My transition from Java Developer to Big Data Analyst – Ajish’s Story
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“With me, the DataFlair team also worked hard and hence we together achieved success. They lead my way to become a Big Data Lead – Says Ajish”
Making a transition into Big Data is a journey paved with obstacles and learning. There is always so much to learn and implement. I recently made a career transition into Big Data. During my transition, I get to experiment with concepts, apply them in different environments, and add to my knowledge through practical applications.
So, this story is my experience with this switch, my learning, and my advice to all aspiring future Big Data professionals looking for their first big break.
Change was necessary
I worked as an Application Developer in Java for 4 years. However, my learning graph slowed down over this period. I was restless. The role was great but I was looking for professional growth. So, I decided it was finally time for a change.
Career move with the technology I love
Again and again, I had heard about this buzzword for many years. Yes, you might have guessed it “Big Data”. I started exploring career options in this field as Data has always fascinated me. There is nothing better than working in a field that you love!
With the help of Google, I searched for institutions providing courses for a career in Big Data. A deep dive into this domain made me believe that DataFlair is the correct option for me.
I learned more about the institution from its website and a huge number of blogs, tutorials, quizzes, forums, etc. Finally, I enrolled in Big Data, Hadoop and Spark Developer course.
Challenges I faced during this transition of Java to Big Data
The biggest challenge was not to switch one but many technologies to become an effective Big Data Lead. Skills like Programming, Quantitative skills, Interpretation of Data, Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Flume, Sqoop, Spark, Scala, Linux, etc. Also, there is a new tool or package or technology or an entire algorithm coming up every now and then.
One end solution: DataFlair
Big Data is one of the fastest-growing domain. It's a tough job to cope up with the speed in which this field is progressing. I gave all my efforts during my training so that I get to know every inch of this field. The instructor at DataFlair was really experienced and had big knowledge about Big Data. The training sessions conducted by the instructor were very simple and easy to understand. He cleared all the doubts by giving real-life examples. He used to give assignments and projects based on real-life for which a lot of research and studying is done. So, when candidates work on these assignments they automatically get prepared for the interviews.
In addition to the training sessions, I used to devote an extra hour daily to read articles and blogs published on DataFlair, Quora, and LinkedIn so that I can stay updated with the latest technologies.
The first Big Data Job (My Interview)
After getting wonderfully trained by DataFlair, I felt ready for a job in Big Data. I appeared for an interview which was divided into two rounds. In the first technical round, I was asked to answer the following questions:
- Explain about yourself and your projects?
- By default Spark-Core, join API does not use hash partitioner? How do you optimize it?
- Explain the internals of spark architecture?
- Explain about your experience on Spark and Scala?
- Explain about Spark in-memory? What are the options available?
- What is dataframe?
- Basically, Spark works with RDD. How Spark internally handles dataframe?
- What is spark.sql.shuffle.partition property?
The second round was a personal HR interview.
I was fortunate enough to get a job offer from the Tavant in the role of a Big Data Lead.
The training received from DataFlair and the determination I had to learn Big Data and improve my career turned out very beautiful.
Conclusion with a piece of advice
As the new technologies are grabbing the world with their presence, we also need to learn new things, take risks, work a little harder and start looking for opportunities.
If you are serious about a career in Big Data, take time off and register for a training program and use that time to dive deep into the domain.
At last, I would like to show my gratitude towards DataFlair for giving the candidates one of the best training platforms. Full-Time support along with wonderful facilities on the websites makes candidates learn with great ease.
So, if you like to play with data and technology, go for Big Data Analytics and start learning. Join one of the best institutions- DataFlair, the result will be worth the effort.
Start with Big Data Hadoop & Spark Scala Course.
Good Luck 🙂
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