Highest Mountain Peaks In India – State-wise List

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A mountain is defined as a naturally ascending projection of the earth’s surface, more elevated and steeper than a hill and usually having a rocky crest. A mountain range is a trail of mountains that are adjoined or in contiguity together.

The height of a mountain is majorly determined by tectonic activities in the Earth’s interior or by erosive processes carving the Earth’s exterior. The altitude of a mountain is measured by an instrument called the Altimeter.

This can also be done by having knowledge of the distance between the mountain bases and measuring the angles between that point and the mountain top. India has 7 major mountain ranges that consist of several peaks with altitudes above 1000m.

list of Highest Mountain peaks in India

Highest Mountain Peaks In India

Below are detailed Some Of The Highest Mountain Peaks In India:

Mount Kanchenjunga

The 3rd highest mountain in the world and the highest peak in India – Mt. Kanchenjunga is positioned in the eastern Himalayas. About 445 million to 1 billion years old- it is located along the eastern border of Nepal and the Indian state of Sikkim and lies 20 Km south of Tibet.

The extension of the protected reserve also shares a small portion with Bhutan. It is bounded by the Lhonak Chu, Goma Chu, and Jongsang La, and the Teesta River. It is referred to as the ‘Five Treasures of Snow’ in relevance to its five high peaks.

The mountain was first climbed on 25th May 1955 by Joe Brown and George Band – both were a part of a British expedition. The mountain and its glaciers experience heavy snowfall during the summer monsoon and a lighter snowfall during the winter.

It has a wide range of landscapes including coniferous forests, alpine shrubs and meadows, savanna, and grasslands.

Altitude: 8586 m.
Location: Nepal-Sikkim border, Kangchenjunga Himal section of the Himalayas.

Mount Nanda Devi

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The 23rd highest mountain in the world and the 2nd highest peak in India – Mt. Nanda Devi is positioned in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, between the Rishiganga valley on the west and the Goriganga valley on the east.

It has a large, steep rise over regular terrain. Nanda Devi in local parlance means Blissful Goddess and is considered the patron – goddess of the Uttarakhand Himalayas. The mountain was first climbed in 1936 by Bill Tilman and Noel Odell – both were a part of an American-British team.

The Nanda Devi National Park in the vicinity of the mountain was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988.

Altitude: 7816 m.
Location: Chamoli district – Uttarakhand, Garhwal section of Himalayas.

Mount Kamet

The 29th highest mountain in the world and the 3rd highest peak in India – Mt. Kamet is positioned in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. The West Kamet Glacier, the East Kamet Glacier, and the Raikana Glacier systems surround the mountain.

It is Part of the Zaskar Range and is located near the Tibetan plateau. It is shaped like a pyramid with a leveled summit and 2 peaks. The mountain was first climbed in 1931 by Frank Smythe, Eric Shipton, R.L. Holdsworth, and Lewa Sherpa – all were a part of a British expedition.

At dawn and dusk, the mountain seems to become a copper-colored rock.

Altitude: 7756 m.
Location: Chamoli district – Uttarakhand, Garhwal section of Himalayas.

Santaro Kangri

The 31st highest mountain in the world and the 4th highest peak in India – Mt. Santaro Kangri is positioned in the actual ground position line between Indian controlled territory in the Siachen region and Pakistani controlled territory west of the Saltoro range.

It is a part of the Karakoram range. The mountain was first climbed on 24th July 1962 by Y. Takamura, A. Saito, and Captain Bashir. The mountain has a remote location.

Altitude: 7742 m.
Location: Position line between Siachen region and Saltoro range, Karakoram range.

Saser Kangri

The 35th highest mountain in the world and the 5th highest peak in India – Mt. Saser Kangri is positioned in Ladakh, as part of the Karakoram range.

The mountain was first climbed on 5th June 1973 by Indo-Tibetan Border Police via the upper Shyok Valley and the North Shukpa Kunchang Glacier. It is known as the ‘Yellow Snow Mountain’.

Altitude: 7672 m.
Location: Ladakh, Karakoram Range.

Mamostong Kangri

The 48th highest mountain in the world and the 6th highest peak in India – Mt. Mamostong Kangri is positioned in Ladakh, as part of the Karakoram range. It is the highest peak in the Rimo Muztagh subrange. It was first climbed on September 13th, 1984 by N.

Yamada, K. Yoshida, R. Sharma, P. Das, and H. Chauhan belonging to the Indo-Japanese expedition. It is present near the Siachen glacier.

Altitude: 7516 m.
Location: Rimo Muztagh, Karakoram Range, Ladakh.


The 71st highest mountain in the world and the 7th highest peak in India –Mt. Rimo is positioned in Ladakh, as part of the Karakoram range. It is situated on the northern side of Rimo Muztagh ranges.

These groups of four peaks are on the northeastern side of the Siachen glacier. It was first climbed on 28th July 1988 by Tsewang Smanla, Yoshio Ogata, Nima Dorje Sherpa, and Hideki Yoshida. It is present near the Karakoram pass.

Altitude: 7385 m.
Location: Northeastern side of Rimo Muztagh, Karakoram Range, Ladakh.


The 8th highest peak in India –Mt. Hardeol is positioned in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand, towards the northern part of the Milam valley. It is situated on the northern side of Rimo Muztagh ranges.

It is known as the temple of God on the northern side of the Kumaon sanctuary. The first climb was made on 31st May 1978, by a team from the Indo-Tibetan Border Police which was led by S. P. Mulasi. It is present in the Kumaon Himalayas.

Altitude: 7151 m.
Location: Kumaon Himalayas, Pithoragarh district, Uttarakhand.


The 9th highest peak in India – Mt. Chaukhamba is positioned in the Garhwal Himalayas, Uttarakhand. It is situated in the Gangotri group near the town of Badrinath. This mountain consists of four peaks which are located extremely close to each other.

It was first climbed on 13th June 1952, by Lucien George and Victor Russenberger who were members of a French expedition. Chaukhamba I lies at the head of the Gangotri glacier and forms the eastern anchor of the group.

Altitude: 7138 m.
Location: Gangotri Glacier, Garhwal Himalayas, Uttarakhand.


The 10th highest peak in India – Mt. Trisul is positioned in the mountainous areas of western Kumaon, Uttarakhand. It is a group of three mountains that justifies the derivation of the name from lord Shiva’s Trishul weapon.

Trisul I was first climbed in September 1905 by T.G.Longstaff. Trisul II and Trisul III were first climbed in 1960 by the Yugoslav team JAHO I.

Altitude: 7120 m.
Location: Western Kumaon, Uttarakhand.

List of Highest Mountain peaks in India

Mountain NameDetails
KanchenjungaAltitude: 8586 m

State: Sikkim

Nanda DeviAltitude: 7816 m

State: Uttarakhand

KametAltitude: 7756 m

State: Uttarakhand

Santoro KangriAltitude: 7742 m

State: Jammu & Kashmir

Saser Kangri 1Altitude: 7672 m

State: Jammu & Kashmir

Mamostong KangriAltitude: 7516 m

State: Jammu & Kashmir

RimoAltitude: 7385 m

State: Jammu & Kashmir

HardeolAltitude: 7151 m

State: Uttarakhand.                                                   

ChaukhambaAltitude: 7138 m

State: Uttarakhand 

TrisulAltitude: 7120 m

State: Uttarakhand


The above list of the highest mountain peaks in India is a must – know. This helps boost general knowledge and is good preparation for competitive exams.

This also improves the geographical knowledge of India as a country and aids in recognizing the assets of India as a country. Certain details of the various mountain peaks are very important to enhance awareness.

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