How to Create Table in Python GUI Application with Tkinter

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In addition to enhancing data presentation, the ability to create tables in Tkinter GUIs also facilitates dynamic interaction with the displayed information. Developers can incorporate features such as sorting, filtering, and editing directly within the tables, empowering users to manipulate data efficiently.

Furthermore, the versatility of Tkinter’s table creation capabilities enables the development of applications across various domains, from simple data management tools to sophisticated data analysis platforms. By mastering this skill, developers can unlock endless possibilities for creating powerful and intuitive user interfaces in Python GUI applications.

Topic Explanation:

This topic unfolds in two parts, elucidating the process of integrating table creation features into Python GUI applications using Tkinter. Firstly, developers will learn how to design and layout the table within the GUI interface, ensuring optimal visibility and usability for users. Then, they will delve into the implementation of functionality to populate the table with data, enabling dynamic interaction and real-time updates.

Through this exploration, developers will gain proficiency in building interactive GUI applications that effectively present data in a structured and user-friendly manner.

In addition to creating and populating tables, developers will explore advanced features such as sorting, filtering, and editing table data within the Tkinter GUI application. By implementing these functionalities, developers can enhance user experience and provide more robust data management capabilities.

Furthermore, this topic covers customization options for styling and formatting tables to match the application’s aesthetic and branding requirements. With these advanced features, developers can create professional-looking GUI applications that effectively handle and display tabular data.


  • Basic understanding of Python programming language, including variables, data types, functions, and control structures.
  • Familiarity with Tkinter library for building graphical user interfaces in Python.
  • Knowledge of database concepts such as tables, columns, and data types.
  • Understanding of SQL (Structured Query Language) for creating and manipulating database tables.
  • Installation of MySQL or SQLite database management system for practicing database operations.
  • Basic knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts like classes and objects for understanding code organization and structure in Python GUI applications.

Code With Comments:

from tkinter import *

class Mytable:
    def __init__(self, myroot):
        # Loop through rows
        for i in range(5):
            # Loop through columns
            for j in range(4):
                # Create Entry widget
                self.e = Entry(myroot, width=20, fg='blue', font=('Arial,13,bold'))
                # Place Entry widget in grid
                self.e.grid(row=i, column=j)
                # Insert data from mylist into Entry widget
                self.e.insert(END, mylist[i][j])

# List of data to be displayed in the table
mylist = [
    ('Emp No', 'Emp Name', 'Salary', 'Department'),
    (101, 'Ashok Sharma', 80000, 'CSE'),
    (102, 'Rajesh Mishra', 23000, 'IT'),
    (103, 'Vishal Verma', 13000, 'IT'),
    (103, 'Vishal Verma', 13000, 'IT'),
    (103, 'Vishal Verma', 13000, 'IT')

# Create Tkinter window
myroot = Tk()
myroot.title("Table Demo Application")

# Create instance of Mytable class
M1 = Mytable(myroot)

# Start the Tkinter event loop

A Tkinter window displaying a table with data from mylist. Each cell contains one element from mylist, arranged in rows and columns.

Code Explanation:

  • The Mytable class defines a table with 5 rows and 4 columns using Tkinter’s Entry widget.
  • The __init__ method initializes the table by creating Entry widgets for each cell and populating them with data from the mylist.
  • The mylist variable contains the data to be displayed in the table.
  • Tkinter is imported to create the GUI.
  • The Tk() function creates the main window.
  • geometry() sets the initial size of the window.
  • title() sets the title of the window.
  • wm_iconbitmap() sets the icon of the window.
  • An instance of the Mytable class (M1) is created, which populates the window with the table.
  • mainloop() starts the Tkinter event loop, allowing the window to be displayed and interacted with.


As we conclude this exploration into Python’s practical realm, we unveil the significance of integrating table creation functionalities into Tkinter GUI applications. This endeavor not only enhances the accessibility and organization of data but also empowers developers to design versatile interfaces tailored to diverse data presentation needs.

By mastering the art of creating tables within Tkinter GUIs, developers open doors to a realm of possibilities, where user-friendly applications seamlessly display structured data, enriching the user experience and facilitating efficient data interaction.

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