How to Enroll in Free Courses on DataFlair & Get the Certificate?

Expert-led Online Courses: Elevate Your Skills, Get ready for Future - Enroll Now!

How to enroll in free DataFlair courses and become industry ready?

Let’s discuss how to enroll in free courses on Dataflair. Each step is attached with a screenshot to guide you throughout the process.

After completing the enrollment process, you are all set to embark on an enriching learning experience.

Steps for the Course Enrollment on Mobile Devices

Steps for the Course Enrollment on PC/Laptop

Step 1: Visit the DataFlair website.

1.visit dataflair website

Step 2: Scroll down and click on the desired course in which you want to enroll.

3.selected the course


Step 3: Now, you are on the course page, please click on the “Login to Enroll” button.

4.login to enroll button


Step 4: Now a social login popup will appear. Please click on “Signup/Login with Google“. To access the course you need to login with Google, which will automatically create your account on website.

NOTE: In case of any issues in below steps, please visit DataFlair Legacy Login Page and login with Google

5.login signup with google


Step 5: Enter your gmail id.

6.enter your email id


Step 6: Now, Enter your password

7.enter password



Step 7: Please wait for a few seconds, after the authentication you will be logged into the website.

8.wait for few seconds


Step 8: After successful login, please click on the “Enroll Now” button.

9.enroll now button


Step 9: Congratulations, you have successfully enrolled in the best course on the planet. are enrolled now


Step 10: To access the course content, please Scroll down and click on the first lesson – Before Starting the Python Course.

11.before starting the python course


Step 11: This is the first lesson where you can read the course guidelines. Once you finish reading, please click on “Mark Complete“.

12.mark complete button


Step 12: After clicking on “Mark Complete” in previous step, LMS will take you to the next lesson. Now, click on first topic “Why you must learn Python

13.why you must learn python


Step 13: This is the location where you can start the learning. Make sure to watch the complete video, read the study material and then click “Mark Complete” button. Which will automatically take you to the next topic.

14.lecture 01


Step 14: In this way, keep learning from videos and study material and once done click on “Mark Complete” to proceed ahead to next topic.

15.proceed to the lecture 02


Please complete all the videos, study material, and quizzes in order to get the industry-renowned certificate.


NOTE: In case of any issues in above steps, please visit DataFlair Legacy Login Page and login with Google


Step 15: To get the certificate, please visit the course page

NOTE: Certificate will be issued on completion of all the lessons, study material and quizzes

download certificate


Step 16: Once you click on the certificate, your certificate will be generated, click “Download PDF” button to download the certificate.



Step 17: Your verifiable certificate will be downloaded in PDF form:

downloaded certificate


Step 18: To add certificate credentials to LinkedIn profile, please click on “Add to Profile” button. A popup window will be opened:

add to profile


Step 19: Click on “Add Skills” and add relevant skills. Click on “Add media” and add certificate which you downloaded in previous step. Once you click “Save”, the certificate credentials will be added to your profile.

add skills


Step 20: After the previous step click next, it will give option to share the achievement (make sure to tag DataFlair, we will share the selected certificates on official LinkedIn page):

share update


Step 21: Check your LinkedIn profile; it will have a verifiable certificate, issued date, credential id, and certificate pdf.



Step 22: Recruiters can verify your resume, with the certification id:

verify certificate


In case you face any issues please mail us on [email protected].

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DataFlair Team

DataFlair Team provides high-impact content on programming, Java, Python, C++, DSA, AI, ML, data Science, Android, Flutter, MERN, Web Development, and technology. We make complex concepts easy to grasp, helping learners of all levels succeed in their tech careers.

56 Responses

  1. Adhi says:

    What is the contact number for online course

  2. P.nithinkumar Reddy says:

    I completed the course 99 percent but 1percent is not complete when I will going to finish that that is not opening I don’t know what can I will do 😭

  3. Sadiya yaligar says:

    I want to learn bca course so i want this teaching.

  4. Sadiya yaligar says:

    What is the contact number for online class

  5. Sadiya yaligar says:

    I want to learn all the course

  6. Sadiya yaligar says:

    C and c++

  7. Sadiya yaligar says:

    I don’t know what will i tell hear

  8. Sadiya yaligar says:

    I am student of bca

  9. Sadiya Yaligar says:

    Sadiya yaligar

  10. Sadiya Yaligar says:

    Bca cource

  11. Sadiya Yaligar says:

    Bachelor of computer application

  12. Nirmal P says:


  13. dixitanandamrit says:

    i dont my certificate yet i complete my course but forget to download my certificate now how i get it

  14. Praful Vishwakarma says:


  15. Madhura latad says:


  16. Sarbeswar singh says:

    Data -flair courses are free
    If free after login can I learn this any course anytime

  17. Yobu Zulu says:

    I’m unable to sign up. How to sign up or to login?

  18. Khushi Singh says:

    I have already completed the lecture but don’t get the certificate

  19. Jagrit singh says:


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