C Tutorials

macro and function in c 0

Difference Between Macros and Functions in C

Modular and reusable code is essential for managing complexity in large C programs. C provides two ways to achieve modularity – macros and functions. While they aim to solve similar problems, macros and functions...

printf() vs fprintf() 0

printf() vs fprintf() Functions in C – Key Differences

Outputting data is a fundamental task in C programming. The printf() and fprintf() functions are two primary methods for displaying program results and values. Choosing the right output tool is crucial based on your...

how to write and read data from file in c 0

How to Write and Read Data from File in C

File Handling in C File handling is an essential concept in C programming. It allows preserving data even after the program execution is over. This makes it simple to efficiently store and access vast...

array of structures in c 0

Array of Structures in C Programming

In C programming, an array is a group of elements given a similar name and kept in close proximity to one another in memory. An array’s elements are all the same data type. Multiple...

user defined functions in c 0

User-Defined Functions in C Programming

In C, functions are a crucial part of structured programming. They enable us to divide complicated issues into manageable, reusable units of code. This enhances the organisation and modularity of programmes. User-defined functions are...

matrix multiplication in c 0

Matrix Multiplication in C

Matrix multiplication is a crucial operation in linear algebra and has widespread applications in fields like machine learning, computer graphics, physics simulations, and more. The aim of this article is to explain matrix multiplication...

limitations of array in c 0

Limitations of Array in C

Arrays are one of the most basic data structures used in C programming. An array is a group of identical data-typed objects kept together in memory. Arrays allow easy access to elements based on...

fibbonacci series using recursion in c 0

Fibonacci Series in C using Recursion

Each number in the Fibonacci series is calculated by adding the two preceding integers. This series was first described by Italian mathematician Fibonacci in the 13th century and appears often in mathematics and nature....

c program to reverse a number 0

C Program to Reverse a Number using Recursion

A function can call itself thanks to the effective programming technique known as recursion. This method can be applied to elegantly resolve issues that can be divided into smaller issues. Reversing a number is...