4 Quick Cassandra Monitoring Tools – Updated Tools

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1. Objective

In our previous Cassandra tutorial, we studied Cassandra API. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss Cassandra Monitoring Tools. These Monitoring Tools in Cassandra helps to monitored continuously.
So, let’s start Cassandra Monitoring Tools.

4 Simple & Quick Cassandra Monitoring Tools - Updated Tools

4 Simple & Quick Cassandra Monitoring Tools – Updated Tools

2. What are the Cassandra Monitoring Tools?

Cassandra is basically a database with information stored collectively in a lot of systems. These systems need to be monitored continuously.
The Cassandra Monitoring Tools includes the following four points:

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a. Cluster Statistics

To monitor the performance of a Cassandra Cluster, the user first needs to gather the cluster statistics. The user may get these statistics using DataStax tools and Java Console. Cassandra has a number of statistics and operations that can be used to monitor.

To do so, user can use JMX. JMX is, basically, Java Management Extensions. It is a technology that provides tools for monitoring and managing Java application and services.
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There are many JMX-compliant tools, some are:

i. nodetool

This is a command-line interface. It basically monitors a cluster and performs routine database operations. It provides various commands to display metrics and statistics regarding operations and databases.

The commands that are used are nodetool table stats, nodetool table histograms, nodetool tpstats, nodetool netstats. This utility is run from an operational node.

ii. JConsole

This is a JMX-compliant tool for monitoring Java applications. JConsole provides the metrics and operations through DataStax Enterprise in a organized GUI. The user sees the metrics and statistics in six different tabs. These tabs are overview, memory, threads, classes, VM summary and MBeans.

b. Table Statistics

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To monitor Cassandra, table statistics are very important. Using these table statistics, user can get a hold of performance of Cassandra. Cassandra provides different attributes that are important to gather the statistics.

MemtableDataSize, MemtableColumnsCount, MemtableSwitchCount are some of the attributes used to display the table statistics. Using these statistics, user can gain total size, number of columns, number of live SSTables etc of the table.

The statistics also provide recent read and write latency counters. These are important to make sure of the consistent manner of the operations happening.
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4 Simple & Quick Cassandra Monitoring Tools - Updated Tools

4 Simple & Quick Cassandra Monitoring Tools – Updated Tools

c. Thread Pool

Each source code has an execution in Cassandra. There are different stages of this execution. These stages are represented by distinct thread pools. These thread pools provide statistics of the different operations. This operation may include active, pending or completed.

This thread pool help in guiding the user to increase the performance by indicating the pending operations. A user can execute the operation to display statistics using ‘nodepool tpstats’.

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Executing the command user can get many statistics to up the performance of the database. AntiEntropyStage is the thread pool that displays the operations related to repair.
Thread pool, CompactionExecutor for the operations related to compaction.

Just like these, there are many thread pools that display. These thread pools include CacheCleanupExecutor, GossipStage, HintsDispatcher, InternalResponsesStage etc. These thread pools basically display operations related to maintenance, internal task response, different protocols, client requests etc.

Apart from these statistics, using this, Cassandra also tracks latency of reading, writes and slicing operations.
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d. Compaction Metrics

The compaction metrics allows the user to gather compaction performance. Using these metrics, the user can predict when to add capacity to the cluster. These metrics displays attributes using CompactionManagerMBean.

These attributes include BytesCompacted, PendingTasks, CompletedTasks etc. These attributes display a total number of bytes, number of completed, pending and total compactions etc.

So, this was all about Cassandra Monitoring Tools. Hope you like our explanation.

3. Conclusion

Hence, in this article, we studied Cassandra Monitoring Tools. This article is necessary to ensure the efficiency of the database.

The user can ensure the highest quality of performances through monitoring Cassandra. Still, if you have any query regarding Cassandra Monitoring Tools, feel free to ask in the comment section.
See also- Cassandra Shell Commands 

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1 Response

  1. David says:

    For the tools listed below do we just need to use one for our monitoring or we use the entire four for monitoring. And which is best?

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