NCERT History Notes for UPSC Exam
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UPSC holds the Civil Service exams every year to recruit candidates for various Civil Services of the Government of India. The study of Indian history is important to these selected people to understand the nature of the past and the obstacles that India as a nation may face.
This is why UPSC Prelims and Mains focus on subject history. Let us see History Notes on UPSC for major topics.
NCERT Notes on History for UPSC Exams
Let’s take a look at some important topics of Indian History that are frequently asked in UPSC:
This was all about History NCERT Notes for UPSC Exam. Let us now check the knowledge you have gained so far.
DataFlair UPSC History Quiz
These were some of the important history topics for UPSC Exams. It is important to refer to a reliable source when it comes to studying for competitive exams like UPSC.
Dataflair is offering reliable and updated content for preparation of this exam. Once the aspirants are finished covering the entire syllabus, they must revise and practice. Going through the notes again is a good idea but solving papers is even better.
Go for Dataflair UPSC History Quizzes to revise the History topics for UPSC. Here’s a list of UPSC History Quizzes to improve and enhance your history Knowledge.
Why History is an important topic for UPSC?
The UPSC Prelims has always given importance to Basic Indian and Global history. This stage of the UPSC exam has 15 -20 questions related to history in general.
They may be about the Indian National Movement or World Wars, the topics vary every year. The first 250 marks General Studies Paper of the UPSC Mains exam is again history-oriented. It focuses on Indian Heritage and Culture, History, and Geography of the World and Society.
Then the candidates choosing history as their UPSC Optional Subject have to study it from the ancient times till the modernization.
Check History Previous years UPSC Papers to check your learning.
This article particularly focused on the UPSC History Subject. As mentioned above, it plays an important role in UPSC Prelims and Mains Exam. This article will help you cover some of the most important history topics starting from Ancient India and ending with Modern Indian History.
We have also added some Dataflair UPSC History Quiz links to help you practice as much as possible. They are multiple choice based quizzes covering different aspects of Indian History. Do solve them to strengthen your UPSC Exam Preparation.
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