Power BI Issues – Setup, Performance & Kerberos Issues

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1. Objective

In our last tutorial, we talked about Power BI troubleshooting. Here, we are going to look into Power BI Issues like Setup problems, Performance issues and Kerberos in Power Bi.
So, let’s start Power BI Issues Tutorial.

Power BI Issues - Setup, Performance & Kereros Issues

Power BI Issues – Setup, Performance & Kereros Issues

2. Power BI Issues

a. Power BI Issues – Setup

Below we are discussing a step by step instructions to restart the passage.
The entryway keeps running as a Windows benefit, so you can begin and stop it in numerous ways. For instance, you can open an order provoke with lifted consents on the machine where the door is running and afterwards run both of these charges:
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To stop the administration, run this summon:

  • ”’ net stop PBIEgwService ”’

To begin the administration, run this summon:

  • ”’ net begin PBIEgwService ”’
Power BI Issues - Setup, Performance & Kereros Issues

Power BI Issues – Setup, Performance & Kereros Issues

i. Failed to make a door

It would be ideal if you attempt once more.
The majority of the subtle elements are accessible, yet the call to the Power BI benefit restored an error. The error and an action id will be shown. This could occur for various reasons. You can gather, and survey, the logs, as said underneath, to get more subtle elements.
This could likewise be because of intermediary setup issues. The UI does now consider intermediary setup. You can take in more about rolling out intermediary design improvements

ii. Failed to refresh portal subtle elements

It would be ideal if you attempt once more.
Data was gotten from the Power BI benefit to the door. The data was passed onto the nearby windows benefit, however it neglected to return. Or on the other hand, symmetric key age fizzled. The internal special case will be shown under Show subtle elements. You can gather, and audit, the logs, as said underneath, to get more subtle elements.
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iii. Neighbourhood passage as inaccessible

If you don’t mind restarting the entryway and attempt once more.
Toward the finish of setup, the Power BI administration will be called again to approve the portal. The Power BI benefit does not report the door as live. Restarting the windows administration may enable the correspondence to be fruitful. You can gather, and audit, the logs, as specified underneath, to get more points of interest.

iv. Content error amid sign into Power BI

You may get a content error when marking into Power BI as a component of the On-premises information portal setup. Introducing the accompanying security refresh should resolve the issue. This can be introduced by means of Windows Update.
MS16-051: Security refresh for Internet Explorer: May 10, 2016 (KB 3154070)

v. Portal arrangement fizzled with an invalid reference special case

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You may experience an error like the accompanying.
Neglected to refresh door subtle elements. If it’s not too much trouble attempt once more.
Error refreshing entryway setup.
This will incorporate a stack follow, and that stack follows will incorporate the accompanying.
Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.Pipeline.Diagnostics.CouldNotUpdateGatewayConfigurationException: Error refreshing door design. – > System.ArgumentNullException: Value can’t be invalid.
Parameter name: serviceSection
On the off chance that you are overhauling from a more seasoned entryway, we save the config record. There might be a segment that is absent. At the point when the portal attempts to peruse it, we will get the above invalid reference special case.
To amend this, do the accompanying.

  1. Uninstall the passage.
  1. Erase the accompanying organizer.

c:\Program Files\On-premises information passage

  1. Reinstall the passage.
  1. Alternatively, apply the recuperation key to reestablish a current passage.

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vi. Support for TLS 1.1/1.2

With the August 2017 refresh and past, the On-premises information portal utilizes Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.1 or 1.2 to speak with the Power BI benefit as a matter of course. Past forms of the On-premises information passage utilize TLS 1.0 naturally. On November first 2017 help for TLS 1.0 will end, so by then you should redesign your On-premises information passage establishments to the August 2017 discharge or more up to date to guarantee your doors keep on operating.
Note that TLS 1.0 is as yet bolstered by the On-premises information portal before November first, and is utilized by the entryway as a fallback component. To guarantee all portal movement utilizes TLS 1.1 or 1.2 (and to keep the utilization of TLS 1.0 on your entryway), you should include or change the accompanying registry keys on the machine running the passage benefit:
Note – Including or altering these registry keys applies the change to every single .NET application. For data about registry changes that influence TLS for different applications, see Transport Layer Security (TLS) registry settings.

