Top 10 Data Science Books – R, Python and Machine Learning

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In this tutorial, you will learn about the best data science books. That will help you in becoming Data science expert. You will learn about various data science books being suggested by experts.

The roles in Data Science are Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Python Developer, Software Trainer(Python). Here, you will get the best books to learn Data Science, R, Python and Machine Learning.

So, let’s start Data Science Books.

Top 10 Data Science Books - R, Python and Machine Learning

Top 10 Data Science Books – R, Python and Machine Learning

Data Science Books

Data science is not only analyzing data but it is much more than this. There exist people who enjoy analyzing the data. They could spend all day looking at histograms and averages. It offers a range of roles and requires a range of skills.

In today’s world, it is very much popular. Also, there is a huge amount of data present which is generated each day in different fields. Thus, users need to perform some operations by analyzing the data set. Then find something useful from that data.

So here is our recommendation for the best Data Science Books and become a master of technology.

1. R Programming for Data Science Books

i. R Cookbook

R Cookbookby Paul Teetor

This book offers a technique. We use this technique to analyze data. Its main focus is only on practical aspects. It covers a wide range of topics such as statistics, probability, time series analysis etc.

The book will help you learn to handle variables, perform other basic functions, create vectors and Input & output data. You will handle data structures like factors, matrices, data frames, and lists. The book covers working with random variables, probability, and probability distributions, calculating confidence intervals and statistics and performing a statistical test. The reader will also get to create various graphic displays.

ii. Advanced R

Advanced Rby Hadley Wickham

This book is basically for peoples who are interested in data science. it also describes how it works that creates a major difference in 3 analytical tools called R, SAS, SPSS.

It gives a step by step explanation, with code snippets that you can try yourself as you read. It’s neither for R beginners nor any readers new to programming.
It is for the readers who want to advance their skills. And one who already has command of sub-setting, vectorization, and R data structures.

iii. The Art Of Programming

The Art of R Programmingby Norman Matloff

In this book, we will learn how to do software development. Along with this from basic data types and data structure to advanced topics. We don’t need any type of statistical knowledge. And your programming skills can range from amateur to genius.

You will get to design artful graphs to understand complex data sets and functions, enter code efficiently by using vectorization and parallel R. The book covers topics like Interface R with Python and C++ for increased speed and functioning, finding new R packages for text analysis and image manipulation etc.

iv. Learning RStudio For R Statistical Computing

Learning R Studioby Mark P.J. van der Loo

The book is for developers and analysts. Basically for those who want to do R statistical development using RStudio functionality. You can and create and manage statistical analysis projects, generate reports and graphics.

This book also teaches you how to use R on the popular IDE RStudio rather than on the standard R software. As we have more books on data science. We will go through each and every book.

v. Practical Data Science with R

Practical Data Science with Rby Nina Zumel & John Mount

We have too many Data Science books. But, this book is best for freshers. Those who are yet to enter in the Analytics industry. As the author focuses on establishing a connection between ML. Also on its impact on real-world activities.

The main focus of this book is on data science methods and their applications in the real world.
It’s different in itself. None of the books talk about real-world challenges, but it does.

vi. A Handbook of programming with R

Hands- On Programming with Rby Garrett Grolemund

Those people who are new to R, this book is best for them. Here you will learn how to write functions and loops in R. rather than juggling with packages. This book also teaches you to learn how to assemble and disassemble data objects. Also, how to write your own functions. The book language is simple to understand examples can be reproduced.

The book covers topics like change, store, and retrieve data values in your computer memory. You will learn to write simulations and programs that dominate those entered by typical R users, understand R programming tools like statements, for S3 classes and loops, the process to enter very fast vectorized R code.

2. Python for Data Science Book

i. Advanced Machine Learning with Python

Advanced Machine Learning with Pythonby John Hearty

Basically, this book is written by John Hearty. Also, it’s a definite read for every machine learning enthusiasts. Moreover, it lets you rise above the basics of ML techniques. And also dive into unsupervised methods. Generally, this is a book you would want to read to improve your ranks. The author lays equal emphasis on theoretical as well as practical aspects.

The book helps the reader to understand the techniques of machine learning. Clear explanation of the working of techniques and explanatory code examples shows semi-supervised learning and deep learning techniques in real-world applications. You will also learn about Theano and NumPy.

ii. Building Machine Learning Systems with Python

Building Machine Learning Systems with Pythonby Willi Richert & Luis Pedro Coelho

Generally, this book is written by Willi Richert, Luis Pedro Coelho. As we have seen too many books on data science. Although, in this book, the authors have chosen a path of, starting with basics. Also in explaining the concepts through projects and ending on a high note.

Hence, I will suggest this book to newbie python machine learning enthusiasts. Also, it covers more topics. It’s easy to understand and fast to implement textbook.

iii. Programming Collective Intelligence

Programming Collective Intelligenceby Toby Segaran

Basically, this book is written by Toby Segaran. The most important thing about this book is it’s an interesting title. Also, this book is meant to introduce you to several ML algorithms. Such as SVM, trees, clustering, optimization etc using interesting examples and used cases.

Also, this is a book which is best suited for people new to ML in python. Python, itself is known for its incredible ML libraries. And their support should make it easy for you to learn these concepts faster.

It is also one of the best books to start learning machine learning. Also, if there is one book to choose on machine learning – it is this one. Moreover, I haven’t met a data scientist yet who has read this book and does not recommend to keep it on your bookshelf.

