What is Python GUI Programming – Python Tkinter Tutorial

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1. Python GUI Programming

In this Python tutorial, we will discuss different interfaces that we can use to develop a Python GUI (graphical user interface). Also, we will see many options for Python GUI Programming, of these, we will focus on Python Tkinter. Moreover, in this Python Tkinter tutorial for Python 3, we will discuss Tkinter with its 19 kinds of widgets. Along with this, we are going to learn the Tkinter download process. 

So, let’s begin Python GUI Tkinter.

Python GUI Programming with Tkinter

Python GUI Programming with Python  Tkinter

2. Alternatives For Python GUI Programming

Following are options for Python GUI Programming. We may use one of the following alternatives for programming a Python GUI:
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Python GUI Programming with Tkinter

Options For Python GUI Programming

a. Tkinter

Python ships with the Tk GUI toolkit. Tkinter is an interface to this.

b. PyQt

A Python binding of the cross-platform GUI toolkit Qt, PyQt is implemented as a plug-in for Python.

c. wxPython

wxWidgets is a cross-platform GUI API for Python; wxPython is a wrapper for this.

3. What is the Python Tkinter?

Tkinter in Python GUI Programming is standard Python GUI library. It gives us an object-oriented interface to the Tk GUI toolkit.

So, let’s start Python graphics, let’s create a simple GUI application:

  • Import the module Tkinter.
  • Create the main window for the application.
  • Add a widget or more.
  • Enter the main event loop to deal with an event when it is triggered.

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>>> import tkinter
>>> top=tkinter.Tk()
>>> top.mainloop()

Now, this creates the following window:

Python GUI Tkinter- Creating Simple GUI Application

Python GUI Tkinter- Creating Simple GUI Application

4. Python Tkinter Widgets

Tkinter in Python GUI Programming provides 19 kinds of widgets (controls)- buttons, labels, and more. Let’s discuss these Python Tkinter widgets in detail.

a. Button

You can add a button to your application.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> top.geometry('600x200'
>>> def helloCallBack():
msg=messagebox.showinfo("Hello, User","Hello, Guest")
>>> B=Button(top,text="Initiate",command=helloCallBack)
>>> B.place(x=300,y=100)
Python GUI Tkinter- Adding Button to application

Python GUI Tkinter- Adding Button to application

Now, Clicking on the Initiate button gives us this:

Python GUI Tkinter

Python GUI Tkinter

b. Canvas

A Canvas in Tkinter Python GUI Programming will let you draw shapes- lines, polygons, ovals, and more.
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>>> from tkinter import *
>>> from tkinter import messagebox
>>> top=Tk()
>>> C=Canvas(top,bg="cyan",height=100,width=100)
>>> coord=10,50,90,70
>>> arc=C.create_arc(coord,start=0,extent=97,fill='black')
>>> line=C.create_line(10,10,50,70,fill='white')
>>> C.pack()
Python GUI Tkinter- Canvas

Python GUI Tkinter- Canvas

c. Checkbutton

A Checkbutton is an option that a user can choose to select or leave. They can select as many checkboxes at once as they want to.
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>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> CheckVar1=IntVar()
>>> CheckVar2=IntVar()
>>> C1=Checkbutton
>>> C1=Checkbutton(top,text="Pizza",variable=CheckVar1,onvalue=1,offvalue=0,height=5,width=20)
>>> C2=Checkbutton(top,text="Fries",variable=CheckVar2,onvalue=1,offvalue=0,height=5,width=20)
>>> C1.pack()
>>> C2.pack()
Python GUI Tkinter

Python GUI Tkinter- Checkbutton

d. Entry

Next, this lets us add a single-line input tray for taking input from the user.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> L1=Label(top,text="Enrolment Number")
>>> L1.pack(side=LEFT)
>>> E1=Entry(top,bd=3)
>>> E1.pack(side=RIGHT)
Python GUI Tkinter- Entry

