Top 30 Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions (Advanced & Latest)

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1. Objective

This Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions and Answers blog lists commonly asked and important interview questions & answers of artificial intelligence which you should prepare. Each question has the detailed answer, which will make you confident to face the Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions. This guide lists frequently asked questions with tips to cracks the interview.

Before going forward on Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions follow this guide to refresh your knowledge of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions- Part 1

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions

2. Top 30 Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions

Q.1. Explain in brief Artificial Intelligence?

According to the father of Artificial Intelligence, John McCarthy, it is “The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs”. Also, intelligence distinguish us from everything in the world. As it has the ability to understand, apply knowledge. Also, improve skills that played a significant role in our evolution. We can define AI as the area of computer science. Further, they deal with the ways in which computers can be made. As they made to perform cognitive functions ascribed to humans.

Read more about Artificial Intelligence

Q.2. Which domain study Artificial Included?

  • Computer Science
  • Cognitive Science
  • Engineering
  • Ethics
  • Linguistics
  • Logic
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences
  • Philosophy
  • Physiology
  • Psychology
  • Statistics

Q.3. What is the philosophy behind Artificial Intelligence?

As if we see the powers that are exploiting the power of computer system, the curiosity of human lead him to wonder, “Can a machine think and behave like humans do?” Thus, AI was started with the intention of creating similar intelligence in machines. Also, that we find and regard high in humans.

Q.4. Explain Goal of Artificial Intelligence?

To Create Expert Systems it is the type of system in which the system exhibit intelligent behavior, and advice its users. b. To Implement Human Intelligence in Machines It is the way of creating the systems that understand, think, learn, and behave like humans.

Read more about Expert system

Q.5. What contributes to Artificial Intelligence?

Basically, artificial intelligence relates to following disciplines such as –

  • Computer Science
  • Biology
  • Psychology
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics and
  • Engineering

Q.6. Name types of Artificial Intelligence?

a. Strong artificial intelligence

b. Weak artificial intelligence

Q.7. Explain types of Artificial Intelligence?

There are two types of artificial intelligence such as:

a. Strong artificial intelligence

Basically, it deals with the creation of real intelligence artificially. Also, strong AI believes that machines can be made sentient.
There are two types of strong AI: Human-like AI In this computer program thinks and reasons to the level of human-being. Non-human-like AI In this computer program develops a non-human way of thinking and reasoning.

b. Weak artificial intelligence

As a result, it doesn’t believe creating human-level intelligence in machines is possible. Although, AI techniques can be developed to solve many real-life problems.

Q.8. Why A.I is needed?

There are some reasons behind its need. So, let us first compare differences between traditional Computer programs vs. Human Intelligence. As it’s identified that normal humans have the same intellectual mechanisms. Moreover, the difference in intelligence is related to “quantitative biochemical and physiological conditions.” Traditionally, we use computing for performing mechanical computations using fixed procedures. Also, there are more complex problems which we need to solve.

Q.9. What is AI technique?

Basically, its volume is huge, next to unimaginable. Although, it keeps changing constantly. As AI Technique is a manner to organize. Also, we use it efficiently in such a way that − Basically, it should be perceivable by the people who provide it. As it should be easily modifiable to correct errors. Moreover, it should be useful in many situations. Though it is incomplete or inaccurate.

Q.10. What are applications of A.I?

a. Natural Language Processing

Basically, it is possible to interact with the computer. Also, they understand only natural language which human use to spoke.

b. Gaming

In strategic games, AI plays a crucial role. Such as chess, poker, tic-tac-toe, etc., As applications presents which integrate machine, software to impart reasoning and advising. They provide explanation and advice to the users.

c. Speech Recognition

Basically, systems capable of hearing the language. And also their meanings while human talks to it.

Read more about A.I applications and examples.

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions for freshers- Q. 1-10

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions for experienced- Q. –

Q.11. Give some advantages of Artificial Intelligence?

a. Error Reduction

We use artificial intelligence in most of the cases. As this helps us in reducing the risk. Also, increases the chance of reaching accuracy with the greater degree of precision.

b. Difficult Exploration

In mining, we use artificial intelligence and science of robotics. Also, other fuel exploration processes. Moreover, we use complex machines for exploring the ocean. Hence, overcoming the ocean limitation.

c. Daily Application

As we know that computed methods and learning have become commonplace in daily life. Financial institutions and banking institutions are widely using AI. That is to organize and manage data. Also, AI is used in the detection of fraud users in a smart card based system.

Read about Robotic and Artificial Intelligence

Q.12. Give some disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence?

a. High Cost Its creation requires huge costs as they are very complex machines. Also, repair and maintenance require huge costs.

b. No Replicating Humans As intelligence is believed to be a gift of nature. An ethical argument continues, whether human intelligence is to be replicated or not.

c. Lesser Jobs As we are aware that machines do routine and repeatable tasks much better than humans. Moreover, we use machines instead of humans. As to increase their profitability in businesses.

d. Lack of Personal Connections We can’t rely too much on these machines for educational oversights. That hurt learners more than help.

