Computer Network Security
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Computer network security refers to the steps that businesses or organisations use to detect and prevent unwanted access from outside intruders.
Depending on the scale of the computer network, different approaches to computer network security management have varied needs. A home office, for example, requires simple network security, but large enterprises require extensive network maintenance to protect the network from hostile assaults.
Access to data and applications on the network is controlled by the network administrator. The user ID and password are assigned to the authorised individual by a network administrator.
Areas of Computer Network Security:
1. Privacy:
Privacy implies that both the sender and the recipient expect secrecy. The sent message should only be sent to the designated recipient, and it should be opaque to other users.
Because eavesdroppers can intercept messages, only the sender and recipient should be able to interpret them.
As a result, there is a necessity to encrypt the communication so that it cannot be intercepted.
This feature of secrecy and privacy is frequently employed in order to create secure communication.
2. Message Integrity:
Data integrity means that the data must arrive at the recipient in the same condition in which it was delivered. There must be no modifications in the data content during transmission, whether intentional or unintentional.
Data integrity is becoming increasingly important as more monetary transactions are conducted over the internet. Data integrity is important for secure communications.
3. End-point authentication:
Authentication indicates that the recipient is certain of the sender’s identity and can confirm that sender’s identity, i.e. that no impostor transmitted the message.
4. Non-Repudiation:
Non-Repudiation requires the receiver to be able to demonstrate that the received communication came from a certain sender.
The sender must confirm that he or she sent a communication. The receiver bears the duty of confirming his or her identity.
For example, if a client requests that money be transferred from one account to another, the bank must have confirmation that the customer requested the transaction.
Working of Computer Network Security:
To make a network secure, one has to cover mainly 3 aspects of network security, which are:
1. Physical Network Security:
This is the most fundamental level, which involves safeguarding the data and network by preventing unauthorised employees from gaining control of the network’s secrecy.
External peripherals, such as routers, may be utilised for cable connections. The same thing may be accomplished by employing technologies such as biometric systems.
2. Technical Network Security:
Technical network security generally focuses on safeguarding data stored in the network or data engaged in network transitions. It has two functions. The first is protection from unauthorised users, and the second is protection from harmful actions.
3. Administrative Network Security:
This level of network security safeguards user behaviour, such as how permission is provided and how the authorization procedure is carried out.
This also assures the network’s degree of sophistication, which may be required to secure it from all types of assaults. This level also implies required infrastructural modifications.
Types of Network Security:
1. Access Control:
Not every individual should have unrestricted access to the network or its data. The only method to investigate this is to look over each personnel’s details.
This is accomplished by Network Access Control, which assures that only a small number of authorised people may operate with the allotted resources.
2. Antivirus and anti-malware software:
This form of network security ensures that no harmful software enters the network and compromises data security.
Malicious software like viruses, Trojans, and worms are dealt with by the same. This ensures that the entry of the malware is prevented and the system is also well-equipped to combat it even if it enters.
3. Cloud Security:
These days, many organisations are collaborating with cloud technology, which stores a huge amount of essential data over the internet. This is quite sensitive to the malpractices that a few unlicensed sellers may do.
This data must be safeguarded, and it must be assured that this safeguard is not jeopardised for any reason.
Many organisations use SaaS apps to give their staff the ability to access data stored in the cloud. This form of security guarantees that data visibility gaps are created.
Network Security Tools and Techniques:
1. Access Control:
When threat actors are unable to get access to a network, the amount of harm they can do will be very less. However, in addition to blocking illegal access, keep in mind that even authorised users might pose a hazard. Access control helps you to improve network security by restricting user access and resources to only those areas of the network that are directly relevant to individual users’ responsibilities.
2. Anti-malware software:
Malware, which can take the shape of viruses, trojans, worms, keyloggers, spyware, and other malicious software, is designed to spread across computer systems and infect networks. Anti-malware and antivirus software may also be able to assist in the resolution of malware infestations, therefore limiting network damage.
3. Anomaly Detection:
It might be tough to spot abnormalities in your network if you don’t have a baseline understanding of how it should function. Network anomaly detection engines (ADE) enable you to examine your network so that when breaches occur, you are informed soon enough to respond.
4. Application Security:
Applications are a defensive weakness that may be exploited. Application security aids in the establishment of security settings for any apps that may be important to the security of your network.
5. Data Loss Prevention:
The human factor forms the weakest link in network security. DLP technology and policies assist in preventing employees and other users from abusing and potentially compromising sensitive data, or from enabling sensitive data to leave the network.
6. Email Security:
Email Security focuses on reducing human-related security flaws. Attackers use phishing tactics to induce email recipients to provide sensitive information through desktop or mobile device, or to unintentionally download malware into the targeted network. Email security aids in the identification of potentially harmful emails and may also be used to thwart assaults and prevent the exchange of sensitive data.
7. Endpoint Security:
Unfortunately, when users rely on their personal devices to access company networks, they might become targets. Endpoint security provides an extra layer of protection between distant devices and company networks.
8. Firewalls:
Firewalls are similar to gates in that they may be used to safeguard the borders between your network and the internet. These regulate network traffic by allowing allowed traffic through while blocking non-authorized traffic.
9. Intrusion Prevention Systems:
Intrusion prevention systems (also known as intrusion detection systems) continuously monitor and analyse network traffic/packets in order to identify and respond to various sorts of assaults as fast as possible. These systems frequently maintain a database of known attack methods in order to detect threats as soon as they appear.
10. Network Segmentation:
There are several types of network traffic, each with its own set of security threats. Network segmentation enables you to provide the correct traffic access while limiting traffic from questionable sources.
11. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM):
Getting the appropriate information from so many various tools and sites can be challenging at times, especially when time is of the essence. SIEM technologies and software provide responders with the information they need to act fast.
12. Virtual Private Network (VPN):
VPN tools are used to verify communication between secure networks and endpoint devices. Remote-access VPNs often utilise IPsec or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for authentication, resulting in an encrypted connection that prevents eavesdropping by other parties.
13. Web Security:
Online security is a broad phrase that encompasses the network security procedures that organisations implement to ensure secure web use while connected to an internal network. It includes software, technology, rules, and other components. This prevents web-based attacks from utilising browsers as entry points into the network.
14. Wireless Security:
Wireless networks, in general, are less secure than conventional networks. As a result, rigorous wireless security measures are required to ensure that threat actors do not obtain access.
Benefits of Network Security:
Companies that are victims of cyberattacks are frequently crippled from inside, unable to offer services or effectively meet consumer demands. Similarly, networks play a significant part in internal corporate processes, and when they are attacked, those processes may grind to a halt, limiting an organization’s ability to do business or even restore normal operations.
Network security is critical to an organization’s capacity to provide products and services to consumers and workers. From online storefronts to workplace programmes to remote desktops, securing apps and data on the network is critical to growing the business, not to mention protecting an organization’s reputation. Furthermore, good network security can enhance network speed by minimising downtime caused by successful attacks.
In this article we explored the topic of network security. We looked at the different areas that network security has to tackle, as well as the methods that are used to implement network security. We also had a brief look at the different types of network security that exist today.
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