PyTorch Tutorials

pytorch logistic regression 0

Logistic Regression with Pytorch

Logistic Regression is a Classification algorithm employed when only two possible outcomes exist. The applications having binary possibilities include spam detection, cancer tumour detection, fraudulent transaction detection etc. Let us learn about Logistic Regression...

pytorch tensors 0

Tensors in PyTorch

Tensor is the data-type in which all the deep learning models using pytorch are built. They are just like numpy arrays with the added advantage that they can be loaded on a GPU. The...

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Basics of PyTorch Neural Network

The inspiration for neural Networks in Deep Learning comes from the human brain’s neural networks. Analogous to the human brain, these neural networks, popularly called Artificial Neural Networks, are a collection of connected nodes...

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Top 10 PyTorch Books to Master it

Supplementing one’s learning with books never goes in vain. On the contrary reading books helps define a structure and approach to learning new technology and PyTorch is no exception. Reading books solidifies the concepts...

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PyTorch Packages

PyTorch is a Deep Learning library that has several libraries dedicated to different purposes. The most important of them is torch.nn which helps us create neural layers. Other libraries such as torch.nn.functional, torch.optim, torch.Tensor...

what is pytorch 0

What is PyTorch?

In this tutorial, we will learn an introduction to PyTorch, what it is, its need, history and features. Let’s start!!! What is PyTorch? PyTorch is a deep learning framework that enables us to make...

pytorch installation 1

PyTorch Installation in Easy Steps

PyTorch is a machine learning and deep learning framework that provides easy and efficient tools to tackle various complicated tasks. It can easily be downloaded from the official PyTorch website using conda or pip...