Create Python Scatter Plot & Python BoxPlot (Using Matplotlib)

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1. Python Scatter & BoxPlot

In our Last tutorial, we discussed Python Charts – Bubble & 3D Charts. Today, we will talk Python Scatter Plot. In addition, we will learn how to draw a Scatter Plot in Python Programming. Moreover, we will cover how to create Python Box Plot using Matplotlib.
Let’s begin the Python Scatter Plot.

Python Scatter Plot | Python BoxPlot

How to Create Python Scatter Plot & Python BoxPlot

2. How to Create Python BoxPlot Using Matplotlib?

Python box plot tells us how distributed a dataset is. Another use is to analyze how distributed data is across datasets. Such a plot creates a box-and-whisker plot and summarizes many different numeric variables. Let’s first take an example so we can explain its structure better.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> np.random.seed(10)
>>> one=np.random.normal(100,10,200)
>>> two=np.random.normal(80, 30, 200)
>>> three=np.random.normal(90, 20, 200)
>>> four=np.random.normal(70, 25, 200)
>>> to_plot=[one,two,three,four]
>>> fig=plt.figure(1,figsize=(9,6))
>>> ax=fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> bp=ax.boxplot(to_plot)
>>> fig.savefig('boxplot.png',bbox_inches='tight')

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This saves the following figure-

Draw Python Scatter Plot | Python BoxPlot (Using Matplotlib )

Creating Python BoxPlot (Using Matplotlib)


  • The box denotes the dataset’s quartiles.
  • The whiskers extend and denote the rest of the distribution.
  • A function of the inter-quartile range determine the points that are outliers.

The input to this can be a list, a NumPy array, a pandas Series object, an array, a list of vectors, a long-form DataFrame, or a wide-form DataFrame.
Let’s take another example.

>>> ax = sn.boxplot(x="day", y="total_bill", hue="smoker",data=tips, palette="Set3")
Draw Python Scatter Plot | Python BoxPlot (Using Matplotlib)

Creating Python BoxPlot (Using Matplotlib)

3. How to Create a Python Scatter Plot?

Python Scatter Plot, let us denote how two or more objects related to each other.

Python Scatter Plot

How to Create  Scatter Plot in Python?

It also lets us identify outliers- values that stray from all others.

>>> np.random.seed(19680801)
>>> N=50
>>> x=y=colors=np.random.rand(N)
>>> area = (30 * np.random.rand(N))**2
>>> plt.scatter(x, y, s=area, c=colors, alpha=0.5)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x095BB6D0>
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Draw Python Scatter Plot | Python BoxPlot (Using Matplotlib)

Creating Scatter Plot in Python using plt.plot

a. Python Scatter Plot using plt.plot

>>> x=np.linspace(0,10,30)
>>> from scipy import sin
>>> y=np.sin(x)
>>> plt.plot(x,y,'o',color='purple')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x080D3890>]

Draw Python Scatter Plot  Python BoxPlot

Creating Scatter Plot in Python using plt.plot

>>> plt.plot(x,y,'-ok')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x08094F30>]

Draw Python Scatter Plot | Python BoxPlot (Using Matplotlib)

Python Scatter Plot using plt.plot

>>> plt.plot(x,y,'-p',color='green',

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x0811A4B0>]
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Draw Python Scatter Plot | Python BoxPlot (Using Matplotlib)

Draw Python Scatter Plots | Python BoxPlot (Using Matplotlib)

b. More than one plot

>>> plt.plot(np.random.rand(20),'*')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x08158A30>]

>>> plt.plot(np.random.rand(20),'o')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x08158D90>]D


Draw More than one Scatter Plot in Python

So, this was all about Python Scatter Plot. Hope you like our explanation.

4. Conclusion

Hence, we learned how to create Python box plots and scatter plot with matplotlib. Stay tuned for more charts. Leave your opinions in the comments below.
Related Topic-  Python Stemming and Lemmatization
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1 Response

  1. maxtima Bah says:

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