Best Apache Spark and Scala Books for Mastering Spark Scala
1. Objective
This blog on Apache Spark and Scala books give the list of best books of Apache Spark that will help you to learn Apache Spark. “Because to become a master in some domain good books are the key”. It also gives the list of best books of Scala to start programming in Scala. Some of these books are for beginners to learn Scala Spark and some of these are for advanced level Spark Scala learning.
In addition to the name, this blog also contains a brief description of each book.
2. 10 Ultimate Apache Spark And Scala Books
Before we start learning Spark Scala from books, first of all understand what is Apache Spark and Scala programming language.
So, let’s have a look at the list of Apache Spark and Scala books-
2.1. Apache Spark Books
1) Learning Spark by Matei Zaharia, Patrick Wendell, Andy Konwinski, Holden Karau
It is a learning guide for those who are willing to learn Spark from basics to advance level. It covers all key concepts like RDD, ways to create RDD, different transformations and actions, Spark SQL, Spark streaming, etc and has examples in all 3 languages Java, Python, and Scala. So, it provides a learning platform for all those who are from java or python or Scala background and want to learn Apache Spark.
2) Advanced Analytics with Spark by Sandy Ryza, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen and Josh Wills
This book is meant for those who have basic knowledge on Spark and want to raise their Spark knowledge further. It covers how Spark is used to deal with large-scale data analytics. How to install Spark on single node cluster and Spark installation on a multi-node cluster. It also teaches how to approach analytics problem using statistical methods to make you Spark expert.
3) Mastering Apache Spark by Mike Frampton
This book is especially for those readers who know basics about Spark and want to gain advanced programming knowledge with the help of Spark use cases. It assumes that the reader has basic knowledge about Hadoop, Linux, Spark, and Scala. It covers Spark integration with Databricks, Titan, H2O etc and other Spark features like MLlib, Spark Stream Processing, Spark SQL and Spark GraphX.
4) Apache Spark Graph Processing by Rindra Ramamonjison
This book will help the user to do graphical programming in Spark and also help them in building, processing and analyze large-scale graph data with Spark effectively. The later chapters of this book cover advanced topics like clustering graphs, implementing graph-parallel iterative algorithms and learning methods from graph data.
5) Fast Data Processing with Spark by Holden Karau and Krishna Sankar
This book is for software developers who are willing to learn how to write distributed programs with Spark. It will also guide you through steps needed to write effectively distributed programs starting from setting up your cluster and exploring the API, deploying your job to the cluster, and tuning it. It also covers how Hive can be used with Spark for SQL-like query syntax with Spark-SQL, as well as manipulating resilient distributed datasets (RDDs).
2.2. Best Scala Books
Now that you have started learning Spark, You have understood that Scala and Java are programming languages that are being used with Spark. Furthermore, if you are not comfortable with Java but would like to learn Scala, below are some of the best books to learn Scala and start your career in Spark and Scala.
1) Programming Scala by Dean Wampler, Alex Payne
It explains Scala concepts as JVM language and how Scala turns out to be the best development option. Scala can also be learned using the test-driven approach from basics to hands-on the level through this book.
2) Scala Cookbook by Alvin Alexander
Here the author has used his experience to highlight Scala features in an efficient manner. It covers some of the best features of Scala like FlatMap and provides answers to questions that a new Scala learner would have.
3) Scala in depth by Joshua D. Suereth
This book helps you learn how to integrate Scala effectively into the development process and powerful techniques with the help of examples to start your career in Scala. Due to this, it targets programmers willing to improve their programming Scala skills. It also helps you in learning best practices for creating Scala applications.
4) Programming in Scala by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners
This book explains the benefits of using Scala for development and starts from basic concepts to higher-end programming features. It also describes advanced features of Scala that you need to learn to become a better and productive developer.
5) Scala for the Impatient by Cay S. Horstmann
This book is designed especially for experienced programmers. Here the author explains what Scala can do and how coding can be dome effectively in Scala. It also covers Scala concepts and techniques and provides practical knowledge to readers for becoming Scala master.
I hope this blog helped you to find perfect Apache Spark and Scala Books. Also, leave a comment if you find other good books for Apache Spark and Scala.
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Really Useful article on Apache spark books
Good list of reference books, thanks
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