Machine Learning Tutorials
Every major e-commerce or entertainment website recommends products to you based on various factors. Like how youtube, netflix recommends movies and shows to you or how amazon shows you products that it thinks you...
Today you will learn how to create a Text Summarizer Project using Deep Learning. Let’s start!!! What is Text Summarization? The process of producing summaries from the huge sets of information while maintaining the...
Object detection is used to detect, locate, and trace the object for a given image, we can also detect in real time. But the main question is how we can do this? So to...
Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is a simple task of understanding the emotions of the writer of a particular text. What was the intent of the writer when writing a certain thing? We use...
Create a real-time machine learning language translator with TensorFlow Savez-vous comment créer une application de traduction de langue? Did you understand the above sentence? Well after googling it, I found its meaning as: Do...
Python can detect and recognize your face from an image or video Face Detection and Recognition is one of the areas of computer vision where the research actively happens. The applications of Face Recognition...
Object detection is one of the most common tasks of computer vision. It is the basis of understanding and working with the scene. From simple applications like identifying objects to complex tasks like self-driving...
Are you fascinated with Harry Potter’s Invisible Cloak? Do you want to wear that cloak? If Yes!! then in this python project, we will develop invisible cloak using OpenCV using which you will become...
For any bank or financial organization, credit card fraud detection is of utmost importance. We have to spot potential fraud so that consumers can not bill for goods that they haven’t purchased. The aim...
Deep learning (subfield of machine learning) has gained prominence in almost every field where decision-making is involved in recent years, spanning economics, health care, marketing, and sales. In the field of healthcare, machine learning...