SQL Formatter Uses and Advantages

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In this tutorial, we will understand all about SQL formatter and the use cases where we need to use SQL formatter.

What is SQL formatter?

SQL formatter is a beautifying tool for our SQL queries. It helps to make the queries more readable and thus easy to understand.

We have a wide range of formatters available ranging from online to desktop applications.

We even have extension-based formatters which help us perform the formatting from the comfort of our text editor.

It is a tool that helps developers to format large SQL queries which otherwise become difficult to read and understand.

Why do we need SQL formatter?

The use-cases where we should use SQL formatting tools are as follows:

  • When we need well-arranged queries with proper spacing for presenting.
  • When multiple developers work on a query, formatting makes it easy to understand the logic and context better.
  • In case when newbie developers work on queries, it makes it easy for them to understand about the loops and the subqueries easily.

Some options for SQL formatter

As SQL formatters are being put to use widely, here are some of the prominent online SQL formatters which one can use to format the SQL queries.

  • CodeBeauty SQL formatter
  • EverSQL formatter
  • ApexSQL Refactor and SQL formatter
  • Atom Beautify SQL formatter
  • dbForge SQL Complete
  • FSQLF SQL formatter
  • SqlBeautifier SQL formatter
  • SQL Pretty Printer SQL formatter
  • SQL Prompt SQL formatter
  • SSMSBoost SQL formatter
  • Tidy code T-SQL Formatter
  • Online SQL formatter
  • Poor Man’s T-SQL formatter
  • Rapid Database Extractor and SQL formatter
  • RazorSQL SQL formatter
  • SQL Assistant and formatter
  • SQL Beautifier and formatted
  • SQLinForm formatter
  • SQL Enlight formatter
  • SQL PraRup formatter

What are the Advantages of using SQL formatter tools?

Some of the advantages of using SQL formatters are as follows:

  • Helps us to make the queries more readable and easy to understand.
  • When the queries are formatted and laid out with proper spacing it comes easy to find the errors in the query and fix the error.
  • Formatted queries are easy to be passed on to the fellow developers.
  • Helps in increasing the efficiency of the database transaction system.
  • Makes it easy to scale and deploy the database system.


In this tutorial, we have seen all about the formatting tools we have for SQL.

In the tutorial, we have started from what the formatters are and then we move on to the use cases of the formatting tools.

Moving on, we have seen the options of the various formatter tools available to us. Then we have seen the advantages of the SQL formatter.

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