Download Stock Price Prediction Project Code

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Stock Price Prediction Project

In this machine learning project, we will develop stock prediction model with neural network to predict the returns on stocks.

Learn how to develop a stock price prediction model and how to build an interactive dashboard for stock analysis. We implemented stock market prediction using the LSTM model, OTOH, Plotly dash python framework for building dashboards.

Category: Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Programming Language: Python

Tools & Libraries: Plotly Dash, LSTM

IDE: Jupyter

Front End: Plotly Dash (for visualization)

Back End: NA

Prerequisites: Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Network

Intended Audience: Education, Developers, Data Engineers, Data Scientists


Stock Price Prediction Project Code Download

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13 Responses

  1. MOUMITA says:

    unable to download the code. Access Denied.

  2. Ahmad Reza says:

    hi. looks like the link is not working.

  3. Jaime Adan Cuevas Ramirez says:

    Que tal el link no funciona, dice acceso denegado

  4. Ayush Noorani says:

    Can you provide the csv file of the data set used.

  5. sanjiv says:

    wt about the dataset to excute the code

  6. vora says:

    model: Any | True = load_model(“saved_model.h5″)
    OSError: No file or directory found at saved_model.h5

    and dataset in a date is format=”%Y-%m-%d” no just like that the date format is 1 as date 2 as month and 3 as year
    please slove this error

  7. chandana says:

    can u please provide document for stock price prediction using lstm

  8. Arti says:

    unable to download the code. Access Denied.please 🙏 solve my problem

  9. Arti says:

    sir unable to download the code. Access Denied.please 🙏 solve my problem

  10. Jayasri says:

    Design price prediction model in python

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