Java Project – Develop Real-time Chat Application with JSPs and Servlets

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Work on real-time chat application and sharpen your Java skills

The emergence of computer networks and telecommunication technologies allows people to communicate in a new way. Chatting is a method of using technology to bring people and ideas together despite geographical barriers. The technology has been available for years but the acceptance was quite recent.

java project real time chat application


This is one of the top projects for beginners. It provides client application which runs on the users’ desktop and server application which runs on any machine on the network. To start chatting our client should get connected to a server where they can do group and private chatting.

The objective of this project is to develop a java chat application. Let’s develop an instant messaging solution to enable users to seamlessly communicate with each other. The project should be very easy to use enabling even a beginner to use it.

Software requirements of the project

  • Windows & Higher version (32/64-bit) license copies as per requirement
  • Tomcat9 Server
  • JDBC connectivity

Implementation Languages used to develop the project

  • Java
  • Socket Programming
  • AJAX
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


The total number of tables in the database that was identified to build our system is 6. They are:

  • Closed_account
  • Friend
  • Friend_request
  • Member
  • Message
  • Notification


JDBC: JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. It is a part of JavaSE (Java Standard Edition). JDBC API uses JDBC drivers to connect with the database.

JSP & Servlets: Java Server Pages (JSP) is a server-side technology that allows development of Web-based applications.

JSP stands for Java Server Page. It is used to create a web application just like Servlet technology. We can think of JSP as an extension to Servlet because it provides more functionality than servlets such as expression language, JSTL, etc.


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HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and it is a standard markup language for creating Web pages. It describes the structure of Web pages.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS is a language that describes the style of an HTML document. It describes how HTML elements should be displayed.

Servlets used in the project

There are 15 servlets used in this project: This servlet add friend request in the friend request list. This servlet adds the friend request to the user in the friend request list when the user sends the friend request. This servlet adds messages to the message box and shows them to the users. This servlet implements the Serializable interface and sets the number of notifications. This servlet is used to authenticating the user when he login to the system. It checks whether the username and password are correct or not. This servlet deletes the user account from the database and closes the account. This servlet shows the friend list of a user. In this list all the friends that are being added by accepting the friend request. This servlet is used to logout the user from the application. This java file shows the message ists to the user in the message box. This servlet is used to update the user profile like username, name, and password. This servlet removes the friend from the friend list. This servlet removes the friend request. This servlet fetches the images from the images folder and shows them on the webpage of the user profile. This servlet creates a new user and adds to the database. This servlet checks the username availability at the time of registration. If the user tried to enter the already registered username, then there will be an error message shown that asks the user to choose other usernames.

Download Project Source Code

Please download the project: Chat Application Source Code

Running the Project

To run this project you need to install the tomcat9 server and apache derby and Java on your system.

1. Now extract the downloaded project:


2. Open the cmd and type startnetworkserver command to open the apache derby server:


3. Open another cmd window and type ij command:

ij command

4. Now open the tomcat9 server:


5. Now type http://localhost:8080 link on the browser, you will see the login page:


6. You can create an account by registering to the application:


registaration done

7. Now, Login:


8. After successful login, there is a home page:


9. If you try to register with the existing username, you will the following error:

username not available

10. You can log in using google account:

google login

11. You can view your profile:


12. Notifications page:


notification details

13. Friend request page:

friend request

14. Friend list page:

friend list

15. Remove friend page:

remove friend

16. Update Profile page:

update profile

17. New Connections page:

new connections

18. Delete Account page:

delete account



This project is a chat application where you can add your friends and chat with them. You will have to ensure that the tomcat9 server and the apache derby server are connected and they both should be open while running the project. This project covers each and every fundamental aspect of Java language form OOPs concepts to the web development concepts. We hope you have found this project interesting and would have learned a lot from it.

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DataFlair Team specializes in creating clear, actionable content on programming, Java, Python, C++, DSA, AI, ML, data Science, Android, Flutter, MERN, Web Development, and technology. Backed by industry expertise, we make learning easy and career-oriented for beginners and pros alike.

14 Responses

  1. Sneha says:

    please provide me a more real-world project related to java

  2. wishwa says:

    no login page displaying. it displays a page called admin lte.

  3. Abu Saleha says:

    Shall I get the Source Code of this project please

  4. Fathima banu says:

    couldn’t connect the database using jdbc command it shows a error “Failed to start database”
    please help to resolve the error

  5. Hemangi Mohan Kulkarni says:

    Not able to connect to database.

  6. John Angelo says:

    Plss make a tutorial on how to make realtime messaging app and not web app plssssss..Im begging you 😭😭

  7. Mahesh Jadhav says:

    Please connect my pc with remote and install and run this project on my pc with a database. I pay for it please.

  8. Shahzaib Sajid says:

    did you got it how to resolve the problem?

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