QlikView Developer Interview Questions – Tips and Tricks

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Hope you have visited the earlier discussed parts of QlikView Interview Questions. Today, we will see QlikView Developer Interview Questions.

The below-discussed questions are researched and then framed for your help, read till the end.

So, let’s start QlikView Developer Interview Questions with Answers.

Latest QlikView Developer Interview Questions

Q.1. What is the difference between Set() and Let() script statements?

QlikView Set use to define string variables whereas Let use for defining numeric variables.

Q.2. How are Hierarchy() and Hierachybelongsto() different from each other?

The Hierarchy() prefix in a LOAD or SELECT statement transforms a parent-child hierarchy table to a QlikView data model structure.

Whereas, the Hierarchybelongsto() prefix specifies the ancestor table which the transformed table belongs to.

Q.3. What are the different types of operators in QlikView?

There are five types of operators in QlikView:

  • Bit operators

  • String operators

  • Relational operators

  • Numeric operators

  • Logical operators

Q.4. What are the two basic levels at which security attain in QlikView?

Security of the information that the user works with attaining at two levels i.e. at the document level and at data level.

Q.5. What do you understand by Section Access?

The section access works on the file level in which once you have been granted access to a QlikView file, it decides what data sections within that data file the user will have access to.

Q.6. Name different types of searches available in QlikView.

There are eight types of searches in QlikView:

  • Normal search
  • Wildcard search
  • Numeric search
  • Fuzzy search
  • Expression search
  • Compound search
  • Associative search
  • Advanced search

Q.7. What are the four types of bookmarks in QlikView?

Following are the QlikView Bookmarks:

  • Document bookmarks
  • User bookmarks
  • Personal Server bookmarks
  • Shared Server bookmarks

Q.8. How can you create a bookmark in QlikView?

In a QlikView dashboard, bookmark create by creating a Bookmark sheet object from the Layout>New sheet object option. Or a bookmark creates from the Bookmarks menu, Add bookmark option.

Q.9. What are the two ways in which you can create and manage Alerts in QlikView?

First- From the Alerts option in the Tools menu. New alerts can create, and old ones manage or remove.

Second- From the Alerts Wizard option in the Tool bar. This is a process of quick steps to make alerts. Alerts can’t manage or remove.

Q.10. What are the types of wizards that are found in Tools menu?

There is a total of six wizard in Tools menu:

Commonly Asked QlikView Developer Interview Questions

Q.11. Using which option can you create and store a macro?

Macros, create using the Edit Module. The option of Edit Module is given in the Tools menu.

Q.12. What is meant by Direct Discovery in QlikView?

The Direct Discovery feature enables a user to fetch data files from both in-memory and external databases (Big data) and use this data together as a single data set in a document.

Q.13. What is a direct query?

Direct Query is the query or a statement that defines and initiates direct discovery in QlikView. The external database tables can access through ODBC and OLE-DB connections using the direct query statement.

Q.14. What is AJAX/WebView? How is it different from the standard view?

The AJAX/WebView is an option given in QlikView where the user operates in a web view mode. It is aided by AJAX processes (for AJAX clients only).

The AJAX/WebView mode enables real-time upgradation of changes being made in QlikView sheet objects which does not happen in the standard view mode.

Q.15. What is the role of the current selections box in QlikView’s dashboard?

The current selections boxes are used to keep a record of what selections are being made within a document.

Q.16. What are QlikView reports? How many types of reports are there in QlikView?

To report or document the analysis performed QlikView reports are created and printed. QlikView reports are basically the sheet objects like charts, tables, graphs, list etc., that are present in a document.

There are four types of reports: User reports, Document reports, Personal/my server reports and shared server reports.

Q.17. What do you mean by a specific purpose theme in QlikView?

Specific purpose theme focuses on a small section/sub-section of the layout file hierarchy. Such themes are created when you want to save the properties of only a sub-section like caption/border or size and position.

Q.18. Explain the process of script execution in brief.

Script execution can explain through these five steps:

  1. Evaluation of expressions

  2. Renaming of fields using the instruction as or alias

  3. Qualification of fields

  4. Checking for field names that match for data mapping

  5. Storing the loaded data into internal tables

Q.19. What are KML and XML files?

XML, an extension use for files called Extensible Markup Language. Such files contain information about data and use tags to describe the data.

KML stands for Keyhole Markup Language. This file format use for defining and containing geographical data which use by earth browsers. KML also uses tags to describe data.

Mostly asked QlikView Developer Interview Questions

Q.20. Explain in brief, how is data loaded from database?

First, a connection using ODBC or OLE DB establish with a certain data source (DSN) of choice. Then the connection verify.

Next, a database is chosen from the data source. Then from the select database, a table selects. This table gets loaded into QlikView’s script as soon as script gets executed.

Follow this link to know How data load from a database?

Q.21. Which type of load is preferred to load data from previously loaded data?

A preceding load prefer over Resident load to while loading data from previously loaded data. Preceding is faster method to use than Resident load as it does not require a location qualifier.

Also, using the Preceding load, you can apply multiple calculations and transformations through stacking up LOAD statements.

Q.22. What do you understand by dollar-sign expansion?

Dollar-sign expansion is a method of expanding or replacing values (string or numbers) in a script.

Q.23. How will the dollar-sign expression (Year=$(=Year(Today())) expand?

This will expand to Year=2018.

Q.24. What is the basic difference between ODBC and OLE DB?

ODBC establishes a connection to the database using Data Source Name (DSN) whereas in OLE DB connection does not use DSN system setup.

Q.25. What is NULL? Will digit zero and an empty string consider as NULL?

NULL is a placeholder in table cells of a field that contains no value. Thus, NULL is not a value, rather it shows lack of a value.

The digit zero and an empty string are not NULLs because the field space will still have a value for them, as opposed to NULL which has no value. Also, NULL, zero and empty string are all types of nothingness but not the same.

Q.26. What can you use as an alternative to Join?

Mapping can use as an alternative to Join as join creates very large tables which makes processing the data slow. Mapping is an effective choice because using it, you can temporarily map the fields into the tables as per your requirement saving a lot of storage space.

Q.27. What is dual data format in QlikView?

In Dual Data Format, every data value stores in QlikView in two forms or two parts i.e. a string part and a corresponding number part. Any field value will display using the string part and sorting and calculation actions will be done using the number part.

Q.28. What is trellis?

In Trellis, a bigger chart breakes down into numerous smaller charts in a grid-like layout. In a trellis grid, each section or block of the grid represents a single field value from a field.

Q.29. What is Time Chart Wizard used for?

Time Chart Wizard, use to compare a set of data over a certain period. There are options available for time periods like year wise, month wise, quarter-wise (four months), week wise, lunar week wise and day wise.

Q.30. What can you do from a Box Plot Wizard?

A box plot wizard makes a box plot chart which displays variations in a data set (distribution of data) graphically. The distribution displays in three parts, a middle part (coloured box), an upper part and a lower part.

So, this was all about QlikView Developer Interview Questions. Hope you like our explanation.


Hence, we complete a series of QlikView Developer Interview Questions. But it is not the end, soon we will publish QlikView Quizzes to check your knowledge. Till keep learning and keep commenting

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