Hadoop Objective Questions with Answers

Revise your Apache Hadoop concepts with Hadoop quiz questions and build-up your confidence in the most common framework of Bigdata.

These Hadoop objective questions are designed to cover the concepts of all Hadoop ecosystem components like MapReduce, HDFS, YARN, Hive etc.

Hope this last Hadoop quiz from series of 6 Hadoop quizzes will help you in Hadoop interview preparation. You can go through some of the quizzes here:

If you have any query about these Apache Hadoop objective questions, so, let us know by leaving a comment.

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6 Responses


    Nice questions..


  2. Kotharangavi says:

    It was useful

  3. Kotharangavi says:


  4. Chinmay says:

    Last Quiz is not working Properly

  5. BAHIADB says:


  6. BaoEngg says:

    Its not work. I answer and it not show correct/incorrect!!

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