Scala Syntax: An Introductory Scala Tutorial
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This article aims to explain to you the basic Scala Syntax. Though it is a bit different from Java Syntax or C++, we’ll get used to it. Along with this, we will learn Scala Keywords, Scala Identifiers, Scala Packages, and Scala Comments.
So, let’s begin the Scala Syntax Tutorial.
Introduction to Scala Syntax
We can look at a Scala program as a collection of objects that invoke each other’s methods to communicate. One major difference between Scala and Java is that here, in Scala, we don’t need to end each statement with a semicolon(;).
Basic Scala Constructs
Let’s start with the basic structures- expressions, blocks, classes, objects, functions, methods, traits, Main method, fields, and closures.
a. Scala Expression
An expression is a computable statement. For example, the following is an expression:
We use println() to print the output of an expression:
println(1) //1 println(1+2) //3 println(“Hi”) //Hi println(“Hi”+” User”) //Hi User
- Values
An expression returns a result; we can name it using the ‘val’ keyword.
val name=’Ayushi’ println(name)
Such an entity has only one value; we cannot reassign it. Also, when we reference it again, that does not recompute its value.
val name=”Ayushi” name=”Megha” //This doesn’t compile
Usually, Scala will infer the type of an expression- type inference, as we’ve discussed in Features of Scala. But we can also explicitly state the type:
val roll:Int = 30
- Scala Variables
A variable is a value that we can reassign. To declare a variable, we use the ‘var’ keyword. Scala Syntax for Variables are given below.
var x=2 x=3 //This changes the value of x from 2 to 3 println(x*x) //This prints 9
We can declare the type of the variable:
var roll:Int = 30
b. Scala Block
A block is a group of expressions delimited by curly braces({}). A block returns whatever its last expression returns. The Scala Syntax for the Same is Below.
println ( { val x=1+1 x+1 } ) //3
c. Scala Class
Scala class is a blueprint that we can use to create an object. It may hold values, variables, types, classes, functions, methods, objects, and traits. We collectively call them members. To declare a class, we use the keyword ‘class’ and an identifier.
object Main extends App
{ class Fruit{} val orange=new Fruit }
Here, to create an instance of this, we use the keyword ‘new’. An instance of a class can have behaviors and states. For example, a car has states- brand, model, color, and behaviors- start, turn, stop. Here, orange is an instance of class Fruit.
We’ll see more on classes and objects in a later tutorial.
d. Scala Object
It is a single instance of its own definition(a singleton of its own class). To define an object, we use the keyword ‘object’.
object Main extends App { object MyObject{ def plusthree()={ val x=3*3 x+3} } println(MyObject.plusthree) //This prints 12 }
We’ll cover this in a later tutorial.
e. Scala Function
A function is an expression that takes parameters. First, let’s observe an anonymous function.
This function takes an Integer argument x, and returns its square.
So, here we see that on the left of => is the list of parameters, and on the right is an expression it will return. Now, let’s give it a name.
val squared=(x:Int)=>x*x
To get the output, we call the function:
println(squared(3)) //This prints 9
A function may also take multiple parameters or none.
val add=(x:Int,y:Int,z:Int)=>x+y+z println(add(2,3,7)) //This prints 12 val sayhi=()=>(println(“Hi”)) //We could also have put the println in a block as {print(“Hi”)} sayhi() //This prints Hi
f. Scala Method
A method is similar to a function, but we define it using the keyword ‘def’. What follows is an identifier, parameter lists, a return type, and a body. Let’s take an example.
def squared(x:Int):Int=x*x println(squared(3)) //This prints 9
We denote the return type after a colon after the parameter list. Also, here, we use = instead of =>.
A method can also take multiple parameter lists.
def mymethod(x:Int,y:Int)(z:Int):Int={(x+y)*z} println(mymethod(2,3)(4)) //This prints 20 from ((2+3)*4) Now, let’s try something with no parameter lists. def method1():String="Hello" println(method1) //This would work too: println(method1())
A method can have multiline expressions:
def method2(x:Int,y:Int)(z:Int):Int={ val a=z+y+x (x+y)*a } println(method2(2,3)(4))
The last expression is the return value. Scala does have a ‘return’ keyword, but we’ll see that later.
g. Scala Trait
A trait holds fields and methods, and we define it using the ‘trait’ keyword. We can also combine traits.
trait greeter { def greet(name:String):Unit }
We’ll see this in detail later.
h. Scala Main Method
The main method is an entry point for the program. JVM needs a method with an argument which is an array of strings.
object Main { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println("Hello, Scala developer!") }
i. Fields
A unique set of instance variables belongs to each object. These are fields, and they define the object’s state.
j. Closure
Any function whose return value depends on variables declared outside it.
