How to Search One Record from Database Table with PDBC

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In the realm of Python’s practical applications, our focus shifts to the crucial task of searching for a single record within a database table using Python’s Database Connection (PDBC). This skill stands as a fundamental building block for developers engaged in retrieving specific information from their databases.

By mastering the art of searching for a single record, developers equip themselves with the ability to access and display precise data tailored to their application’s needs.

Topic Explanation:

In this exploration, we embark on a journey to comprehend the process of searching for a single record within a database table using Python’s Database Connection. Using the connection we’ve set up, we’ll dive into the details of making SQL queries to find a particular record. We’ll show you how to collect user input, create a clear SQL query, and then run it to get the exact record you’re looking for.

This hands-on guide not only imparts a practical understanding of database interaction in Python but also empowers developers to efficiently retrieve and display precise information from their databases.

Extending our exploration, we further immerse ourselves in the code, witnessing how the search process unfolds, and the targeted record is fetched from the database. We navigate through each line, gaining insights into the nuances of handling user input, constructing a coherent SQL query, and executing it to pinpoint the specific record of interest.

This practical skill not only enhances technical proficiency but also deepens the comprehension of the symbiotic relationship between Python and databases. Armed with this knowledge, developers gain the capability to create applications that not only store but intelligently retrieve and present data, ensuring their creations remain dynamic and user-centric.


  • Basic understanding of Python programming.
  • Familiarity with database concepts and SQL.
  • A functional database system (e.g., MySQL) installed and configured.
  • A Python environment with the necessary libraries installed (e.g., MySQLdb for MySQL).

Code With Comments:

# Import the MySQLdb library
import MySQLdb
from MySQLdb import *

    # Establish a connection to the MySQL database
    con = MySQLdb.Connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="root", database="dataflair")
    print("Connection Success")

    # Gather user input for the employee ID to search
    empid = int(input("Enter Employee id for search:"))

    # SQL query to select all records from the employee table where the employee ID matches the input
    sql = "select * from employee where eid=%d"
    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL queries
    cur = con.cursor()

    # Execute the SQL query with the provided employee ID
    cur.execute(sql % empid)

    # Fetch the result (single record) from the executed query
    result = cur.fetchone()

    # Check if any record is found
    if cur.rowcount == 0:
        print("--------NO RECORD FOUND-----------------")
        # Display the header and the fetched record
        print("ID      NAME   DEPARTMENT   SALARY")
        print("%d      %s       %s      %d" % (result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3]))

except Exception as obj:
    # Handle exceptions and print the error message

    # Close the database connection
    print("Connection close")


Connection Success
Enter Employee id for search: 115
115 hari IT 8000
Connection close

Code Explanation:

  • Import the MySQLdb library for database connection.
  • Establish a connection to the MySQL database with the specified credentials.
  • Prompt the user to input the employee ID for search.
  • Construct an SQL query to select all records from the employee table where the employee ID matches the input.
  • Create a cursor object to execute SQL queries.
  • Execute the SQL query with the provided employee ID.
  • Fetch the result (single record) from the executed query.
  • Check if any record is found and display the header along with the fetched record.
  • Handle exceptions and print the error message if any.
  • Close the database connection in the finally block.


As we conclude this exploration into the practical domain of Python, we’ve ventured into the significant realm of searching for a single record within a database table using Python’s Database Connection (PDBC).

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This skill is essential for developers who want to find and show specific data from their databases. Learning how to search for one record makes data retrieval more accurate and boosts Python apps’ ability to access and show tailored info. So, understanding the details of finding a single record is a big step for developers, making their data-related tasks more precise and effective.

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