Qlik Sense Statistical Distribution Functions With Syntax

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1. Objective

Earlier, we have discussed the Qlik Sense General Numeric Function. In this Qlik Sense tutorial, we are going to learn about various Statistical Distribution Functions used in Qlik Sense. So, we can use these statistical distribution functions both in data load script and in chart expressions. Moreover, different statistical functions are used to get values which represent different states of individual value points in the data distribution.

Qlik Sense Statistical Distribution Functions With Syntax

Qlik Sense Statistical Distribution Functions With Syntax

So, let’s start the Qlik Sense Statistical Distribution Functions tutorial.

2. Qlik Sense Statistical Distribution Functions

i. CHIDIS Function

This function returns the probability of a one-tailed chi2 distribution. The chi2 distribution is obtained by conducting the chi2 test on the set of values.


CHIDIST(value, degrees_freedom)

Where, value is the for which you want to know the probability in the distribution. This value must always be positive.

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degrees_freedom is a positive integer value specifying the degree of freedom for the given value.

For example,

CHIDIST(8, 15) returns 0.9238 as the probability of a particular Chi2 distribution with the value given as 8 and degree of freedom being 15.

ii. CHIINV Function

This function works in contraction to the CHIDIST function as this function returns the value of a chi2 distribution provided the probability and degree of freedom in the expression.


CHIINV(prob, degrees_freedom)

Where prob is the probability of occurrence of a value in chi2 distribution. Probability is always a value between 0 and 1.

degrees_freedom is a positive integer value specifying the degree of freedom for the given value.

For example,

CHIINV(0.9237827, 15) function returns 8.0000 as the value for which probability is 0.9238. This function is exactly the inverse of the CHIDIST function as CHIDIST returns the probability of a given value and CHIINV returns the value for a given probability.

iii. FDIST Function

This function returns the probability of a value in F-distribution.


FDIST(value, degrees_freedom1, degrees_freedom2)

Where value is the distribution value for which you want to calculate the probability.

The degree of freedom is a fraction value so there are two parameters required for it to be calculated.

First is the degrees_freedom1 which is the numerator and second is degrees_freedom2 which is the denominator.

For example,

FDIST(15, 8, 6) returns 0.0019 as the probability of the value 15 with the degree of freedom being 8/6.

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iv. FINV

FINV is the inverse of FDIST. This function evaluates the probability given for a particular value in F-distribution and returns the value.


FINV(prob, degrees_freedom1, degrees_freedom2)

Where, prob is the probability of occurrence of a value in F-distribution. Probability is always a value between 0 and 1.

The degrees of freedom is a fraction value so there are two parameters required for it to be calculated.

First is the degrees_freedom1 which is the numerator and second is degrees_freedom2 which is the denominator.

For example,

FINV( 0.0019369, 8, 6) returns 15.0000 as the value having the probability 0.0019369 in the F-distribution.


This function evaluates the cumulative normal distribution probability from the given value, mean and standard deviation values. Although, this function will return the standard normal distribution value if you put mean=0 and standard deviation=1.


NORMDIST(value, mean, standard_dev)

Where, value is the value for which you want the function to evaluate the normal distribution.

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Mean is the arithmetic mean of the distribution.

Standard_dev is the standard deviation for the distribution and is a positive value.

For instance,

NORMDIST(0.5, 0, 1) returns 0.6915 as the standard normal distribution for the value 0.5 as the mean is 0 and sd is 1.


The NORMINV function is the inverse of NORMDIST function. The function evaluates the probability, mean and standard deviation values of a normal distribution and returns the associated value for the given probability.


NORMINV(prob, mean, standard_dev)

Where, prob is the probability of occurrence of a value in normal distribution. Probability is always a value between 0 and 1.

Mean is the arithmetic mean of the distribution.

Standard_dev is the standard deviation for the distribution and is a positive value.

For example,

NORMINV(0.6914625, 0, 1) returns 0.5000 which is the value for the probability 0.6914625.

vii. TDIST

This function evaluates a T-value from a Student’s T-distribution and returns the probability for the occurrence of that value.


TDIST(value, degrees_freedom, tails)

Where, value is the T value for which probability has to be calculated for the distribution.

degrees_freedom is the value specifying the degree of freedom. This value is a positive integer.

tails is the value specifying whether it is a one-tailed or two-tailed distribution. Use 1 for one-tailed and 2 for two-tailed distribution.

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For example,

TDIST(1, 30, 2) returns 0.3253 as the probability for the t-value 1.

viii. TINV

This function is just the inverse of the TDIST function. It takes in the probability corresponding to a t-value and returns the t-value.


TINV(prob, degrees_freedom)

Where, prob is the probability of occurrence of a t-value in student’s t-distribution. Probability is always a value between 0 and 1.

degrees_freedom is the value specifying the degree of freedom. This value is a positive integer.

For example,

TINV(0.3253086, 30) returns 1.0000 as the t-value having the probability 0.3253086.

So, this was all in Qlik Sense Statistical Distribution Functions. Hope you like our explanation.

3. Conclusion

Hence, these were all the important Qlik sense Statistical Distribution Functions applied to statistical distribution values. One thing must always be kept in mind, which is that only numeric values should be entered into the function expression to obtain a result. If you enter a non-numeric value, then the function will return NULL.

Still, if you any query regarding Qlik Sense Statistical Distribution Functions ask in the comment tab.

See also – 

Qlik Sense Conditional Functions

Reference for Qlik Sense 

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