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An Example of Scala Program
Let’s try the first “Hello, World!” program in Scala. Like many other languages, we may execute a Scala program in one of two modes- interactive mode and script mode.
a. Interactive Mode
Open the Command Prompt on Windows using ‘cmd’ in Run. Then, type ‘scala’.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.309]
(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Welcome to Scala 2.12.5 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_151).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
Now, you can execute any statement here.
b. Script Mode
To execute a program in script mode, type your program in the Notepad.
object hello extends App
{ println("Hello") }
Now, get back to the command prompt, and get to the location where your file is.
C:\Users\lifei>cd Desktop
Then, to compile your program, type the following:
C:\Users\lifei\Desktop>scalac hw.scala
This creates some class files in the current directory. One of these is hello.class. This is the
bytecode, and finally, to run this bytecode, use the command scala:
C:\Users\lifei\Desktop>scala hello
Scala Syntax Rules
There are some basic syntax rules we must take care of while coding with Scala. Let’s discuss those.
a. Case-Sensitive
Scala is case-sensitive. This means that it treats the identifiers ‘hello’ and ‘Hello’ differently.
b. Class Names
You should name a class in Pascal case. This means that instead of naming it like ‘hihelloworld’, you will name it ‘HiHelloWorld’.
c. Method Names
A method’s name should be in Camel case. So, the correct way would be something like ‘sayHelloToTheWorld()’.
Scala Keywords
Scala reserves some words so it can function. These are:
Abstract case catch class
def do else extends
false final finally for
forSome if implicit import
lazy match new Null
object override package private
protected return sealed super
this throw trait Try
true type val Var
while with yield –
: = => <-
<: <% >: #
We can’t use any of these words as identifiers or constants.
Scala Identifiers
What names can we use for entities like objects, classes, methods, and variables? We call them identifiers, and there are some rules to what names we can use for this purpose:
- It cannot be a reserved keyword.
- It is case-sensitive.
Scala supports four kinds of identifiers:
a. Alphanumeric Identifiers in Scala
These begin with a letter(A-Z/a-z) or an underscore. This can be followed by letters, digits, or underscores. You cannot use ‘$’, since it is a keyword.
Legally valid examples: age, _8bit, __magic__
Legally invalid examples: $99, 9lives, -23.47
b. Operator Identifiers in Scala
These may have one or more operator characters. So, what are operator characters? Printable ASCII characters like +, :, ?, ~, or #.
Legally valid examples:
The compiler internally mangles these to turn them into legal Java identifiers with embedded $ characters. For example, it would represent :-> as $colon$minus$greater.
c. Mixed Identifiers in Scala
These contain an alphanumeric identifier followed by an underscore and an operator identifier.
Legally valid examples:
d. Literal Identifiers in Scala
Such an identifier is an arbitrary string delimited by back ticks(`…..`).
Legally valid examples:
Scala Comments
Just like Java, Scala supports single-line and multiline comments.
// This is a single-line comment
/* This is the first line of a multiline comment
This is the middle
And this is the last*/
The compiler ignores comments. Read up on Comments in Scala for a detailed explanation on comments.
Blank Lines and Whitespace
A line that contains only whitespace, and possibly comments, is a blank line, and Scala just ignores it. Also, we can separate tokens by whitespace characters and/or comments.
Newline Characters
Scala is line-oriented; we may terminate statements with semicolons(;) or with newlines. This means that semicolons are optional to end a statement. If only a single statement appears on a line, we don’t have to use it necessarily. But if we must fit multiple statements into one line, we must separate them with semicolons:
val x=7; println(x)
Scala Packages
A module of code is a package with a name. For example, take a look at the Lift utility package
net.liftweb.util. In the source file, the package declaration is the first non-comment line:
package com.liftcode.stuff
To refer a package in the current compilation scope, we can import a package:
import scala.xml._
We can also import a single class and object from a package:
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
And to import more than one class or object:
import scala.collection.immutable.{TreeMap, TreeSet}
This was all about the Scala Syntax.
We can guarantee you’ll be able to write basic Scala code now. Tell us how it works for you. Also leave your doubts and comments regarding the Scala Syntax in the comment section.
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