Best 2 Apache Zookeeper Books: Beginner To Advanced Learner

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In our last ZooKeeper tutorial, we discussed Benefits and Limitations of Apache ZooKeeper. Today, we will see the 2 mostly used Apache ZooKeeper Books for learning. As nowadays Apache zookeeper is quickly becoming a staple in Hadoop big data.

It has many applications with different technologies which help with distributed data storage as well as data analysis. However, with such huge applications, it can be intimidating to even think about starting.

Hence we curated this article filled with the 2 best books for Zookeeper covering from beginner topics to advanced studies.

So, let’s start exploring Apache ZooKeeper Books.

Apache Zookeeper Books

Here are 2 Apache Zookeeper Books to learn Zookeeper well:

a. Apache ZooKeeper Essentials

Apache Zookeeper Esssentialsby Saurav Haloi

1. Format: Kindle Edition
2. Print Length: 168 pages
3. Publisher: Packt Publishing
In this Apache ZooKeeper Essentials book, we’ll examine the intricacies of ZooKeeper’s architecture and internals by starting with how to install, configure, and begin with ZooKeeper. After that, we will learn to write code to solve common distributed coordination tasks, as ZooKeeper’s programming model.

Further, before finally covering practical examples of real-world projects and services using ZooKeeper to solve complex day-to-day problems, we’ll also walk through administering ZooKeeper in a production environment.

With this ZooKeeper book we will be able to master the concepts of ZooKeeper and its usage with ease, whether you are a novice to ZooKeeper or already have some experience. However, make sure that this book assumes us to have some prior knowledge of distributed systems and high-level programming knowledge of C, Java, or Python.

Though, for a starter who is exploring Zookeeper, this is a very nice book. It gets you up and running in some hours of skimming through the pages with so much simplicity. On starting with this book, you will feel that it is much simpler and got a more practical overview of ZooKeeper just after reading the first few pages.

b. ZooKeeper: Distributed Process Coordination

Zookeeper:Distributed Process Coordinationby Flavio Junqueira & Benjamin Reed

1. Format: Kindle Edition
2. Print Length: 246 pages
3. Publisher: O’Reilly Media; 1 edition
Without having to coordinate the actions, building distributed applications is difficult enough. So, ZooKeeper: Distributed Process Coordination book teaches how ZooKeeper helps us to manage distributed systems. Hence that helps us to focus mainly on application logic.

Although, implementing coordination tasks is not trivial, even with ZooKeeper. Hence this book offers good practices to give us a head start. Moreover, it points out caveats that developers and administrators alike need to watch for along the way.

In addition, Flavio Junqueira and Benjamin Reed, ZooKeeper contributor’s three separate sections, introduce the principles of distributed systems, provide ZooKeeper programming techniques, and also added the information we need to administer this service.

  • The method by which ZooKeeper solves common coordination tasks, we can learn it with this edition.
  • Also, this book helps us to explore the ZooKeeper API’s Java and C implementations and how they differ.
  • It teaches more to use methods to track and react to ZooKeeper state changes.
  • Further, we can learn to handle failures of the network, application processes, and ZooKeeper itself by this book.
  • As the best thing, this book teaches us about ZooKeeper’s trickier aspects such as dealing with ordering, concurrency, as well as configuration.
  • Also, get familiar with ZooKeeper internals and administration tools, with the help of this book.

So, this was all in Apache ZooKeeper Books. Hope it helps.


Hence, in this Apache ZooKeeper tutorial, we have seen 2 best books on Apache Zookeeper. Here you can also see the description to choose the best ZooKeeper Books for you. Also, you can suggest any other good book for Apache Zookeeper to help others.

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