How to Install Hadoop 3 on Ubuntu – A Step-by step Installation Process

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With this tutorial, we will learn the complete process to install Hadoop 3 on ubuntu. The process involves some easy-to-follow steps including commands and instructions. Each step is attached with screen images which will guide you throughout the process of Hadoop installation.

Let’s begin the process.

Steps to Install Hadoop 3 on Ubuntu


First, download the Hadoop 3.1.2 from the below link:

Hadoop 3.1.2

Here are the steps for installing Hadoop 3 on ubuntu for your system:

Step 1: Install ssh on your system using the below command:

sudo apt-get install ssh

Command to install ssh - Install hadoop 3.1.2

Type the password for the sudo user and then press Enter.

ssh installation

Type ‘Y’ and then press Enter to continue with the installation process.

Step 2: Install pdsh on your system using the below command:

sudo apt-get install pdsh
Command to install pdsh - Hadoop 3.1.2 Installation

Install pdsh command

pdsh installation

pdsh installation

Type ‘Y’ and then press Enter to continue with the installation process.

Step 3: Open the .bashrc file in the nano editor using the following command:

nano .bashrc

bashrc file in nano editor - hadoop 3.2.1 installation

Now set the PDSH_RCMD_TYPE environment variable to ssh

export PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh

set PDSH_RCMD_TYPE to ssh - Download Hadoop 3.1.2

To save the changes you’ve made, press Ctrl+O. To exit the nano editor, press Ctrl+X and then press ‘Y’ to exit the editor.

Step 4: Now configure ssh. To do so, create a new key with the help of the following command (don’t copy-paste following command, rather type):

ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ""

Press Enter when asked the file name.

create new ssh key - hadoop 3.1.2 installation steps

Step 5: Copy the content of the public key to authorized_keys.

cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

ssh access to host machine - hadoop ubuntu -

Step 6: Now examine the SSH setup by connecting to the localhost.

ssh localhost
check connection of ssh - install hadoop on linux

connection check of ssh

Type ‘Y’ and then press Enter to continue with the connection.

ssh connection checked - how to install hadoop 3.1.2 in ubuntu

Step 7: Update the source lists.

sudo apt-get update
command to update packages - Install Hadoop 3.1.2

command to update packages

updating packages - hadoop installation process

updating packages

Step 8: Now install Java 8 using the following command:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
java installation loading

java installation

Type ‘Y’ and then press Enter to finish with the installation process.

java installation completion

java installation completion

Step 9: To cross-check whether you have successfully installed Java on your machine or not, run the below command:

java -version

checking java version - install hadoop 3.1.2

520+ FREE Hadoop Tutorials to become a Hadoop Expert

Please Download Hadoop from the link given in the first section and copy the setup in your home directory (/home/USER-NAME)

Hadoop Installation on Ubuntu

Step 10: Now locate the Hadoop tar file in your system.

locate hadoop tar file

Step 11: Extract the hadoop-3.1.2.tar.gz file using the below command:

tar xzf hadoop-3.1.2.tar.gz
extract hadoop files - Install Hadoop 3.1.2

extract hadoop files

Hadoop files extraction complete

Step 12: Rename hadoop-3.1.2.tar.gz as hadoop for ease of use.

mv hadoop-3.1.2.tar.gz hadoop

rename hadoop 3.1.2.tar.gz - Install Hadoop 3.1.2

Any doubts in the process to install Hadoop 3.1.2 till now? Share them in the comment section.

Step 14: Now check the Java home path

ls /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/

list of files in java - Hadoop 3.1.2 Installation Steps

Step 15: Open the file in the nano editor. This file is located in ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop (Hadoop configuration directory).

nano hadoop-env

Now, Set JAVA_HOME path:

export JAVA_HOME=<path-to-the-root-of-your-Java-installation> (eg: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/)

hadoop env_file - Install Hadoop 3.1.2

To save the changes you’ve made, press Ctrl+O. To exit the nano editor, press Ctrl+X and then press ‘Y’ to exit the editor.

Step 16: Open the core-site.xml file in the nano editor. This file is also located in the ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop (Hadoop configuration directory).

nano core-site.xml

Add the following configuration properties:


Note: /home/dataflair/hdata is a sample location; please specify a location where you have Read Write privilegesconfigure core site_xml

Step 17: Open the hdfs-site.xml file in the nano editor. This file is also located in ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop (Hadoop configuration directory):

nano hdfs-site.xml

Add the following entries in core-site.xml:


configure hdfs site_xml - Install Hadoop 3.1.2

Step 18: Open the mapred-site.xml file in the nano editor. This file is also located in ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop (Hadoop configuration directory).

nano mapred-site.xml

Add the following entries in core-site.html:


configure mapred site_xml

Step 19: Open the yarn-site.xml file in the nano editor. This file is also located in ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop (Hadoop configuration directory).

nano yarn-site.xml

Add the following entries in the yarn-site.xml:


configure yarn site_xml - Hadoop Installation

Step 20: Open the bashrc files in the nano editor using the following command:

nano .bashrc

bashrc file in nano editor 2 - Hadoop 3.1.2 Installation

Edit .bashrc file located in the user’s home directory and add the following parameters:

export HADOOP_HOME="/home/dataflair/hadoop"
export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/sbin 

set hadoop home variable

To save the changes you’ve made, press Ctrl+O. To exit the nano editor, press Ctrl+X and then press ‘Y’ to exit the editor.

