Install Spark On Ubuntu- A Beginners Tutorial for Apache Spark
1. Objective – Install Spark
This tutorial describes the first step while learning Apache Spark i.e. install Spark on Ubuntu. This Apache Spark tutorial is a step by step guide for Installation of Spark, the configuration of pre-requisites and launches Spark shell to perform various operations. If you are completely new to Apache Spark, I would recommend you to read these introductory blogs- What is Spark, Spark ecosystem, Spark key abstraction RDD, Spark features, and limitations of Apache Spark.
2. Steps for Apache Spark Installation On Ubuntu
Follow the steps given below for Apache Spark Installation On Ubuntu-
i. Deployment Platform
a. Platform Requirements
- Operating System: You can use Ubuntu 14.04 or later (other Linux flavors can also be used like CentOS, Redhat, etc.)
- Spark: Apache Spark 1.6.1 or later
b. Setup Platform
If you are using Windows / Mac OS you can create a virtual machine and install Ubuntu using VMWare Player, alternatively, you can create a virtual machine and install Ubuntu using Oracle Virtual Box.
ii. Prerequisites
a. Install Java 7
Install Python Software Properties
[php]$sudo apt-get install python-software-properties[/php]
Add Repository
[php]$sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java[/php]
Update the source list
[php]$sudo apt-get update[/php]
Install Java
[php]$sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer[/php]
iii. Install Apache Spark
a. Download Spark
You can download Apache Spark from the below link. In the package type please select “Pre-built for Hadoop 2.6 and Later”
Or, you can use direct download link:
b. Untar Spark Setup
[php]$tar xzf spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz[/php]
You can find all the scripts and configuration files in the newly created directory “spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6”
c. Setup Configuration
Edit .bashrc
Edit .bashrc file located in the user’s home directory and add following parameters-
[php]export JAVA_HOME=<path-to-the-root-of-your-Java-installation> (eg: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/)
export SPARK_HOME=<path-to-the-root-of-your-spark-installation> (eg: /home/dataflair/spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6/)[/php]
iv. Launch the Spark Shell
Go to Spark home directory (spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6) and run below command to start Spark Shell
Spark shell is launched, now you can play with Spark
a. Spark UI
This is the GUI for Spark Application, in local mode spark shell runs as an application. The GUI provide details about stages, storage (cached RDDs), Environment Variables and executors
v. Spark Commands / Operations
Once you installed Apache Spark, you can play with spark shell to perform the various operation like transformation and action, the creation of RDDs. Follow this guide for Shell Commands to working with Spark.
So, this was all in the tutorial on how to install Spark in Ubuntu. hope you understand the complete process.
3. Conclusion – Spark installation
Hence, in this Spark installation tutorial, we discussed the steps to install Spark on Ubuntu. Still, if you are facing any problem, feel free to ask in the comment tab.
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Nice material..
Hi Ukavex,
Glad you like our content on Spark installation. We recommend you to try more our blogs, surely you will grab a good experience.
Keep learning.
Nice article..
Thank you Disha for taking time and giving us a reply on Spark Installation tutorial.
Try our latest articles on Spark. You will love them
DataFlair Team
I really like your blog explaining how to install Apache Spark on Ubuntu. Would request you to explain how to develop Spark project as well.
Thanks in advance.
Hellow Matthias
Glad to read such a fab comment on Spark Installation. We knew that you will need help for creating Spark Project. So we have published a blog to Create the Spark Project. You can take help from this.
And if you need any more help you can tell us freely.
Best Wishes from DataFlair
I must say you have high quality articles and how to install apache spark is just awesum explanation.
Hi Rosaline,
Thanks for giving us a nice feedback. Readers like are the motivation for us. Hope now you got the complete Spark installation process. I recommend you to learn more about Spark through our latest blogs. You can start your learning with Spark Shell Commands tutorial.
All the best.
Can you suggest some good books on Spark?
Hi Avi,
We have already published a blog on Spark books. You can refer this. The Spark Books article, it contains a good collection of books with their details that will help you.
Happy learning.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
instead of :
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
Works fine for ubuntu 14 and 16
Guys , great site but please update the installation guidance as there has been changes to the licensing of OracleJDK .For Ubuntu
sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys 0xB1998361219BD9C9
sudo apt-add-repository ‘deb stable main’
sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys 0xB1998361219BD9C9
sudo apt-add-repository ‘deb stable main’
sudo apt install zulu-7
sudo apt install zulu-8
sudo apt install zulu-11
sudo apt install zulu-12