SQL Quiz Questions and Answers

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In this SQL Quiz, we will try to test our knowledge of the SQL Concepts. In this Quiz, we have covered questions from almost all topics of  SQL.

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In this SQL quiz, we have tried to cover almost all topics from our tutorials.

We have covered all the important topics and we will be rolling out more quizzes soon. We recommend attempting the quiz once you are well aware of all the topics.

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11 Responses

  1. Apdale aideed says:


  2. shaun samuel bembridge says:

    up love a lone

  3. Zack Billor says:

    Mistake in the question.
    Which of the following is not true about views?
    “Can be created only from one table.” is not true

  4. Bhavana says:

    Nice mixing of question, some were so easy and some were confusing.
    Nice to have Quiz. It will be more interesting if result will be shown as pie graph in percentage.
    Thank you.

  5. baddy says:

    Which of the following join extracts data of matching rows from both tables?

    answer is none of these, but you mention that full outer join

  6. Aditya says:

    8. Question
    Which of the following join extracts data of matching rows from both tables?

    Full Outer Join
    Left Join
    Right Join
    None of these.

    The answer to this should be INNER JOIN, but if selected none of the above, it gives wrong answer, googling the same question gives the answer as INNER JOIN too.

  7. Fabrice Tamelah says:

    Which of the following join extracts data of matching rows from both tables?

    Full Outer Join
    Left Join
    Right Join
    None of these.

    The answer to this should be INNER JOIN

  8. emmanuel says:

    so easy 92%

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