ii. Cleaning Up Tableau Server-Related Files

To minimize server space used by Tableau Server, you can clean up unnecessary files.
Use the tabadmin cleanup command to remove log files, temporary files, and unneeded entries in the PostgreSQL database. If you want to save the logs before you clean them up, you can make an archive. For more information, see Remove Unneeded Files.
Once you have cleaned up log files and temporary files, you may want to use the administrative views to determine which workbooks and data sources are taking up the most space on your server, and whether any of these is not being used. For more information, see Administrative Views.
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Identifying and Cleaning Up Other Files
There are a number of tools, like WinDirStat, you can use for viewing disk usage and doing a cleanup.

i. Troubleshoot Run As User

As discussed in the topic, Run As User, Tableau Server requires administrative-like access to the machine on which it is installed. Therefore, when you update the Run As User in Tableau Server Configuration, a background process will configure permissions on the Tableau computer for that account. However, in some complex deployment scenarios, you may need to verify or manually configure the Run As User permissions on the local Tableau Server computer. Use this section to verify how permissions are configured on the machines running Tableau Server in your deployment. This section also includes procedures that describe how to set permissions and configure security policies for the Run As User.
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This was all about Tableau Known Issues Tutorial. Hope you like our explanation.

 3. Conclusion

Hence, we study all tableau Known issues: Handle an Unlicensed Server, Handle an Unlicensed VizQL Server Process, Cookie Restriction Error, Troubleshoot Trusted Authentication, Troubleshoot Server Processes, Troubleshoot Desktop License Reporting, Troubleshoot Disk Space Usage on Tableau Server Nodes, and Troubleshoot Run As User. In conclusion, we saw each Tableau Known Issues with their solutions.  Furthermore, if you have any query, feel free to ask in a comment section.

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No Responses

  1. Nithya says:

    Hi my self NIthya.I am facing below problem in Tableau server start.
    Status: DEGRADED
    ‘Tableau Server Coordination Service 0’ (1240) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Search and Browse 0’ (9748) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Tabadmin Service 0’ (9072) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Data Engine 0’ (9804) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Application Server 0’ (9560) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Backgrounder 0’ (10328) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Backgrounder 1’ (11180) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server CacheServer 0’ (6116) is stopped.
    ‘Tableau Server CacheServer 1’ (10356) is stopped.
    ‘Tableau Server Dataserver 0’ (9628) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Dataserver 1’ (9120) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Vizqlserver 0’ (6172) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Vizqlserver 1’ (9468) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Gateway’ (6176) is running.
    ‘Tableau Server Cluster Controller’ is stopped.
    ‘Tableau Server Repository’ status is not available.
    ‘Tableau Server File Store’ status is not available.

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