Pandas Merge and Join – Strategies For Beginners

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The last tutorial ended with the question- How is Pandas Concatenation different from Pandas Merging and Joining? Hope, you all remember that. Today, we will come up with an answer to this question and discuss the various functions offered by pandas merge and join for the dataframes.

Pandas Merge and Join Functions

Pandas merging and joining functions allow us to create better datasets. This helps to get efficient and accurate results when trying to analyze data.

To perform pandas merge and join function, we have to import pandas and invoke it using the term “pd”

>>> import pandas as pd

Print the dataframe.

>>> dataflair={
... 'item no.':[1,2,3,4,5],
... 'category':['vegetable','vegetable','fruit','vegetable','fruit'],
... 'name':['carrot','beans','apple','potato','grapes']
... }
>>> a=pd.DataFrame(dataflair,columns=['item no.','category','name'])
>>> a


Creating a pandas Dataframes

We saw that the DataFrame has 3 columns and 5 rows.

  • Next, create another dictionary and make a DataFrame from it.
>>> dataflair2={
... 'item no.':[4,5,6,7,8],
... 'category':['vegetable','fruit','fruit','vegetable','fruit'],
... 'name':['gourd','mango','peach','peas','watermelon']
... }
>>> b=pd.DataFrame(dataflair2,columns=['item no.','category','name'])
>>> b


create 2nd dataframes in Pandas

Again, we have 3 columns and 5 rows.

  • We create the third and final dictionary to form the last DataFrame.
>>> dataflair3={
... 'item no.':[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
... 'price':[12,23,98,15,88,24,67,58,26,96]
... }

>>> c=pd.DataFrame(dataflair3,columns=['item no.','price'])
>>> c


create 3rd dataframes in Pandas

Here, we got the 2 columns, but 10 rows.

1. Pandas Concatenation

Using the concat function, we can concatenate two DataFrames in Pandas:

>>> new_dataflair=pd.concat([a,b])
>>> new_dataflair

This gives us a DataFrame, with a and b together. But this is vertical; to add horizontally, we use the following function:

  • Horizontal Concatenation
>>> pd.concat([a,b], axis=1)

Using the axis=1 parameter, we are able to concatenate on the horizontal axis.


Example of Pandas Concatenation

2. Pandas Merge

>>> dataflair_x pd.merge(new_dataflair, c, on='item no.')
>>> dataflair_x

The Pandas merge function lets us merge the dataframe of items with their corresponding elements. This is achieved by the parameter “on” which allow us to select the common column between two dataframes.


Pandas Merging example

2.1 Pandas Merging Using Multiple Keys

We can also merge dataframes using multiple keys using the following instruction.

>>> pd.merge(a,b,on=['item no.','category'])

This will yield the common rows between the two dataframes for the corresponding column values.


Pandas Merging Using Multiple Keys

2.2 Pandas Merging on the Basis of Index

This function helps to merge two dataframes, based on the index of both of them.

>>> new6_dataflair=pd.merge(a, b, right_index=True, left_index=True)
>>> new6_dataflair

Get a trick to Index the Pandas Dataframes


Pandas Merging on the Basis of Index

3. Pandas Join

There are 4 types of joins available in Pandas, let’s discuss one by one with an example-

Pandas Merge and Join Functions

3.1 Pandas Outer Join

With an outer join in Pandas, we tend to achieve a dataframe with all records of elements from both a and b.

 Pandas Outer Join

For each column attribute, we get an x and a y version. The x version belongs to the first dataframe and consists of members from its own dataset, including the ones common with the second dataframe. The other values are treated as missing values. For the y version, it’s the same.

>>> new2_dataflair=pd.merge(a, b, on='item no.', how='outer')
>>> new2_dataflair


Pandas Outer Join with example

3.2 Pandas Inner Join

In an inner join, only the common values between the two dataframes are shown.

Pandas Inner Join

>>> new3_dataflair=pd.merge(a, b, on='item no.', how='inner')
>>> new3_dataflair


Example of Pandas Inner Join

3.3 Pandas Right Join

In this, the x version of the columns show only the common values and the missing values. The y version shows all the values that are both- common and unique to the second dataframe.

Pandas right join

>>> new4_dataflair=pd.merge(a, b, on='item no.', how='right')
>>> new4_dataflair


Pandas Right Join with Example

3.4 Pandas Left Join

Pandas left Join

In this, the x version consists of all the unique and common values from the first dataframe, but the y version only has the common values and missing values.

>>> new5_dataflair=pd.merge(a, b, on='item no.', how='left')
>>> new5_dataflair


Pandas Left Join with example


Through this article, we come across the various kinds of merge and join functions offered by pandas. This helps us manipulate data better. Hope you understood the differences between concatenation, merging, and joining in pandas.

Has this tutorial on pandas merging and joining been helpful to you? Let us know your suggestions, if any, and leave your feedback in the comments.

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