59 Python Glossary of Terms You Must Know

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1. Python Glossary

In this Python Glossary tutorial, we list important terminologies of Python that you will come across as you proceed to embrace it. Let’s begin.

Python Glossary

Python Glossary

2. >>>
This is the default prompt of the Python interactive shell. We have seen this a lot in our examples.
3. …
The default prompt of the Python interactive shell when entering code under an indented block or within a pair of matching delimiters. Delimiters may be parentheses, curly braces, or square brackets.
This is also called the ellipsis object.
4. 2to3
While most of the applications existing today have their base in Python 2.x, the future belongs to Python 3.x. But 2.x code isn’t completely compatible with 3.x. Interestingly, we have a tool available that will help us convert Python 2.x code to Python 3.x.
2to3 handles the incompatibilities, detecting them by parsing the source and traversing the parse tree. The standard library has this as lib2to3.
5. Abstract Base Class
An abstract base class provides a way to define interfaces. This way, it complements duck typing. For this, we have the module abc. It introduces virtual subclasses (classes that are recognized by isinstance() and issubclass(), but do not inherit from another class. Python has several built-in ABCs for data structures (use the collections.abc module), numbers (use the numbers module), or streams (use the io module). You can also import finders and loaders (use the importlib.abc module). And to create our own ABCs, we use the abc module.
6. Python Argument
An argument is a value we pass to a function or a method when calling it. In Python, we have the following kinds of arguments:
a. Default Arguments
When defining a function, we can provide default values for arguments. This way, when we call it without any missing arguments, the default values will fill in for them. Default arguments can only follow non-default ones.

>>> def sayhello(name='User'):
          print(f"Hello, {name}")
>>> sayhello('Ayushi')

Hello, Ayushi

>>> sayhello()

Hello, User
b. Keyword Arguments Python
Keyword arguments pertain to calling a function. When we then call the function, we can pass it arguments in any order.

>>> def subtract(a,b):

return b-a

>>> subtract(3,2)


>>> subtract(b=2,a=3)

c. Arbitrary Arguments
When we don’t know how many arguments we’ll get, we use an asterisk to denote an arbitrary argument.

>>> def sum_all(*nums):
      for i in nums:

return total

>>> sum_all(1,2,3,4)

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>>> sum_all(1,2,3)

d. Positional Arguments Python
These are regular arguments that aren’t keyword arguments. Python Positional Argument Example.

>>> def add(a,b):

return a+b

>>> add(3,4)

We use a * before an iterable if we must pass it as an argument to a function.

>>> add(*(3,4))

For more on arguments to functions, read on Python Function Arguments.
7. Asynchronous Context Manager
ACM is an object that controls the environment observed in an async with statement. It does so by defining __aenter__() and __aexit__().
8. Asynchronous Python Generator
We have seen about Generators in Python. They let us yield one object at a time.
An asynchronous generator is a function that returns an asynchronous generator iterator. We define it with ‘async def’, and it contains ‘yield’ expressions to produce a series of values. We can use these values in an async for-loop.
Such an asynchronous generator function may contain await expressions, and async for and async with statements.
9. Asynchronous Generator Iterator
An asynchronous generator function creates an asynchronous generator iterator.
When we call this iterator using the __anext__() method, it returns an awaitable object. This object executes the function’s body until the next yield expression.
Actually, each yield suspends processing temporarily. It remembers the location execution state, and the local variables and pending try statements. On resuming with another awaitable returned by __anext__(), the generator iterator picks up where it left off.
10. Asynchronous Iterable
It is an object that we can use in an async for statement. It must return an asynchronous iterator from its __aiter__() method.
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11. Asynchronous Iterator
An asynchronous iterator is an object that implements __aiter__() and __anext__() methods. __anext__() must return an awaitable object. async for resolves the awaitable returned from the iterator’s __anext__() method until it raises a StopAsyncIteration exception.
12. Attribute
An attribute is a value an object holds. We can access an object’s attributes using the dot operator (.). In our examples, we have done this as following:
13. Awaitable
Any object in Python that we can use in an await expression is an awaitable. It can be a coroutine or any object with an __await__() method.
14. BDFL
Who other than Guido Van Rossum, the creator of Python, deserves to be called Benevolent Dictator For Life?
15. Binary File
A file object that is able to read and write bytes-like objects is a binary file. When we open a file in a binary mode, we use the modes ‘rb’, ‘wb’, or ‘rb+’.
More on File I/O.
16. Bytes-like Object
Any object that supports the Buffer Protocol, and is able to export a C-contiguous buffer, is a bytes-like object. Examples include bytes, bytearray, and array.array objects. It also includes many common memoryview objects.
We can use such objects for operations that deal with inary data (compression, saving to a binary file, sending over a socket, and more)
17. Bytecode
As you know, Python compiles its source code into bytecode. It is the internal representation of a Python program in the CPython interpreter. When we talked earlier of .pyc files, we mentioned that bytecode is cached into them. This lets the files execute faster the second time since they don’t need to recompile.
In essence, bytecode is like an intermediate language that runs on a virtual machine. This virtual machine converts it into machine code for the machine to actually execute it on. However, one bytecode will not run on a different virtual machine.
If you’re interested in finding out about bytecode instructions, you can refer to the official documentation for the dis module.
18. Python Class
A class, in Python, is a template for creating user-defined objects. It is an abstract data type, and acts as a blueprint for objects of a kind while having no values itself.
To learn how to create and use a class, refer to Classes in Python.
19. Coercion
When we carry out operations like 2+3.7, the interpreter implicitly converts one data type to another. Here, it converts 2 to 2.0 (int to float), and then adds, to it, 3.7. This is called coercion, and without it, we would have to explicitly do it this way:

