GK Quiz to Enhance your General Knowledge
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This General knowledge quiz has various questions from different aspects of national and international events in July, August, and September months. In competitive exams like UPSC, RRB, SSC, etc, general knowledge questions are always there.
So along with this quiz, DataFlair has brought to you series of more GK Quizzes some of which are as follows:
- GK Quiz – 5
- GK Quiz – 6
- GK Quiz – 7
Let’s start the quiz now!!!!
July sees the Independence day of America on 4 July and International Nelson Mandela Day on 17 July. Both are important but it is ideal to know the history behind them.
Moving on to august comes to the events around WWII. Hiroshima bombing to the end of World war, all was in August. This month also sees the independence of India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
Ending with September, it sees many health-related days. Rabies, Cancer, Heart, Contraception, Deafness, Alzheimer’s, mental health, and physical therapy related days are celebrated this month.
International and national days are marked to raise awareness, highlight an issue, promote an event, or celebrate an achievement. They are spread all across the 12 months.
The above GK quiz revolved around July, August, and September months. There are several important dates in these three months. But rather than focusing just on the time and date, we have tried to add extra information about them. This quiz was based on that information.
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