10 Best Scala Books For Beginner To Become Expert
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Scala is now the language of Big Data and has been the most popular language that is supposed to be the only one that could replace Java. It has several new features along with Java features that make it so popular currently to start learning for. To start learning Scala, in this scala tutorial we will list the best books on Scala that would help you to learn Scala from basics to advanced level.
Some of these are best Scala books for beginners and some would help you in learning advanced Scala programs to become Scala expert. This book is like Scala wiki contains each and every concepts of scala programming.
1. Programming in Scala: A comprehensive Step-by-Step Scala Programming Guide by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners
This book covers every concept of Scala starting from fundamentals and builds to advanced scala programming techniques. This book is a complete book to learn and master Scala programming.
2. Scala for the Impatient by Cay Hortsmann
This Scala book provides a code-based introduction to the Scala language and is intended for experienced programmers explaining what Scala can do and how coding can be done effectively in Scala with Scala programs.
3. Scala in Depth by Joshua D Suereth
This Scala book is designed for Java programmers who help them understand how they can integrate Scala language into their existing projects. This programming book will help you in learning best practices for creating Scala applications.
4. Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala by Mark Lewis
This is one of the few Scala books out there for Scala beginner programmers; this title was written for introductory computer science classes.
5. Atomic Scala by Eckel and Marsh
This Scala book is for beginners, new programmers and is specifically designed for professionals who are not from java background but want to learn Scala.
6. Functional Programming in Scala by Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason
This book guides readers from basic concepts to advanced topics in a logical, concise, and clear progressive manner. Scala Concepts are being explained with examples and exercises to make you Scala expert. It focusses more on Functional programming concepts.
7. Scala in Action: Covers Scala 2.10 by Nilanjan Raychaudhuri and Chad Fowler
It explains the Scala language through numerous hands-on practical examples. It handles concurrent programming in Akka, explains how to work with Scala and Spring, and shows how to build DSLs and other productivity tools. It covers features of Scala 2.10 as well.
8. Programming Scala by Dean Wampler, Alex Payne
This book explains Scala concepts as JVM language and shows how Scala turns out to be the best development option for programmers. Scala can be learnt from basics to hands on level through this book, what is scala programming to Scala in depth.
9. Scala Cookbook by Alvin Alexander
In this book, author highlights Scala features in an efficient manner. It covers Scala features like Flatmap and provides answers to questions that a new Scala learner would have.
10. Scala Programming by Matthew Gimson
This book begins from Scala origin, uses and benefits and then guides the reader through setting up Scala environment for programming in different operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Scala programs syntax is explored to help you understand the various parts which make up a Scala program.
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which one is the best among all to learn SCALA for big data.
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I am Not from Java BackGround and i am from Python Background. I want to use Scala instead of Pyspark in Big Data Environment. Which would be the best book for me to use for all my indepth Scala needs and for Big Data as well ?