Radio Button in Selenium Webdriver

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Radio buttons are a type of HTML form element that allows users to select one option from a group of mutually exclusive options. In web application testing, it is essential to test the functionality of radio buttons to ensure that they work as intended. In this article, we will explore how to handle radio buttons using Selenium WebDriver.

What is Selenium WebDriver?

Selenium WebDriver is a popular open-source tool for automated testing of web applications. It provides a set of APIs to interact with web elements on a web page. For example clicking buttons, entering text, and navigating to different pages. Selenium WebDriver supports multiple programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, and Ruby. It makes it a versatile tool for testing web applications across different platforms and browsers.

Handling Radio Button using Selenium WebDriver

Handling radio buttons using Selenium WebDriver involves the following steps:

1. Locating the radio button element

2. Selecting the radio button

3. Verifying the selection

Let’s explore each of these steps in more detail.

1. Locating the Radio Button Element in Selenium

To locate a radio button element using Selenium WebDriver, we need to use one of the locators available in WebDriver. Some of them are such as ID, name, class name, or XPath. Once we have located the radio button element, we can create a WebElement object and assign it to the radio button element.

Here is an example of how to locate a radio button element using ID:

WebElement radioBtn = driver.findElement("radioButtonId"));

2. Selecting the selenium Radio Button

To select a radio button using Selenium WebDriver, we need to call the click() method on the WebElement object that represents the radio button. This will simulate a user clicking on the radio button and selecting it.

Here is an example of how to select a radio button:;

3. Verifying the Selection

To verify that a radio button has been selected, we need to check the value of the checked attribute of the radio button element. If the checked attribute is set to true, it means that the radio button is selected. If the checked attribute is set to false, it means that the radio button is not selected.

Here is an example of how to verify the selection of a radio button:

if (radioBtn.getAttribute("checked").equals("true")) {
System.out.println("Radio button is selected");
} else {
System.out.println("Radio button is not selected");

Handling Radio Button Groups in Selenium

Radio buttons are often used in groups where users can select one option from a group of mutually exclusive options. To handle radio button groups using Selenium WebDriver, we need to locate all the radio button elements in the group. Then we have to select the desired radio button element.

Here is an example of how to handle a radio button group:

List<WebElement> radioBtns = driver.findElements("radioButtonGroupName"));
for (WebElement radioBtn : radioBtns) {
if (radioBtn.getAttribute("value").equals("Option2")) {;

In this example, we first locate all the radio button elements in the group by using the name locator. We then iterate through the radio button elements and select the radio button with the value of “Option2”. We use the break statement to exit the loop once we have selected the desired radio button.

Best Practices to Handle Selenium Radio Button

To get the most out of Selenium WebDriver when handling radio buttons, here are some best practices to follow:

1. Use unique and descriptive locators for radio buttons: When locating radio buttons, use unique and descriptive locators such as IDs, names, or XPath expressions. This will make your test scripts more readable and maintainable.

2. Handle radio button groups carefully: Radio buttons are often used in groups, and selecting the wrong radio button can lead to test failures. When handling radio button groups, make sure to select the correct radio button element and verify the selection.

3. Use explicit waits: When interacting with radio buttons, use explicit waits to ensure that the radio button element is available and clickable before attempting to select it. This will help prevent errors and timeouts in your test scripts.

4. Verify radio button selection: After selecting a radio button, always verify that the correct radio button has been selected by checking the value of the checked attribute.

5. Use Page Object Model: Using the Page Object Model design pattern can help you organize and maintain your test scripts more efficiently. By separating the web page elements into a separate class, you can easily manage and reuse these elements across multiple test cases.

How to Handle Radio Buttons in Selenium?

Radio buttons are a type of input element in web applications that allow users to select a single option from a list of options. To handle radio buttons using Selenium, we can use different locators such as ID locator, name locator, XPath locator, and CSS selector locator.

Here’s how to locate radio buttons using each of these locators:

1. ID Locator:

If a radio button has a unique identifier, we can use the ID locator to locate and interact with it. To locate a radio button using the ID locator, we can use the findElement( method in Selenium. For example:

WebElement radioBtn = driver.findElement("radioBtn1"));

Once we have located the radio button, we can interact with it using the click() method to select it:;

2. Name Locator:

If a group of radio buttons shares the same name attribute, we can use the name locator to locate and interact with them. To locate a radio button using the name locator, we can use the findElement( method in Selenium.

For example:

WebElement radioBtn = driver.findElement("radioBtnGroup"));

Once we have located the radio button, we can interact with it using the click() method to select it:;

3.  XPath Locator:

We can use XPath locators to locate radio buttons based on their attributes or position in the HTML document. To locate a radio button using XPath, we can use the findElement(By.xpath()) method in Selenium. For example:

WebElement radioBtn = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@type='radio' and @value='option1']"));

Once we have located the radio button, we can interact with it using the click() method to select it:;

4. CSS Selector Locator:

We can use CSS Selector Locators to locate radio buttons based on their attributes or position in the HTML document. To locate a radio button using CSS Selector, we can use the findElement(By.cssSelector()) method in Selenium. For example:

WebElement radioBtn = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[type='radio'][value='option1']"));

Once we have located the radio button, we can interact with it using the click() method to select it:;

In summary, to locate and select radio buttons in Selenium, we can use different locators such as ID locator, name locator, XPath locator, and CSS selector locator. The choice of locator depends on the specific HTML structure and attributes of the radio button element. Once we have located the radio button, we can interact with it using the click() method to select it.


Handling radio button\ is an important part of web application testing. Selenium WebDriver provides a simple and easy way to handle radio button using its APIs. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can handle the radio button. Remember to always verify that your test cases are working as expected and to continually update and refine your test suite as needed. With Selenium WebDriver, you can create robust and reliable automated tests for your web application, including tests that involve radio buttons.

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