Why you should Learn Python in 2023? – Learn from Python Experts

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Why Learn Python? – Reasons for its Hype in Programming World

IT industry moves at a quick pace and with each coming day, you get to hear about a new technology or programming language that is emerging and people strengthening it.

This becomes overwhelming for the beginners who are confused about which programming language would be well suited and fit for them.

But, don’t worry, DataFlair has a plan for you. Let’s start the article with a fun fact.

The term “Python” relating to a programming language is more popular than the famous star “Kim Kardashian”. You can confirm this fact by comparing them in Google Trends.

Why Learn Python?

The first question that is probably coming in your mind is “Why specifically learn Python?”

Well, the answer to this question is quite simple. Think about the factors you would like to include in a programming language.

1. Learnability

Is it gonna be hard? No! Not at all.

Python is the first language of choice in many universities and even kids in school are learning to program with Python.

The Python language was designed to ease the programming with English like syntax, it cut down all the low-level tasks and provided a high-level abstraction for you to perform any tasks you want.

Python is a great option for both novice and seasoned developers because of its clear, concise, and simple grammar. Its emphasis on code readability places a higher value on human comprehension than sophisticated syntax, resulting in more effective and maintainable code.

2. Increased Productivity

After learning a programming language, what are you planning to do?

Do you want to build applications, web services, exciting games, automate a repetitive task, perform complex scientific or numeric calculations or gather insights from some data?

Python has got you covered with everything. It’s one of the most productive languages out there.

3. High Paying Salaries

Learning Python is the best investment you can make today.

Python developers are paid highest especially in the domain of web development, machine learning, and data science.

The salaries can range from $70,000 to $1,50,000 depending on the location and your experience in the industry.

There is a lot of demand for Python developers in the IT industry so you won’t have any trouble finding Python jobs in the market.

Another Fun Fact – Python is #2 on the Tiobe index, and it has been the Programming language of the year many times including 2022.

According to our predictions, it will probably be the programming language of the year in 2023 as well.

4. Automation and Scripting

Python is a great option for automation and scripting activities due to its simplicity and use. It is frequently used to manage system administration, automate menial activities, and write short scripts.

5. Web programming

Python provides a number of frameworks, such Django and Flask, that make web programming easier. These frameworks make it easier to create online apps, which is why web developers choose them.

Python Applications

Python Applications - Why Learn Python

There is no limit to the things you can do with Python but here we will be describing some of the most important real-world applications of Python.

1. Web Development

Python is a good choice for rapid development of web applications.

With many frameworks like Django, Pyramid, and Flask, Python allows you to build web apps with great speed.

Python is used on the server-side of web development, you can use Python to interact with the database and build Rest API services.

2. Data Science

Earlier Python was mostly used for building applications and writing scripts to automate tasks but now a whole new trend of data science has uplifted Python even more.

Data science people are heavily dependent on Python because of its advantages like simplicity, great community, and capabilities to compute huge calculations with ease.

Python libraries and frameworks that are popular in the data science field are:

  • Pandas (Data analysis)
  • Numpy (Numeric and scientific calculations)
  • Matplotlib, Seaborn (Data visualizations)
  • Scikit-learn (Machine learning)
  • Tensorflow, Keras (Machine and Deep learning )

3. Artificial Intelligence

The near future will be the era of artificial intelligence.

Computers and machines were used to perform mathematical calculations at very high speeds but now many big organizations and researchers are working on building intelligent systems that can perform tasks as a human would.

To some extent, machines are capable enough to understand human emotions and their natural language.

They can mimic certain actions performed by humans that were not possible before. Again Python is popular for building AI systems.

Some Python libraries that are used for building intelligent systems are listed below:

  • NLTK – Natural language toolkit for Natural language processing
  • OpenCV – Open-source computer vision library
  • Keras – Deep learning library
  • Microsoft cognitive toolkit – Deep learning framework

4. Automation

Python can make life easier by automating many tasks like scraping a website to collect data, automating test cases in software development areas, to automating mundane office tasks.

Python can easily access and read all types of files which opens up an opportunity to save a lot of time by automating repetitive tasks.

The frameworks or library used for automation are:

  • Robot framework
  • PyTest
  • Selenium Python
  • PyUnit

Python is being used in diverse fields remarkably and it shows no signs of stopping.

It is safe to conclude that Python will stick for the long run in this ever-changing and evolving IT industry.