Now, source the bashrc file so that the changes will come into effect:

source ~/.bashrc

Step 21: Before starting Hadoop, we need to format HDFS, which can be done using the below command:

hdfs namenode -format
command for namenode format - install hadoop 3.2.1

namenode format command

namenode format - Hadoop Installation

namenode format

Step 22: Start the HDFS services:

command to start hadoop cluster

command to start hadoop cluster

hadoop cluster started

hadoop cluster started

Step 23: Open the HDFS web console:


verification of hadoop cluster

Step 24: Now start the yarn services:

command to start yarn - Install Hadoop 3.1.2

command to start yarn

yarn started - Hadoop 3.1.2 Installation

yarn started


The ‘jps’ command is used to check whether all the Hadoop processes are running or not.

Step 25: Open the yarn web console:


yarn verification - Hadoop 3.1.2 Installation

We have successfully installed Hadoop 3 on ubuntu. I hope you found the article useful.

What Next?

Start working on Hadoop Hadoop HDFS Commands Tutorial

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23 Responses

  1. Sarvottam Patel says:

    Hey the web interface for namenode is not working.

  2. haranesh says:

    NameNode is not working still its very very helpfull artical for fresher who want to work with hadoop 3.x

    • Ted Cahall says:

      Take the reference to hadoop.tmp.dir as /home/dataflair/hdata out of core-site.xml. Mine was working before that addition and stopped – even though I had it in HADOOP_HOME and the hdata directory was there with the correct permissions. As soon as I removed that reference, the NameNode begain working again. Overall it was a good, well detailed article on Installation of Hadoop 3.x on Ubuntu on single node cluster.

    • Ted says:

      One of the reasons I could not get the NameNode to start was that after I added the
      to my core-site.xml file, I forgot to format the HDFS file system. Once I did that, it worked.
      It is better to use a ‘hdata’ or some data directory under your HADOOP_HOME since by default the HDFS directory will be built under /tmp and be removed during system reboot.

    • DataFlair Team says:

      Please check all the paths: path provided in core-site.xml, mapred-site.xml and .bashrc files and supply correct values

  3. Sachin says:

    Error while formatting the namenode
    Cannot create directory /home/dataflair/hdata/dfs/name/current
    Please help with detailed settings in any of the files while configuration

    • DataFlair Team says:

      Please supply correct path in core-site.xml for property: hadoop.tmp.dir
      you should have write privileges on the path you provide, if you are new to linux please provide the path of your home directory: /home/USER-NAME/hdata

  4. sunil kumar says:

    I am getting error when running the command hdfs namenode -format as below:
    Error: Invalid HADOOP_YARN_HOME

    I am running Hadoop 3.2.1 on Ubuntu 20.1

    Read somewhere that env variable needn’t be declared in version 3.0
    Tried that as well but still same error

  5. TobyBC says:

    Pretty good but this tutorial needs some work to be user-friendly for people like me who knew nothing about hadoop and rusty on Unix commands.

    Here’s what I needed to change to the steps:

    Step 17: “Add the following entries in core-site.xml”

    should read: “Add the following entries in hdfs-site.xml”

    Also need to create teh hdata directory with:
    mkdir hdata

    These properties need to be added to the xml

    Step 18: “Add the following entries in core-site.html:”

    should read: “Add the following entries in mapred-site.html:”

    Step 19: “Add the following entries in core-site.html:”

    should read: “Add the following entries in yarn-site.html:”

    Step 20: The list isn’t complete, this is what I used:

    #version 3.2.1 requires pdsh package and then this allows hadoop to run properly
    export PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64

    export HADOOP_HOME=/home/jeff/hadoop

    #used by log4j you will see a warning at the top of the output when running hdfs namenode -format
    export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

    export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/sbin:$HADOOP_HOME/bin

    After changing .bashrc run the line below to update the settings:
    source ~/.bashrc

    Step 21: This will run after running making the change to step 20
    hdfs namenode -format

  6. Cliff Chen says:

    the datanodes didn’t work when we used master to connect multi slaves
    Do you have any idea how to solve ? thank you
    P.S. hadoop 3.1.4 and ubuntu 18.0.4 are used

  7. Ezzo says:

    It worked perfectly , but when i restart my VM, and i start-dfs it give me this error : “ERROR: Cannot execute /home/hadoop/libexec/”
    Any idea ?

    • DataFlair Team says:

      Please check the hadoop_home path which you setup in .bashrc

      • hema chandra says:

        same error, please help. I stored hadoop in /home/files/hadoop/hadoop
        when I checked echo $HADOOP_HOME it gives me /home/files/hadoop/hadoop
        I configured correctly, but unable to run

  8. Shubham says:

    My yarn web console is not working when typing — localhost:8088 but namenode is working but hdfs web console is working – localhost:9870

  9. dim says:

    My yarn is not working when typing localhost:8088.
    here my commands:

    user@user-VirtualBox:~/hadoop-3.1.2$ sbin/
    Starting resourcemanager
    Starting nodemanagers
    user@user-VirtualBox:~/hadoop-3.1.2$ jps
    7200 SecondaryNameNode
    6995 DataNode
    6872 NameNode
    7982 Jps

    p.s. jps doesn’t show


  10. Saipratap Reddy Reddivari says:

    sbin/ comamnd not working , getting error localhost rcmd socket permission denied

  11. Faisal says:

    ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and could not be found.
    while running sbin/ command

    Also note that I have set JAVA_HOME path still I am getting this error

  12. Dhruv says:

    I was facing the hadoop_yarn_home issue . dont know why .. I downloaded hadoop.3.3.5(hadoop-3.3.5-aarch64.tar.gz )..i turned out This is a 64 bit hadoop and the article is valid for 32 bit . this was confirmed the moment i installed the 32 bit installation tar file (hadoop-3.3.5-src.tar.gz ) can you please confirm if my understanding is correct on this ?

  13. Darlington Maposa says:

    Learned a lot on Hadoop installation. Thank you DataFlair for liberalizing education.

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