Top Salesforce Terminologies | Glossary in Salesforce

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1. Salesforce Terminologies

In this Salesforce tutorial, we are going to learn about the basic Salesforce Terminologies which will help to understand Salesforce Technology. We are going to discuss all the important terms in Salesforce such as Package Version, Deploy, Managed Package etc.
So, let’s start exploring Salesforce Terminologies.

Salesforce Terminologies

Top Salesforce Terminologies | Glossary in Salesforce

2. Terms in Salesforce

Below discussed are some major Salesforce Terminologies. Let’s see them one by one:
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i. Application
Another way to say “application.” A gathering of segments, for example, tabs, reports, dashboards, and Visualforce pages that address particular business requirements. Salesforce gives standard applications, for example, Sales and Call Center. You can modify the standard applications to coordinate the manner in which you work. Moreover, you can bundle an application and transfer it to the AppExchange alongside related parts, for example, custom fields, custom tabs, and custom articles. At that point, you can make the application accessible to other Salesforce clients from the AppExchange.
ii. AppExchange
The AppExchange is a sharing interface from that enables you to peruse and share applications and administrations for the stage.
iii. Beta, Managed Package
With regards to oversaw bundles, a beta oversaw bundle, an early form of an oversaw bundle disseminates to an inspecting of your target group to test it.
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iv. Deploy
To move usefulness from an idle state to dynamic. For instance, when growing new highlights in the Salesforce UI, you should choose the “Conveyed” alternative to make the usefulness unmistakable to different clients.
The procedure by which an application or other usefulness is moved from advancement to creation.
To move metadata parts from a neighborhood document framework to a Salesforce association.
For introduced applications, the arrangement makes any custom questions in the application accessible to clients in your association. Prior to a custom protest is sent, it is just accessible to managers and any clients with the “Redo Application” authorization.
v. Deprecated Component
A designer may choose to refine the usefulness in an oversaw bundle after some time as the prerequisites develop. This may include upgrading a portion of the segments in the oversaw bundle. Designers can’t erase a few segments in a Managed – Released bundle, however, they can expostulate a segment in a later bundle form with the goal that new supporters don’t get the segment, while the segment keeps on working for existing endorsers and API combinations.
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vi. License Management Application (LMA)
A free AppExchange application that enables you to track prospective customers and records for each client who downloads your oversaw bundle (application) from the AppExchange.
vii. License Management Organization (LMO)
The Salesforce association that you use to track all the Salesforce clients who introduce your bundle. A permit administration association must have the License Management Application (LMA) introduced. It naturally gets a notice each time your bundle is introduced or uninstalled with the goal that you can without much of a stretch tell clients of redesigns. You can determine any Enterprise, Unlimited, or Developer Edition association as your permit administration association. For more data, go to
viii. Major Release
A critical arrival of a bundle. Amid these discharges, the major and minor quantities of a bundle form increment to any picked esteem.
ix. Managed Package
A gathering of use segments that is posted as a unit on the AppExchange and related with a namespace and conceivably a License Management Organization. To help updates, a bundle must be overseen. An association can make a solitary oversaw bundle that can be downloaded and introduced by a wide range of associations. Managed packages vary from unmanaged bundles by having some bolted parts, permitting the oversaw bundle to be redesigned later. Unmanaged bundles do exclude bolted parts and can’t be redesigned. Moreover, oversaw bundles jumble certain parts (like Apex) on buying in associations to ensure the protected innovation of the engineer.
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x. Managed Package Extension
Any bundle, segment, or set of parts that add to the usefulness of an oversaw bundle. You can’t introduce an expansion before introducing its oversaw bundle.
xi. Namespace Prefix
In a bundling setting, a namespace prefix is a one to 15-character alphanumeric identifier that recognizes your bundle and its substance from bundles of different designers on AppExchange. Namespace prefixes are case-harsh. For instance, ABC and abc are not perceived as novel. Your namespace prefix must be universally extraordinary overall Salesforce associations. It holds your oversaw bundle under your control solely.
xii. Package  
Among all Salesforce Terminologies, Package is an important one. A gathering of segments and applications that makes accessible to different associations through the AppExchange. You utilize bundles to package an application alongside any related segments so you can transfer them to AppExchange together.
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xiii. Package Dependency
This is made when one segment references another segment, consent, or inclination that is required for the segment to be substantial. We can incorporate parts yet can not constrain:

  • Standard or custom fields.
  • Standard or custom items.
  • Visualforce pages.

xiv. Package Installation
Establishment joins the substance of a bundle into your Salesforce association. A bundle on the AppExchange can incorporate an application, a part, or a blend of the two. After you introduce a bundle, you may need to send parts in the bundle to make it by and largely accessible to the clients in your association.
xv. Package Version
A bundle rendition is a number that recognizes the arrangement of parts transferred in a bundle. The variant number has the organization majorNumber.minorNumber.patchNumber (for instance, 2.1.3). The major and minor numbers increment to a picked an incentive amid each real discharge. The patchNumber is created and refreshed just for a fix discharge. On the off chance that there is no patchNumber, it is thought to be zero (0).
Unmanaged bundles are not upgradeable, so each bundle adaptation is basically an arrangement of segments for circulation. A bundle variant has more hugeness for oversaw bundles. Bundles can display distinctive conduct for various renditions. Distributers can utilize bundle forms to develop the segments in their oversaw bundles effortlessly by discharging ensuing bundle variants without breaking existing client mixes utilizing the bundle. See additionally Patch and Patch Development Organization.
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xvi. Patch
A Patch empowers a designer to change the usefulness of existing segments in an oversaw bundle, while guaranteeing to buy in associations that there are no obvious conduct changes to the bundle. For instance, you can include new factors or change the body of an Apex class. However, you may not include, deplore, or evacuate any of its strategies. Patches follow by a patchNumber added to each bundle variant. See additionally Patch Development Organization and Package Version.
xvii. Patch Development Organization
The association where we produce Patch adaptations kept up and transferred. Patch development associations are made consequently for an engineer association when they ask for to make a Patch. See additionally Patch and Package Version.
xviii. Patch Release
A minor move up to an oversaw bundle. Amid these discharges, the fix number of a versions adaptation increases.
xix. Publisher
The distributor of an AppExchange posting is the Salesforce client or association that distributed the posting.
xx. Push Upgrade
A strategy for conveying refreshes that send redesigns of an introduced oversaw bundle to all associations that have introduced the bundle.
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xxi. Subscriber
A Salesforce client with an introduce bundle in their Salesforce association known as Subscriber.
xxii. Test Drive
A test drive is a completely practical Salesforce association that contains an application and any example records included by the distributor for a specific bundle. It enables clients on AppExchange to encounter an application as a read-just client utilizing a well-known Salesforce interface.
xxiii. Unmanaged Package
A bundle that its designer can’t update or control.
xxiv. Updating
Updating a bundle is the way toward introducing a more up to date form. Salesforce bolsters overhauls for oversaw bundles that are not beta.
So, this was all in Salesforce Terminologies. Hope you like our explanation.

3. Conclusion

Hence, in this Salesforce Tutorial, we discussed all the important Salesforce Terminologies, which describes Salesforce in a better way. Still, if you have any question regarding Salesforce Terminologies, ask in the comment tab.
See also –
Salesforce Export Data
For reference

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