Python Flask Tutorials

flask mail extension 0

Flask-Mail Extension

Flask-Mail is an extension for Flask that provides a simple interface to send emails from your Flask application. With Flask-Mail, you can send email notifications to users, send newsletters, or any other kind of...

flask http methods 0

HTTP Methods in Flask

Flask is a web framework for Python. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for building web applications. One of the key features of Flask is its support for HTTP methods. In this article,...

flask url building 0

URL Building in Flask

Flask is a popular, lightweight framework for building web applications in Python. One of the key features of Flask is its ability to create dynamic URLs, which can change based on user inputs or...

flask cookies 0

Flask Cookies

In this article, we will learn about cookies in flask, how to set, get and remove cookies and much more. Let’s start!!! Flask Cookies Python was used to create the lightweight Flask web development...

flask sqlalchemy 0

Flask SQLAlchemy

In this tutorial, we will learn about flask SQLAlchemy. Let’s start!! Flask SQLalchemy Flask is a compact Python web platform that provides helpful tools and functionalities for developing web applications. An SQL toolset called...

flask templates 0

Template in Flask

In this article, we will learn about template in flask Let’s start!! What are templates? Templates are scripts that include stand ins for data streams in addition to static data. To create the finished...

flask request object 0

Flask Request Object

Flask is a popular web framework in Python that allows developers to build web applications easily and quickly. One of the key features of Flask is its request object, which allows developers to access...