How to Learn Python?

how to learn python

Let’s take another step and make a plan for yourself on how you can learn Python effectively.

The seven sins you should commit to Learn Python:

Step 1: Strengthen the basics

It all starts with the beginning, understand the terms and concepts related to programming.

So dive right in by installing Python on your machine and start learning the basics syntax, variables and data types of Python programming language.

Step 2: Learn Decision making and Control flow

After getting familiar with the basics, learn about how you can make decisions in a programming language.

There are different methods like if and else statements that allow you to make decisions according to a condition.

Loops are also an important part of all programming languages.

You can easily perform a repetitive task using loops and learn the concept by implementing different types of loops like For loop, while loop and nested loops.

Step 3: Master the Object-oriented Programming (Oops)

Object-oriented programming is an approach of solving all problems by thinking about the real-world entities in the form of objects and classes.

Oops are beneficial when building large scale applications, it helps us in writing clean code by reusing the usable components. They are also easy to maintain.

Step 4: Practise programs

You will never be a good programmer until you have spent hours solving different types of problems. So don’t forget to practice!

Step 5: Create Web Apps using Frameworks

In the web development environment, Python is used on the server-side programming of web applications.

We use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the front side to define the look of our website along with transitions and animations.

The most popular Python frameworks for web development are Django and Flask. These frameworks offer the rapid development of applications.

So you can choose any one of them and make a small project by creating a web app with basic CRUD operations.

Step 6: Acquire Skills of Machine learning and Data science

The world of data science and machine learning heavily depends on Python. You can boost your profile by acquiring the skills of a data scientist or a machine learning engineer.

Analyze the data using the Pandas library, perform numeric calculations using Numpy library, build machine learning models using scikit-learn and visualize data with libraries like matplotlib or seaborn.

Step 7: Work on Python Projects

Create a list of Python project ideas and build something from all the things you have learned. Make a major project by integrating everything.

You can build a machine learning model and integrate it with a website by providing some form of service to the users.

Get ready to work on the real-time Python projects with source code:

  1. Fake News Detection Python Project
  2. Parkinson’s Disease Detection Python Project
  3. Speech Emotion Recognition Python Project
  4. Breast Cancer Classification Python Project
  5. Age and Gender Detection Python Project
  6. Chatbot Python Project
  7. Driver Drowsiness Detection Python Project
  8. Traffic Signs Recognition Python Project
  9. Image Caption Generator Python Project


Python is constantly rising in the industry and proved itself worthy to be known as one of the top programming languages.

Hope this article helped you in understanding why you should learn Python. So start now and give a boost to your career.

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12 Responses

  1. Carlos Bolivar says:

    Muy interesante este articulo, concreto y objetiva la ruta para aprender este fascinante lenguaje

  2. Abdul says:

    I’m a computer science student and I want to learn python because am enthusiast on Big Data and AI but I want to work first on Data science dealing with big data graphics.

    Also I would love to advise Data Flair to check the comment section it has something to be fix, When I want to comment it failed first then second it pass but it give message like this below

    Error: You have entered an incorrect reCAPTCHA value.
    Click the BACK button on your browser and try again.

    Thanks Data Flair,

  3. Rahul says:

    You can learn Data Science with more than 370 free tutorials, practicals, projects:
    Data Science tutorials series
    But I recommend you to first master Python:
    Learn Python

    Thanks for pointing out the comment issues, we will work to resolve the same

  4. Nikhil says:

    Thankyou for this wonderful article

    • DataFlair Team says:

      Happy to hear that our loyal readers are liking out articles. Keep visiting DataFlair, Keep learning more.

  5. Vaishu S says:

    If python is so easy why not everyone learn python!
    but if everyone can do programming in python then why it is highly paid language?

    • DataFlair Team says:

      These days, learning Python is a trend among college and school students and very soon many people will learn it. But currently, less people know Python and as Python has huge demand, it is highly Paid.

  6. Ming Liu says:

    Python is easy for picking up, but to master it is just as hard as to master anything. Say everyone can speak, but someone is living by giving speech, others, just can not.

  7. Anveshika Verma says:

    Thanks for amazing article

  8. Cromo Rosario (Pato) says:

    Gracias. A pesar de mi edad,pues,no me canso de aprender algo nuevo.Excelente curso.

  9. Zubair Rajpoot says:

    Can we get pdf or word material of each videos?

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