GK Quiz for Class 9

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Nowadays the personalities of students are constantly changing and sometimes general knowledge plays an important role in it. Many necessary GK Quiz questions have been mentioned below in order to test skills for Class 9 Students. Let’s start!!!!


All the GK Quiz questions that have been mentioned above are very crucial for Class 9 Students. These are the basic types of questions that you will face in competitive exams.

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18 Responses

  1. Sakura says:

    Hello in Q12 “where is the Atacama desert located” The options were
    A South africa
    B South America
    C Iraq
    D Australia
    I chose the correct option but it says it is incorrect?! pls help

  2. Amish says:

    South Africa

  3. Arjun rawal says:

    No atcama desert is found in chile which is in south america

    • Saumya Jha says:

      In question 4 the options are wrong,because the question is that how many cells are present in human heart and there are billions of cells in human heart.

  4. Goldy says:

    But Mai winner price

  5. Disha says:

    General knowledge questions

  6. Harshad Ramesh Nagapure says:

    Can I’ll get the certificate

  7. Saumya Jha says:

    In question 4 the options are wrong,because the question is that how many cells are present in human heart and there are billions of cells in human heart.

    • प्राची अमित मोरे says:

      They are talking about cells as in chambers of the heart.Cell not only means the one in biology but also a room like jail.It may also mean intersection of rows and columns in Excel.

  8. Divyanshu Rana says:

    Gk is vry importaint

  9. Keerthana k r says:

    I like this quizz

  10. Rabia says:

    Gk knowledge

  11. Ashish says:

    Cash prize

  12. Basayya says:

    Super quiz

  13. Rakesh says:


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