Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
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This algorithm works on the principle of round-robin, where an equal share of an object is given to each person in turns. Mostly used for multitasking, this is the oldest and simplest scheduling algorithm that offers starvation-free execution. Each ready task has to run turn by turn in a cyclic queue for a limited time period in round-robin (RR).
Example of Round Robin Algorithm
Following are three processes with their burst time:
Process Queue | Burst time |
P1 | 4 |
P2 | 3 |
P3 | 5 |
Step 1: Process P1 executes first. Every process executes for 2 seconds so processes P2 and P3 are in the waiting queue.
Step 2: At time = 2, P2 starts executing and P1 is added to the end of the Queue.
Step 3: At time = 4, P3 starts executing and P2 is added at the end of the queue.
Step 4: At time = 6, P1 starts executing and P3 is added at the end of the queue.
Step 5: At time = 8, As P1 has a burst time of 4 it completes execution and P2 starts execution.
Step 6: With a burst time of 3, process P2 executes for 2 intervals. At time = 9, P2 completes execution and P3 starts execution till completion.
Step 7: Average waiting time is:
Waiting time
P1 = 0 + 4 = 4
P2 = 2 + 4 = 6
P3 = 4 + 3 = 7
Characteristics of Round Robin Scheduling
Following are some important characteristics of RR:
- A preemptive scheduling algorithm.
- CPU shifts to the next process after a fixed time interval known as time quantum or time-slice.
- Preempted processes are added to the end of the queue.
- A hybrid and clock-driven model.
- Time slice is usually the minimum but differs from OS to OS.
- A real time algorithm that responds to an event within a specific time limit.
- Oldest, fairest, and easiest algorithm.
- Widely used in traditional OS.
Advantages of Round Robin Algorithm
Following are the advantages of RR:
- No issues of starvation or convoy effect.
- Every job gets a fair allocation of CPU.
- No priority scheduling is involved.
- Total number of processes on the run queue helps assume the worst-case response time for a process.
- Doesn’t depend on burst time and is easily implementable.
- When a process executes for a specific time, it is preempted, and another process takes its place executing for that same time period.
- Context switching helps save states of preempted processes.
- Best performance in terms of average response time.
Disadvantages of Round Robin Algorithm
Following are the disadvantages of RR:
- Low slicing time reduces processor output.
- Spends more time on context switching.
- Performance depends on time quantum.
- Processes don’t have priorities.
- No special priority to more important tasks.
- Decreases comprehension.
- Higher context switching overhead due to lower time quantum.
- Difficult to find a correct time quantum.
Worst Case Latency
Worst Case Latency is the maximum time taken for execution of all tasks. Following is the formula for worst-case latency is:
Tworst = {(dti + sti + eti), + (dti + sti + eti)2 +…+ (dti + sti + eti)N., + (dti + sti + eti + eti)N} + tISR
t,SR = sum of all execution times
dt = Detection time when a task enters the list
st = Time required to switch from one task to another
et = Execution time of task
Round Robin process scheduling algorithm works on the principle of round-robin, where an equal share of an object is given to each person in turns. Oldest, fairest, and easiest scheduling algorithms. It spends a lot of time on context switching. Worst-case latency is the maximum time taken for the execution of all the tasks in the OS.
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