Economics Objective Questions for Competitive Exams

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Welcome to DataFlair Economics Objective Questions. This quiz is mainly for students of Economics and aspirants of various exams having Economics as a main or optional subject like in UPSC.

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The Economics Objective Questions quiz contained questions that relate to the contribution of agriculture to the economy of a country.

Some of the ways in which agriculture helps to escalate the economic growth are by contributing to the national income, supplying food, the prerequisite for the raw material, shifting the manpower, creating the infrastructure, reducing inequality, creating effective demand, phasing the economic depression, generating employment opportunities, extending the market, improving the rural welfare, and some more.

Therefore, the countrymen should not forget to credit the poor farmers for their contribution, and the government should encourage them by providing them with some subsidies and offers to foster their interest in the field. 

Like agriculture, the other things that have a prominent effect on the economy include the investment in human capital and the research and development of the country.

By investing in human capital, it induces the gross domestic product to rise and thereby, increase the living standards of the people of the country. Research and development help in opening new possibilities and ways of investment and growth of a sector. 

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