How to Draw Line Plot using Seaborn Github
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# # Applcation of Seaborn Line plot using Seaborn gitgub import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns df_tips=sns.load_dataset("tips") df_tips.head() df_tips.isnull().sum() df_tips.shape sns.lineplot(x="tip",y="total_bill",data=df_tips) sns.lineplot(x="tip",y="size",data=df_tips) df_tips1=pd.read_csv("D://scikit_data/Billing/tips.csv") df_tips1.head() # Graph for tips and Bill sns.lineplot(x="tip",y="total_bill",data=df_tips) # Graph for tips and Total Person sns.lineplot(x="tip",y="size",data=df_tips) # Graph for tips and Gender sns.lineplot(x="tip",y="sex",data=df_tips)
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