Python GUI Tkinter- Entry

e. Frame

Generally, a frame is a container widget to help hold other widgets.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> frame=Frame(top)
>>> frame.pack()
>>> frametwo=Frame(top)
>>> frametwo.pack(side=BOTTOM)
>>> redbutton=Button(frame,text="One",fg="red")
>>> redbutton.pack(side=LEFT)
>>> bluebutton=Button(frame,text="Two",fg="blue")
>>> bluebutton.pack(side=LEFT)
>>> greenbutton=Button(frametwo,text="Three",fg="green")
>>> greenbutton.pack(side=BOTTOM)
Python GUI Tkinter- Frame

Python GUI Tkinter- Frame

f. Label

Basically, this lets us add a single-line caption for other widgets. We saw this in section 4d.

g. Listbox

This widget lets us add a list of options for the user to choose from.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> LB1=Listbox(top)
>>> LB1.insert(1,"Hindi")
>>> LB1.insert(2,"Romanian")
>>> LB1.insert(3,"English")
>>> LB1.insert(4,"Gujarati")
>>> LB1.pack()
Python GUI Tkinter

Python GUI Tkinter- Listbox

h. Menu button

This lets us add a menu button anywhere in our application.
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>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> mb=Menubutton(top,text="style",relief=RAISED)
>>> mb.grid()
>>> mb.menu=Menu(mb,tearoff=0)
>>> mb["menu"]=mb.menu
>>> balayageVar=IntVar()
>>> sombreVar=IntVar()
>>> mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label='Balayage',variable=balayageVar)
>>> mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label='Sombre',variable=sombreVar)
>>> mb.pack()
Python GUI Tkinter- Add a Menu Button

Python GUI Tkinter- Add a Menu Button

Clicking on this button does this:

An output of Adding a Menu Button

An output of Adding a Menu Button

i. Menu

This lets us put all kinds of menus in our application.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> def donothing():
button=Button(filewin,text="This does nothing")
>>> top=Tk()
>>> menubar=Menu(top)
>>> filemenu=Menu(menubar,tearoff=0)
>>> filemenu.add_command(label="New",command=donothing)
>>> filemenu.add_command(label="Open",command=donothing)
>>> filemenu.add_command(label="Save",command=donothing)
>>> filemenu.add_command(label="Close",command=donothing)
>>> filemenu.add_separator()
>>> filemenu.add_command(label="Exit",command=top.quit)
>>> menubar.add_cascade(label="File",menu=filemenu)
>>> editmenu=Menu(menubar,tearoff=0)
>>> editmenu.add_command(label="Undo",command=donothing)
>>> editmenu.add_separator()
>>> editmenu.add_command(label="Cut",command=donothing)
>>> editmenu.add_command(label="Copy",command=donothing)
>>> editmenu.add_command(label="Paste",command=donothing
>>> editmenu.add_command(label="Delete",command=donothing)
>>> menubar.add_cascade(label="Edit",menu=editmenu)
>>> top.config(menu=menubar)
>>> top.mainloop()

">> from tkinter import * >>> top=Tk() >>> var=StringVar() >>> label=Message(top,textvariable=var,relief=RAISED) >>> var.set(

Python GUI Tkinter

Python GUI Tkinter- Message

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k. Radiobutton

When a user has a few choices of radio buttons, they may only choose one at once.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> def sel():
selection=f"Enjoy your {var.get()}"
>>> top=Tk()
>>> var=StringVar()
>>> R1=Radiobutton(top,text="pizza slice",variable=var,value='pizza',command=sel
>>> R1.pack(anchor=W)
>>> R2=Radiobutton(top,text="burger",variable=var,value='burger',command=sel)
>>> R2.pack(anchor=W)
>>> R3=Radiobutton(top,text="fries",variable=var,value='fries',command=sel)
>>> R3.pack(anchor=W)
>>> label=Label(top)
>>> label.pack()
Python GUI Tkinter

Python GUI Programming with Tkinter- Radiobutton

l. Scale

Scale widget provides a slider.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> def sel():
selection=f"Volume: {str(var.get())}"
>>> top=Tk()
>>> var=DoubleVar()
>>> scale=Scale(top,variable=var)
>>> scale.pack(anchor=CENTER)
>>> button=Button(top,text="Get scale value",command=sel)
>>> button.pack(anchor=CENTER)
>>> label=Label(top)
>>> label.pack()
Python GUI Tkinter

Python GUI Tkinter Programming- Scale

m. Scrollbar

This adds scrolling capability to other widgets like lists.