b. Power BI Issues – Moderate Performing Inquiries

You may find that reaction through the entryway is moderate. This could be for DirectQuery inquiries or while reviving your imported dataset. You can empower extra logging to yield inquiries and their timings to help comprehend what is performing moderate. When you locate a long-running inquiry, it might require extra alteration on your information source to tune question Performance. For instance, changing records for a SQL Server inquiry.
You should change two setup records to decide the length of a question.
Inside the Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.Pipeline.GatewayCore.dll.config document, change the EmitQueryTraces esteem from false to true. This record is situated, as a matter of course, at C:\Program Files\On-premises information entryway. Empowering EmitQueryTraces will start to log inquiries that are sent from the entryway to an information source.

i. Imperative

Empowering EmitQueryTraces could build the log estimate essentially relying upon passage utilization. When you are finished surveying the logs, you will need to set EmitQueryTraces to False. It isn’t prescribed to leave this setting empowered long haul.
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<setting name="EmitQueryTraces" serializeAs="String">

Case inquiry passage
DM.EnterpriseGateway Information: 0 : 2016-09-15T16:09:27.2664967Z DM.EnterpriseGateway 4af2c279-1f91-4c33-ae5e-b3c863946c41 d1c77e9e-3858-4b21-3e62-1b6eaf28b176 MGEQ c32f15e3-699c-4360-9e61-2cc03e8c8f4c FF59BC20 [DM.GatewayCore] Executing inquiry (timeout=224) “<pi>
TOP (1000001) [t0].[ProductCategoryName],[t0].[FiscalYear],SUM([t0].[Amount])
AS [a0]
(select [$Table].[ProductCategoryName] as [ProductCategoryName],
[$Table].[ProductSubcategory] as [ProductSubcategory],
[$Table].[Product] as [Product],
[$Table].[CustomerKey] as [CustomerKey],
[$Table].[Region] as [Region],
[$Table].[Age] as [Age],
[$Table].[IncomeGroup] as [IncomeGroup],
[$Table].[CalendarYear] as [CalendarYear],
[$Table].[FiscalYear] as [FiscalYear],
[$Table].[Month] as [Month],
[$Table].[OrderNumber] as [OrderNumber],
[$Table].[LineNumber] as [LineNumber],
[$Table].[Quantity] as [Quantity],
[$Table].[Amount] as [Amount]
from [dbo].[V_CustomerOrders] as [$Table])
AS [t0]
Gathering BY [t0].[ProductCategoryName],[t0].[FiscalYear] </pi>”
Inside the Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.Pipeline.Diagnostics.dll.config document, change the TracingVerbosity esteem from 4 to 5. This document is situated, as a matter of course, at C:\Program Files\On-premises information entryway. Changing this setting will start to log verbose sections to the entryway log. This incorporates sections that show length. You can likewise empower verbose passages by empowering the “Extra Logging” catch in the On-Premissese Gateway application.
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Empowering TracingVerbosity to 5 could build the log estimate altogether relying upon portal utilization. When you are finished surveying the logs, you will need to set TraceVerbosity to 4. It isn’t prescribed to leave this setting empowered long haul.

