User-Defined Functions in C Programming

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In C, functions are a crucial part of structured programming. They enable us to divide complicated issues into manageable, reusable units of code. This enhances the organisation and modularity of programmes.

User-defined functions are functions defined by the programmer, as opposed to built-in functions that are part of the C standard library. Defining our own functions gives us greater flexibility and control over program execution.

The key advantages of using user-defined functions in C include:

  • Code Reusability – Functions can be called from anywhere in the program any number of times. This eliminates redundant code.
  • Modularity – Functions allow logical breakdown of tasks. This improves readability and maintainability.
  • Abstraction – Functions hide complex implementation details from the main program.

In this article, we will learn how to define, call and pass parameters to user-defined functions in C.

Understanding User-Defined Functions in C

In C programming, a user-defined function is a section of code that the programmer defines to carry out a particular purpose. Simply invoking the method from another program is all that is required to reuse it.

We could design a function to compute the average of two numbers, for instance:

float calculateAverage(int num1, int num2) {
  return (num1 + num2) / 2.0; 

The key difference between user-defined functions and built-in functions is that built-in functions are predefined by C compilers and perform common operations like printing to console (printf()), taking user input (scanf()), memory allocation (malloc()), etc. User-defined functions are created to suit the custom needs of a program.

Defining our own functions gives us greater control over the program flow and organization of code.

Anatomy of a C User-Defined Function

A user-defined function has three essential parts:

  • Function Prototype
  • Function Definition
  • Function Call

Function Prototype

The function prototype serves to declare the function name, return type, and parameters before the actual function definition. This allows the function to be called before it is defined.

An example of a function prototype’s generic syntax is:

return_type function_name(parameter_types);

For example:

int sum(int num1, int num2);

Here, int is the return type, sum is the function name, and int num1 and num2 are the parameters.

Function prototypes can also specify parameter names:

double calcArea(double length, double width);


function prototype

Function Definition

The function definition includes the function’s actual body, contained in braces{}.

It specifies:

  • Return type
  • Function name
  • Parameters
  • Local variables
  • Program statements

For example:

double calcArea(double length, double width) {
  double area;
  area = length * width;
  return area;


The function definition above implements the calcArea() prototype. The statements in the body calculate the area and return it.

Function Call

To execute the code in a function, it must be called. This is done by using the function name followed by parentheses:

calcArea(5.0, 2.0);

The parameters passed during the function call must match the definition.

Calls can be made from the main() function or other functions. Multiple calls can be made to reuse code.

Example User-Defined Function in C

Let’s look at a complete program implementing a user-defined function:

/// Function prototype
int calculateSum(int operand1, int operand2);

int main() {

  // Declare local variables
  int value1 = 25, value2 = 42;
  // Call the function
  int additionResult = calculateSum(value1, value2); 
  printf("The sum of %d and %d is: %d", value1, value2, additionResult);
  return 0;

// Function definition
int calculateSum(int operand1, int operand2) {

  // Calculate the sum
  int sum = operand1 + operand2;
  return sum; 

The sum of 25 and 42 is: 67

This demonstrates the typical workflow of creating and calling a user-defined function in a C program.

Components of Function Definition

The function definition consists of three key components:

  • Function Parameters (Arguments)
  • Function Body
  • Return Value

Let’s go through each component.

Function Parameters

Function parameters, also called arguments, are values passed to the function when it is called.

Parameters act as local variables inside the function. They can be used in the function body for calculations and operations.

For example, this function takes two int parameters, num1 and num2:

int sum(int num1, int num2) {

C allows functions with variable length argument lists using ellipsis (…). These are known as variadic functions.

The printf() function is a common example of a variadic function in C.

Function Body

The function body contains the set of programming statements that perform the intended operation.

It is enclosed within curly braces { } and can contain:

  • Local variable declarations
  • Assignments
  • Loops
  • Conditional statements
  • Other functions calls

For example:

int factorial(int num) {

  int f = 1;
  for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
    f *= i; 

  return f;

This function body calculates and returns the factorial.

Return Value

The return value gets passed back to the calling function when the function exits.

For example:

int sum(int a, int b) {
  int s = a + b;
  return s; // return sum to caller

The return keyword followed by a value is used to return from a function.
For functions that don’t return anything, void is used as the return type.

Passing Parameters to Functions in C

In C, parameters can be passed to functions in two ways:

  • Call by Value
  • Call by Reference

1. Call by Value

In call by value, the function receives a copy of the original variable’s value. Any changes made inside the function are not reflected in the calling function.

For example:

void double(int num) {
  num = num * 2; // doubling the value

int main() {
  int x = 5;
  double(x); // call by value
  printf("%d", x); // x remains unchanged


2. Call by Reference

In call by reference, the function receives the address of the original variable. Any changes made are reflected in the calling function.

Pointers are used to achieve call by reference.

For example:

void double(int *numPtr) {
  *numPtr = *numPtr * 2; // dereference and double

int main() {

  int x = 5;
  double(&x); // pass reference 
  printf("%d", x); // x is now doubled


Pointers allow directly modifying passed arguments.

Advantages of C User-Defined Functions

Some key advantages of using user-defined functions in C:

  • Code Reuse – Functions can be called repeatedly instead of rewriting the same code.
  • Abstraction – Hides complex implementation details from the caller.
  • Modularity – Divides program into smaller modular units, improving organization.
  • Debugging – Isolates code sections, making bugs easier to fix.
  • Readability – Gives meaningful names to code sections.
  • Maintenance – Reduces complexity and makes code easier to update.

Proper use of functions makes programs efficient, readable, and maintainable.

Benefits of User-Defined Functions in C

1. Enhanced Reusability: User-defined functions offer the advantage of reusing code across various sections of a program. Instead of duplicating code multiple times, you can define a function and utilize it whenever a specific task is required. This enhances code efficiency and simplifies maintenance.

2. Promotion of Modularity: User-defined functions encourage modularity within a program by dividing it into smaller, more manageable segments. Each function performs a distinct task, allowing the program to be constructed by assembling these functions. This approach fosters code comprehension and facilitates debugging.

3. Streamlined Code: User-defined functions have the capacity to streamline code by encapsulating complex logic within a single function. This simplifies code readability and comprehension, reducing the chances of errors and elevating the overall program quality.

4. Enhanced Testing: Dividing a program into smaller functions facilitates individual testing of each component. This simplifies the identification and isolation of issues within the code, making it easier to rectify bugs and enhance the overall program quality.

5. Improved Collaboration: User-defined functions can enhance collaboration among multiple developers by breaking down the program into smaller functional units. This enables each developer to concentrate on their specific task while working on different parts of the program concurrently.


User-defined functions allow programmers to structure C programs into reusable, modular blocks of code. They form the building blocks of a structured programming approach.

Mastering functions in C involves understanding how to define, call, and pass parameters to them. Functions help manage program complexity and improve readability with abstraction.

In this article, we looked at the anatomy of a function, its components like body and return value, and parameter passing methods. User-defined functions are a vital skill to learn for C programmers.

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