>>> float(2)+3.7

20. Complex Number
A complex number is made of real and imaginary parts. In Python, we use ‘j’ to represent the imaginary part.

>>> type(2+3.7j)

<class ‘complex’>
An imaginary number is a real multiple of -1(the imaginary unit). To work with complex equivalents of the math module, we use cmath. For more on complex numbers, read up on Python Numbers.
These Python Glossary terms are very important to know before you dive into learning Python.
21. Context Manager
The context manager is an object that controls the environment observed in a with-statement. It does so with the __enter__() and __exit__() methods.
22. Coroutine
A subroutine enters at one point and exits at another. A coroutine is more generalized, in that it can enter, exit, and resume at many different points. We implement them with the async def statement.
23.  Coroutine Function
A coroutine function is simply a function that returns a coroutine object. We may define such a function with the async def statement, and it may contain the keywords await, async for, and async with.
24. CPython
CPython is the canonical implementation of Python in C. It is the one distributed on python.org.
25. Python Decorator
A decorator is a function that returns another function, or wraps it. It adds functionality to it without modifying it. For a simple, detailed view on decorators, refer to Python Decorators.
26. Descriptor
If an object defines methods __get__(), __set__(), or __delete__(), we can call it a descriptor. On looking up an attribute from a class, the descriptor attribute’s special binding behavior activates. Using a.b looks up the object ‘b’ in the class dictionary for ‘a’. If ‘b’ is a descriptor, then the respective descriptor methods is called.
27. Python Dictionary
A dictionary is an associative array that holds key-value pairs. Think of a real-life dictionary. Any object with __hash__() and __eq__() methods can be a key.
28. Dictionary View
A dictionary view is an object returned from dict.keys(), dict.values(), or dict.items(). This gives us a dynamic view on the dictionary’s entries. So, when the dictionary changes, the view reflects those changes.
29. Docstring
A docstring is a string literal that we use to explain the functionality of a class, function, or module. It is the first statement in any of these constructs, and while the interpreter ignores them, it retains them at runtime. We can access it using the __doc__ attribute of such an object. You can find out more about docstrings in Python Comments.
30. Duck-Typing
We keep saying that Python follows duck-typing. But what does this mean? This means that Python does not look at an object’s type to determine if it has the right interface. It simply calls or uses the method or attribute. “If it looks and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.”
This improves flexibility by allowing polymorphic substitution. With duck-typing, you don’t need tests like type() or isinstance(); instead, you use hasattr() tests or EAFP programming.
31. EAFP Programming
EAFP stands for Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission.
This means that Python assumes the existence of valid keys or attributes, and catches exceptions on falsity of the assumption. When we have too many try and except statements in our code, we can observe this nature of Python.
Other languages like C follow LBYL (Look Before You Leap).
32. Python Expression
An expression is a piece of code that we can evaluate to a value. It is an aggregation of expression elements like literals, names, attribute access, operators, or function calls. All of these return a value. An if-statement is not an expression, and neither is an assignment, because these do not return a value.
33. Extension Module
An extension module is one written in C or C++, using Python’s C API to interact with the core, and with user code.
34. f-string
An f-string is a formatted string literal. To write these, we precede a string with the letter ‘f’ or ‘F’. This lets us put in values into a string.

>>> name,surname='Ayushi','Sharma'
>>> print(f"I am {name}, and I am a {surname}")

I am Ayushi, and I am a Sharma
For more on f-strings, read up on Python Strings.
35. File Object
A file object, in Python, is an object that exposes a file-oriented API to an underlying resource. Such an API has methods such as read() and write().
We also call them file-like objects or streams, and have three categories:
Raw binary files
Buffered binary files
Text files
The canonical way to create a file object is to use the open() function. For help with reading and writing files, refer to Reading and Writing Files in Python.
36. File-Like Object
Like we said earlier, it is a synonym for file objects.
37. Finder
The finder is an object that attempts to find the loader for a module that we are importing.
With Python 3.3 and above, we have two types of finders:
Meta path finders- to use with sys.meta_path
Path entry finders- to use with sys.path_hooks
38. Floor Division
Floor division is division that rounds the result down to the nearest integer. For this, we use the // operator.