<setting name="TracingVerbosity" serializeAs="String">

Action Types

ii. Activity Type Description

MGEQ Queries executed over ADO.NET. This incorporates DirectQuery information sources.
MGEO Queries executed over OLEDB. This incorporates SAP HANA and Analysis Services 2016.
MGEM Queries executed from the Mashup motor. This is utilized with imported datasets that utilization planned invigorate or revive on-request.
Decide the span of a question
To decide the time it took to inquiry the information source, you can do the accompanying.
Open the portal log.
Look for an Activity Type to discover the inquiry. A case of this would be MGEQ.
Make note of the second GUID as this is the demand id.
Keep on searching for MGEQ until the point that you discover the FireActivityCompletedSuccessfullyEvent section with the length. You can check the passage has a similar demand id. Span will be in milliseconds.
DM.EnterpriseGateway Verbose: 0 : 2016-09-26T23:08:56.7940067Z DM.EnterpriseGateway baf40f21-2eb4-4af1-9c59-0950ef11ec4a 5f99f566-106d-c8ac-c864-c0808c41a606 MGEQ 21f96cc4-7496-bfdd-748c-b4915cb4b70c B8DFCF12 [DM.Pipeline.Common.TracingTelemetryService] Event: FireActivityCompletedSuccessfullyEvent (duration=5004)
Note – FireActivityCompletedSuccessfullyEvent is a verbose passage. This passage won’t be logged except if TraceVerbosity is at level 5.

c. Power BI Issues – Kerberos

On the off chance that the basic database server and On-premises information portal are not designed legitimately for Kerberos Constrained Delegation, empower verbose signing on the door, and explore in view of the mistakes/follows in the entryway’s log documents as a beginning stage for investigating.
The ImpersonationLevel is identified with the SPN setup or the neighbourhood approach setting.
[DataMovement.PipeLine.GatewayDataAccess] About to imitate client DOMAIN\User (IsAuthenticated: True, ImpersonationLevel: Identification)
Take after these means to comprehend the issue:
Setup an SPN for the On-Premises Gateway
Setup compelled designation in your Active Directory (AD)
FailedToImpersonateUserException: Failed to make windows personality for client user id.
The FailedToImpersonateUserException will happen in the event that you are not ready to imitate for the benefit of another client. This could likewise happen if the record you are endeavouring to mimic is from another area than the one the portal benefit space is on (this is a restriction).
Confirm that the design is right according to the means in the ImpersonationLevel area above.
Guarantee that the user id it’s endeavouring to imitate is a legitimate AD Account.
A general blunder; 1033 mistake while at the same time parsing convention.
You will get the 1033 blunder when your outside Id that is designed in SAP HANA isn’t coordinating the login if the client is mimicked utilizing the UPN ([email protected]). In the logs you will see the “First UPN ‘[email protected]’ supplanted with another UPN ‘[email protected]’ at the highest point of the blunder logs as observed underneath.”
[DM.GatewayCore] SingleSignOn Required. Unique UPN ‘[email protected]’ supplanted with new UPN ‘[email protected]’.
SAP HANA requires the mimicked client to utilize the sAMAccountName characteristic in AD (client false name). On the off chance that this isn’t right, you will see the 1033 blunder.
In the logs you should see the sAMAccountName (moniker) and not the UPN, which is the nom de plume took after by the space ([email protected])
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<setting name="ADUserNameReplacementProperty" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="ADServerPath" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="CustomASDataSource" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="ADUserNameLookupProperty" serializeAs="String">

[SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB DLL][HDBODBC] Communication interface disappointment;- 10709 Connection fizzled (RTE:[-1] Kerberos blunder. Major: “Different disappointment [851968]”, minor: “No accreditations are accessible in the security bundle
You will get the – 10709 Connection fizzled mistake message if your designation isn’t arranged accurately in AD.
Guarantee you have the SAP Hana server on the designation tab in AD for the entryway benefit account
So, this was all about Power BI Issues Tutorial. Hope you like our explanation.

3. Conclusion

Hence, in this Power BI Issues Tutorial, we learned Setup problems in Power BI, Kerberos & Performance issues in Power BI. Moreover, we discussed the solution to solve this kind of Power BI issues. Still, confuse? Share your query with us, we will happy to help you!
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For reference 

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