R Multiple Choice Questions and Answers – Part 2

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Here, we are providing you with some multiple-choice questions of R programming with answers.

This quiz will help you to brush up R programming concepts. So, are you ready to explore this quiz?

Do not forget to check another part of R programming quiz once you are done with this part:

Here we come to the end of the R programming Quiz. Hope you enjoyed it!!!

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10 Responses

  1. surya says:

    Good practice…

    • Data Flair says:

      Hi Surya,
      Thank you for sharing such a positive experience and taking the time to leave this feedback. We Hoped you checked all the links given in this “R Multiple Choice Questions”.
      You Must Explore Data-Flair, it has treasures of technologies

  2. Appah Gideon says:

    the answers should be provided somewhere else that i could just open and see

    • DataFlair Team says:

      Hi Appah,
      Thanks for taking R multiple Questions. We are glad our reader trying to interact with us. You can see all the answer, but before you have to select and hit the submit button.
      The result will appear, with all the correct and wrong answer with your score.

  3. Herbert says:

    Many of the questions seemed quite useless. Why would the year of R 1.0.0-release, names of authors or how many types there are “help you to revise your R concepts”?

  4. Anushya says:

    Pls answer tell me

  5. Sunita Bakshi says:

    Thanks ,to provide different types of question in R as quiz , to take the participation i know how is my label , how much i have knowledge.

  6. आर ० के ० रंजन says:

    Sir, I should have answers sheet.

  7. M.C.Q.R says:

    Hi grena

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