The book shows the process to build Web 2.0 applications for mining the huge amount of data generated by people on the Internet. With the help of proper algorithms in this book, you can enter smart programs for accessing interesting datasets from other websites, collecting data from your own applications users, and examine and learn the data once you’ve detected it.

iv. Python Machine Learning

Python Machine Learningby Sebastian Raschka

Generally, this book is written by Sebastian Raschka. Also, it’s one of the most comprehensive books on data science. Also, I’ve found on ML in Python. Moreover, the author explains every crucial detail. That we need to know about machine learning. He takes a step-wise approach to explain the concepts supported by various examples. Also, this book covers more topics.

The book provides you the access to the predictive analytics world and shows the reason for Python’s popularity in data science languages. This practical data science book is valuable for those who have better questions of data or need to improvise and increase the capabilities of your machine learning systems.

v. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python

Introduction to Machine Learning with Pythonby Andreas Muller & Sarah Guido

Basically, this book is written by Andreas Muller and Sarah Guido. It’s meant to help beginners to get started with machine learning. Also, it teaches us to build ML models in python sci-kit-learn from scratch. It assumes no prior knowledge. Hence it’s best suited for people with no prior python or ML knowledge.

In addition, it also covers advanced methods for model evaluation and parameter tuning. Also methods for working with text-data, text-specific processing techniques etc.

vi. Python for Data Analysis

Python for Data Analysisby Wes McKinney

If you want to get started with data analysis with Python? First, get your hands on this data analysis guide by W Mckinney, the main author of the Pandas library. Although, there isn’t any online course as comprehensive as this book.

Also, this book covers all aspects of data analysis. That is from manipulating, processing, cleaning, visualization and crunching data in Python. But, if you are new to data science python, it’s a must-read for you. It’s power-packed with case studies from various domains.

vii. Mastering Python for Data Science

Mastering Python for Data Scienceby Samir Madhavan

Generally, this book is written by Samir Madhavan. Also, this book starts with an introduction to data structures in Numpy & Pandas. It provides a useful description of importing data. That is from various sources into these structures. Moreover, you will learn to perform linear algebra in Python. Thus it makes analysis by using inferential statistics.
you will understand the process of managing data and performing linear algebra in Python.

Further, you will calculate inferences from the analysis by doing inferential statistics, and mining data to expose trends and hidden patterns. Also, understand the usage of the matplotlib library for creating high-end visualizations in Python and reveal the machine learning fundamentals.

3. Machine Learning and Statistics for Data Science

Machine learning
It is the ability of a machine to generalize knowledge from data—call it learning. Without data, there are little machines can learn.

To push data science to increase relevance, a catalyst is an important thing. It increases machine learning usage more in many different industries. This language is only as good as the data is given. It has an ability of algorithms to consume it.

My expectation is that moving forward basic levels of machine learning. It will become a standard need for data scientists.

i. Machine Learning For Hackers

Machine Learning for Hackersby Drew Conway & John Myles White

Generally, this book is written by Drew Conway and John Myles White. It is majorly based on data analysis. Also, this book is best suited for beginners. Also for those who are having basic knowledge of R.

Moreover, it covers the use of advanced R in data wrangling. Also, it has interesting case studies. That will help you to understand the importance of using machine learning algorithms.

ii. The Elements of Statistical Learning

The Elements of Statistical Learningby Trevor Hastie & Robert Tibshirani

Also, this book explains the machine learning algorithms mathematically from a statistical perspective. It also provides a powerful world created by statistics and machine learning. But this books lays emphasis on mathematical derivations. That is to define the underlying logic behind an algorithm.

Moreover, this book demands a rudimentary understanding of linear algebra.

iii. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Pattern Recognition & Machine Learningby Cristopher M. Bishop

Also, this book serves as an excellent reference for students. Although, this book assumes the knowledge of linear algebra and multivariate calculus. It also provides a comprehensive introduction to statistical pattern recognition techniques.

The book reflects recent developments while providing a brief introduction to pattern recognition fields and machine learning.

The practical application of Bayesian methods enhances by the creation of a range of approximate inference algorithms like variational Bayes and expectation propagation, while new kernels models have had a great impact on both applications and algorithms.

4 Artificial Intelligence for Data Science Books

i. Artificial Intelligence for Humans

by Jeff Heaton 

Artificial Intelligence for Humans Series

It is a very useful book series as it helps in understanding the basics of an artificial intelligence algorithm. Also, it explains us in detail these algorithms using interesting examples and cases.

And it’s needless to say, this book requires good commands over mathematics. Otherwise, you’ll have a tough time deciphering the equations.

The 1st volume, fundamental algorithms, covers basic AI algorithms like error calculation, dimensionality, hill climbing, distance metrics and clustering.

In the 2nd volume, you will learn algorithms that influences by birds, ants, cells, bees, and genomes that gives practical methods for many Artficial Intelligence situation types.

The 3rd volume shows the neural networks in various real-world tasks like data science and image recognition.

ii. The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Mind

The Emotion Machineby Marvin Minsky

In this particular book, Marvin offers a fascinating model of how our mind works. Also, he tries his best to infer the future of the human mind by examining different forms of mental activity.

Moreover, you’ll find path-breaking research findings. That is where Marvin has challenged the status quo. Also, this book is great to develop perspective and become aware of a present to a future transition of A.I.

iii. Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence Programming

Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programmingby Peter Norvig

As we have so many data science books. But, this book teaches advanced common techniques to build major A.I systems. It also provides practical aspects. And teaches its readers the method to build and debug robust practical programs. Moreover, it also demonstrates the superior programming style and essential AI concepts.

This book is an excellent text for AI programming course, and a useful guide for general AI courses and excellent text for the professional programmers.


This blog covers the best Data Science books in R programming, Python, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. It will definitely help you to learn Data Science efficiently. Keep Studying and Keep learning.

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  1. Nidhi says:

    hi there !
    there are lots of books for new bie ,can you pls sort the list for the beginner from first read books to last read like which books should we read first in order

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