Learn more about A.I pros and cons.

Q.13. Explain artificial intelligence examples and applications?

a. Virtual Personal Assistants

Basically, it is processed in which we have to collect a huge amount data. That is collected from a variety of sources to learn about users. Also, one needs to be more effective in helping them organize and track their information. For Example There are various platforms like iOS, Android, and Window mobile. We use intelligent digital personal assistants are like Siri, Google Now, and Cortana. AI plays an important role in this apps. If you demand they use to collect the information. And this information is used to recognize your request and serves your result.

b. Smart Cars

There are two examples: That are featured Google’s self-driving car project and Tesla’s “autopilot”. Also. the artificial intelligence is been used since the invention of the first video game.

c. Prediction

We call it as the use of predictive analytics. Its main purpose is potential privacy. Also, we can use in many ways. As its also sending you coupons, offering you discounts. That is close to your home with products that you will like to buy. Further, we can call it as the controversial use of artificial intelligence.

d. Fraud Detection

We use AI to detects fraud. As many frauds always happen in banks. Also, computers have a large sample of fraudulent and non-fraudulent purchases. As they asked to look for signs that a transaction falls into one category or another.

Q.14. What are Educational Requirements for Career in Artificial Intelligence?

  • Various level of math, including probability, statistics, algebra, calculus, logic, and algorithms.
  • Bayesian networking or graphical modeling, including neural nets.
  • Physics, engineering, and robotics.
  • Computer science, programming languages, and coding.
  • Cognitive science theory.

Q.15. What are artificial intelligence career domains?

A career in this can be realized within a variety of settings including : private companies public organizations education the arts healthcare facilities government agencies and the military.

Q.16. What are roles in AI career?

  • Software analysts and developers.
  • Computer scientists and computer engineers.
  • Algorithm specialists.
  • Research scientists and engineering consultants.
  • Mechanical engineers and maintenance technicians.
  • Manufacturing and electrical engineers.
  • Surgical technicians working with robotic tools.
  • Military and aviation electricians working with flight simulators, drones, and armaments.

Q.17 What is future of Artificial intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is used by one another after the company for its benefits. Also, it’s fact that artificial intelligence is reached in our day-to-day life. Moreover, with a breakneck speed. On the basis of this information, arises a new question: Is it possible that artificial Intelligence outperforms human performance? If yes, then is it happens and how much does it take? Only when Artificial Intelligence is able to do a job better than humans.

Read more about Future of A.I

Q.18. What is AI according to the survey results?

Machines are predicted to be better than humans in translating languages;

Working in the retail sector, and can completely outperform humans by 2060.

As a result, MI researchers believed that AI will become better than humans in the next 40-year time frame.

To build AI smarter, companies have already acquired around 34 AI startups. These companies are reinforcing their leads in the world of Artificial Intelligence.

In every sphere of life, AI is present. We use AI to organize big data into different patterns and structures. Also, patterns help in a neural network, machine learning, and data analytics.

From 80’s to now, Artificial intelligence is now part of our everyday lives, it’s very hard to believe. Moreover, it is becoming more intelligent and accepted every day. Also, with lots of opportunities for business.

Read more about Neural Network

Q.19. What are steps to ensure the business stays relevant to the AI revolution?

a. A finger on the pulse Maybe the time is going on it’s not right for your business to harness the value of AI. Although, doesn’t mean you should stop keeping up like others are using AI. Only reading IT journal trade is a good place to start. Rather start focusing on how businesses are leveraging AI.

b. Piggyback on the innovators To implement AI, there are so many resources present from an industry that will help you. For example Google has developed a machine learning system, TensorFlow. That has released as open source software.

c. Brainstorm potential uses with your team If you want, a team must be engaged in encouraging in the areas of business, AI could be deployed. Data-heavy, inefficient are processes that are likely benefit. Moreover, find where these exist.

d. Start small and focus on creating real value It’s not mandatory to move forward for the sake only. Rather, it’s necessary to focus on objectives and start finding the best solution for it. Moreover, mean finding the specific process to run AI pilot. Also, see how it goes, learn and build from there.

e. Prepare the ground Before, to maximize the value of AI, its good to ensure your current process. I.e working in a best possible way.

Q.20. What are jobs in artificial intelligence?

  • Computational philosopher: To ensure human-aligned ethics are embedded in AI algorithms
  • Robot personality designer
  • Robot obedience trainer
  • Autonomous vehicle infrastructure designer: New road and traffic signs to be read by computer
  • Algorithm trainers include the growing army of so-called “click workers”. That, help algorithms learn to recognize images or analyze sentiment, for instance.