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>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> scrollbar=Scrollbar(top)
>>> scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=X)
>>> scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=Y)
>>> list=Listbox(top,yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set)
>>> for line in range(22):
list.insert(END,f"Line {str(line)}")
>>> list.pack(side=LEFT,fill=BOTH)
>>> scrollbar.config(command=list.yview)
Python GUI Tkinter

Python 3 GUI Tkinter- Scrollbar

n. Text

This displays text in multiple lines.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> text=Text(top)
>>> text.insert(INSERT,"One.")
>>> text.insert(END,"Two..Three...")
>>> text.pack()
>>> text.tag_add("first","1.0","1.4")
>>> text.tag_add("second","1.10","1.14")
>>> text.tag_config("first",background="cyan",foreground="black")
>>> text.tag_config("second",background="black",foreground="white")
Python GUI Tkinter

Python GUI Tkinter- Text

o. Toplevel

This provides a separate window container.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> main=Tk()
>>> main.title("My Piano")
>>> new=Toplevel()
>>> new.title("New Song")
Python GUI Tkinter

Tkinter Tutorial Python 3- Toplevel

p. Spinbox

Basically, Spinbox is like an entry field, except it lets us select from a fixed number of values.

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>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> s=Spinbox(top,from_=0,to=18)
>>> s.pack()
Python GUI Tkinter


Python GUI Tkinter

Tkinter Widgets in Python GUI Programming

q. PanedWindow

This is a container widget that can hold any number of panes horizontally or vertically.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> w1=PanedWindow()
>>> w1.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
>>> left=Entry(w1,bd=5)
>>> w1.add(left)
>>> w2=PanedWindow(w1,orient=VERTICAL)
>>> w1.add(w2)
>>> top=Scale(w2,orient=HORIZONTAL)
>>> w2.add(top)
>>> bottom=Button(w2,text="OK")
>>> w2.add(bottom)
Python GUI Tkinter- PanedWindow

Python GUI Tkinter- PanedWindow

r. LabelFrame

So, this is a container widget holding complex window layouts.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> top=Tk()
>>> labelframe=LabelFrame(top,text="Lyrics")
>>> labelframe.pack(fill="both",expand="yes")
>>> left=Label(labelframe,text="No lyrics available")
>>> left.pack()
Python GUI Tkinter- LabelFrame

Python GUI Tkinter- LabelFrame

s. tkMessageBox

This widget displays a message box.

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> from tkinter import messagebox
>>> top=Tk()
>>> def clickhere():
messagebox.showinfo("Click here","You just got owned")
>>> button=Button(top,text="Click here",command=clickhere)
>>> button.place(x=50,y=77)
Python GUI Tkinter

tkMessageBox in Tkinter

Python GUI Programming with Tkinter

Python GUI Programming with Tkinter

So, this was all about Python GUI Programming. Hope you like our explanation of Tkinter Tutorial in Python 3.
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5. Conclusion

Hence, we completed the Python Tkinter tutorial. Now, it is time to get started with Python GUI programming. In addition, we saw Python GUI Programming and alternative for Python GUI Programming. Moreover, we discussed Tkinter and widgets. At last, we learned different kind of widgets that Tinker provides. Furthermore, for any query regarding Python GUI Programming with Tkinter, feel free to ask in the comment section.
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4 Responses

  1. varchasa aggarwal says:

    Is there any kind of tutorial for kivy (a python GUI framework on dataflair). If any, kindly send me the link on my email.

    thank you

    • DataFlair Team says:

      Hi Varchasa,
      Currently, we don’t have a tutorial for kivy, soon we will publish it. Stay connected to DataFlair for more updates.

  2. ashutosh parekh says:

    wonderfully explained. Good job in picking the most commonly used GUI controls and explained well.
    This should be enough info to get started on the first project.
    Thank you

  3. Manuel says:

    Very Well Explained…
    Thank You

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