>>> 18//4


>>> -18//4    #-4.5 is rounded down to -5

These are some of the terminologies from our Python Glossary. We have Python Glossary Part II as well for more Python Glossaries. Link is Provided at the end of this article.
39. Python Function
A function is a sequence of statements that may return a value to the caller. It may take zero or more arguments. For more on functions, read up Functions in Python.
40. Function Annotation
An annotation to a function is an arbitrary metadata value associated with a parameter or return value. We can access a function’s annotations using the __annotations__ attribute. And while Python itself does not assign a meaning to an annotation, third-party libraries or tools make use of them.
41. __future__
Interestingly, in Python, we have a pseudo-module available that lets us enable new language features that aren’t yet compatible with the current interpreter.

>>> import __future__
>>> __future__.division

_Feature((2, 2, 0, ‘alpha’, 2), (3, 0, 0, ‘alpha’, 0), 8192)

>>> __future__.absolute_import

_Feature((2, 5, 0, ‘alpha’, 1), (3, 0, 0, ‘alpha’, 0), 16384)
42. Garbage Collection
Memory must be freed when it isn’t needed anymore. Using reference counting and a cyclic garbage collector that can detect and break reference cycles, Python collects its garbage. We can use the gc module additionally.
43. Python Generator
A generator is a function that ‘yields’ values one by one.  It returns a generator iterator. We can use this function with a for-loop to retrieve one value at a time.
For more on generators, refer to Generators in Python.
44. Generator Iterator
A generator iterator is an object created by a generator function.
45. Generator Expression
It is an expression that returns an iterator. Below is an example of the same.
>>> sum(i**2 for i in range(7))
46. Generic Function
A generic function is made of multiple functions that implement the same operation for different types. The dispatch algorithm decides which implementation to use during a call.
47. GIL
GIL stands for Global Interpreter Lock. This is the mechanism that the CPython interpreter uses to assure that only one thread executes Python bytecode at a time. This makes the object model implicitly safe against concurrent access, and this simplifies CPython.
48. Hashable
If an object has a fixed hash value for its entire lifetime, and is comparable to other objects, it is hashable. Two equal hashable objects have the same hash values.
While a dictionary itself is unhashable, it cannot hold unhashable types like itself. In fact, all immutable types are hashable. Mutables like lists are dictionaries are not. User-defined objects are hashable.
49. IDLE
The IDLE is an Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python. It is a basic editor and interpreter environment that ships with Python.
50. Immutable
Any object with a fixed value is an immutable. Examples include numbers, strings, and tuples. If you must change a value, you need to create a new object. In places where we need a constant hash value, like a key in a dictionary, we use immutables.
51. Import Path
A list of locations searched by the path-based finder to import modules. During an import, this list comes from sys.path. For subpackages, it may come from the parent package’s __path__ attribute.
52. Importing
Importing is the process through which we make the Python code in one module available to another.
53. Importer
The importer is an object that finds and loads a module. Hence, it is both- a finder and a loader object.
54. Interactive
Being of an interpreted nature, Python lets you enter statements/expressions at the integer prompt, and immediately execute them and see results.
55. Interpreted
We couldn’t highlight this more when we say Python is an interpreted language. However, because it does have a bytecode compiler, the distinction is a bit blurry. The source files can run without explicitly creating an executable. While this makes Python faster to develop/debug, it often results in slower execution.
56. Interpreter Shutdown
When we shut down the interpreter, it gradually releases all allocated resources. These include modules and different critical internal structures. Alongside, it makes several calls to the garbage collector. This may trigger execution of code in user-defined destructors or in weakref callbacks. Since the resources it relies on may not function anymore during the shutdown phase, the code executed can encounter various exceptions.
57. Python Iterable
Any object that can return its members one at a time is an iterable. Examples include lists, strings, tuples, dicts, and file objects.
For more on iterables, read up on Python Iterables.
58. Python Iterator
An iterator is an object that represents a stream of data. We can define an iterator using the iter() function/method, and get one object at a time with the next() function/method.
For a detailed introduction to iterators, refer to Python Iterators.
59. Key Function
It is a callable that returns a value that we can use for sorting or ordering. We also call it a collation function. Functions like max(), min(), and sorted() make use of them.
60. Keyword Argument
Refer to section 6 for this.
This is all about the Python Glossary Part I. For more More Python Glossary see Python Glossary Part II.
61. Conclusion: Python Glossary

Here, we discussed 59 common Python Glossary of terms we see in Python. Stay tuned for more, and feel free to ask a doubt. If you have any query regarding Python Glossary Tutorial, Please Comment. We hope you like the Python Glossary Tutorial.

Reference – Python 

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4 Responses

  1. jimoh debola says:

    For a beginner, this isn’t helpful in anyway.

    • DataFlair Team says:

      This article has brief information about different terms in Python. If you follow our Python tutorials in the order given, this blog will be a review.

  2. Daniru says:

    I guess sometimes the order has been changed…

  3. Steph says:

    Dyno mite~

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