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions for freshers- Q. 11,12,13,14,16,17,20

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions for experienced- Q.15,18,19

Q.21. Give some best books to A.I?

a. Artificial Intelligence (3rd edition) –

Patrick Henry Winston has written this book. As it is an introduction to AI. Also, this book is best for the non-programmers. As they can easily understand the explanations and concepts. Moreover, advanced AI topics are covered but haven’t been explained in depth. Further, it teaches to build intelligent systems using various real-life examples.

b. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach –

If you have opted a course from Norvig to understand his style of teaching. Hence, you will long for it! Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig have written this book. This is the best book for newcomers for A.I. Also, covers subjects from search algorithm, working with logic to more advanced topics. Moreover, make this book your first choice for A.I.

c. Artificial Intelligence For Humans-

Jeff Heaton has written this book. This books will help to understand the basic artificial intelligence algorithms. Such as dimensionality, distance metrics, clustering, and linear regression. Interesting examples and cases were used to explain these algorithms. Although, to understand this book you need a good command of math. Otherwise, you’ll require more time to learn the equations.

d. Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence Programming-

Another one by Peter Norvig! This book will help you to understand the advanced common lisp techniques to build major A.I systems. It is all about practical aspects. Also, it teaches readers the method to build and debug robust practical programs. Moreover, It gives better understanding superior programming style and essential AI concepts. Further, if you are serious about a career, this book is best for you.

Read more about A.I Books

Q.22. What is Single Agent Pathfinding Problems?

There are different types of games. Such as 3X3 eight-tile, 4X4 fifteen-tilepuzzles are single-agent-path-finding challenges. As they are consisting of a matrix of tiles with a blank tile. Thus, to arrange the tiles by sliding a tile either vertically or horizontally into a blank space. Also, with the aim of accomplishing some objective.

Q.23. Name search algorithm technology?

a. Problem Space Basically, it is the environment in which the search takes place. (A set of states and set of operators to change those states)

b. Problem Instance It is a result of Initial state + Goal state.

c. Problem Space Graph We use it to represent problem state. Also, we use nodes to show states.

d. The depth of a problem We can define a length of the shortest path.

Q.24. What Brute-Force Search Strategies?

This strategy doesn’t require any domain-specific knowledge. Thus it’s so simple strategy. Hence, it works very smoothly and fine with a small number of possible states.

Requirements for Brute Force Algorithms

a. State description

b. A set of valid operators

c. Initial state

d. Goal state description

Q.25. What is Breadth-First Search Algorithm?

Basically, we have to start searching for the root node. And continue through neighboring nodes first. Further, moves towards next level of nodes. Moreover, till the solution is found, generates one tree at a time. As this search can be implemented using FIFO queue data structure. This method provides the shortest path to the solution. FIFO(First in First Out). If the branching factor (average number of child nodes for a given node) = b and depth = d, the number of nodes at level d = bd. The total no of nodes created in worst case is b + b2 + b3 + … + bd.

Read more about all algorithms of popular search algorithm

Q.26. What is Depth-First Search Algorithm?

It is based on the concept of LIFO. As it stands for Last In First Out. Also, implemented in recursion with LIFO stack data structure. Thus, It used to create the same set of nodes as the Breadth-First method, only in the different order. As the path is been stored in each iteration from root to leaf node. Thus, store nodes are linear with space requirement. With branching factor b and depth as m, the storage space is bm.

Q.27 What is Bidirectional Search Algorithm?

Basically, starts searches forward from an initial state and backward from goal state. As till both meets to identify a common state. Moreover, initial state path is concatenated with the goal state inverse path. Each search is done only up to half of the total path.

Q.28. What is the Uniform Cost Search Algorithm?

Basically, it performs sorting in increasing the cost of the path to a node. Also, always expands the least cost node. Although, it is identical to Breadth-First search if each transition has the same cost. It explores paths in the increasing order of cost.

Q.29. What is Iterative Deepening Depth-First Search Algorithm?

To perform this search we need to follow steps. As it performs the DFS starting to level 1, starts and then executes a complete depth-first search to level 2. Moreover, we have to continue searching process till we find the solution. We have to generate nodes till single nodes are created. Also, it saves only stack of nodes. As soon as he finds a solution at depth d, the algorithm ends, The number of nodes created at depth d is bd and at depth d-1 is bd-1.

Q.30. What are disadvantages Uniform Cost Search Algorithm?

There can be multiple long paths with the cost ≤ C*.

Uniform Cost search must explore them all.

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions for freshers- Q. 21,29,30

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions for experienced- Q. 22, 24,25,26,27,28

3. Conclusion

As a result, this Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions contains all major topics for interviews in Artificial Intelligence. I hope this Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions will help you in the interview preparation. Furthermore, if you feel any query in this Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions, you can freely ask in comment box.

Related Topic – AI Interview Questions Part – 2

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