Hadoop Quiz Questions

This blog provides you with the top Hadoop quiz questions for testing your Hadoop Knowledge.

These Hadoop Quiz Questions are designed to help you in Hadoop Interview preparation. All the questions are provided with a detailed explanation of their answers.

Did you check the first 2 Hadoop quizzes from the series of 6 hadoop quizzes? Do attempt other quizzes as well to master the technology!!!

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7 Responses

  1. Nihal Gangwar says:

    Nice Quiz

    • DataFlair Team says:

      Hi Nihal,

      Thanks for commenting and appreciating our efforts. We recommend you to you explore more Haddop Quizzes and Hadoop Interview Questions (refer from left sidebar) to practice.


  2. Ghansham says:

    good collection of questionnaire. Thank for putting it together.

  3. JayaChandra says:

    Hi Good Questions, and this really helps lot

    and it would be great if you provide sqoop and Hive Optimization techniques.


    • DataFlair Team says:

      Hello JayaChandra,
      Thanks for the appreciation, we have a separate blog on Hive optimization techniques and Sqoop optimization techniques. You can refer our menu bar to search Hive and Sqoop tutorials.
      Hope, it helps!

  4. ACH says:

    These options don’t make sense as answers to this question:
    Q. 11 Which one of the following statements is false about Distributed Cache?


    Really good quiz scored a 12

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