R Programming Online Quiz Questions and Answers

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In this online R programming Quiz, we will test your advanced skills to help you practice better. With these multiple-type questions, measure your skills and knowledge.

Do not forget to check other part of the R programming quiz once you are done with this part:

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20 Responses

  1. sai kumar says:

    Q.5. A matrix is ___dimensional rectangular data set?
    plz tell me answer

    • Ujjwal says:

      correct answer is 2. but here it is not accepting as a right answer..

    • Data Flair says:

      Hi Sai Kumar,
      Thanks for asking a Query, on “R Programming Online Quiz”. It was just a Type error the correct answer is “A Matrix is TWO-dimensional rectangular data set.
      Hope we solve your query.
      Keep Learning and Keep visiting Data-Flair

    • alisha sharma says:

      2 dimensional

  2. KOUSHIK ROY says:

    Q.5. A matrix is ___dimensional rectangular data set?
    The Answer is Two in accordance to the given link, but the result is marking as wrong…

    • Data Flair says:

      Hi Koushik Roy,
      Thanks for Commenting on this R Quiz and help other readers. It was just a Type Error, we solved it, Hope you are enjoying this R programming tutorial and you can practice your R programming Knowledge in other R Quiz Part – 2.

  3. Sambhaji Jogdand says:

    ________ provides needed string operators in R
    Answer of this question???

    • Data Flair says:

      Hi Sambhaji Jogdand,
      Thanks for Asking query on “R Programming Quiz”, the correct answer “stringr”.
      Keep Learning and Keep visiting Data-Flair

  4. Prathyusha says:

    Tell me the answers

    • Data Flair says:

      Hello Pratyusha,
      You asked for the answers. When you attempt the R programming Quiz, click on the option which you feel is correct. If it shows green color, it means you answered correctly and if it shows red it means you have selected an incorrect answer. The interesting part of this online R quiz is that it gives you the explanation with the link so that you can learn the concepts deeply.
      If you are still confused we are happy to help.

  5. nattakit says:

    so good

  6. arti says:

    Cannot find answers. Please let me know how to get the answer key

    • DataFlair Team says:

      Hello Arti,
      Thanks for interacting with DataFlair. We do not have a separate answer key, but you will find the answer to each question every time you answer it. If you answered correct, it will turn green; otherwise, it will turn red while also highlighting the correct answer in green. Hope, you understood.

  7. Devi says:

    What would be the result of following code?


  8. Frank says:

    Can I get a clarification on question 14.
    I thought the correct answer is rep()

  9. Ritik Dhakad says:

    Q.14 – Which of the following method make a vector of repeated values?
    Solution : data()
    But rep() is used for making a vector of repeated value.

  10. Bobb says:

    The answer to Q10 is wrong. lapply() returns a list, sapply() returns a vector

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