Apply Borders and Colours in PowerPoint Presentation

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Most of the components in PowerPoint can have their own borders. You can also change the formatting options like colour and shading based on your needs. This forms a crucial part in how PowerPoint makes user customisation its first priority. Let’s have a look at how it’s done.

Creating Borders in PowerPoint Presentation

The instructions below will assist you in applying borders to your presentation.

1: Choose the object to which you wish to apply the border (text box, image, chart, picture, etc.).

2: Under the Home ribbon, select the Drawing group.

3: To change the border settings, click on the Shape Outline.

outline in powerpoint

4: Select a border colour from the colour palette. You can select More Outline Colors to get a wider range of colour options.

5: To define the thickness of the border, use the Weight dropdown.

border thickness in powerpoint

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6: To specify the border style, select the Dashes option.

border style in powerpoint

7: You can also add a hand-drawn border using the Sketched option. You can remove the border by clicking on the No Outline button.

hand-drawn border in powerpoint

Applying Shades in PowerPoint Presentation

The instructions below will assist you in applying colours to your presentation.

1: Choose the object to which you wish to apply the hues (text box, shape, chart, etc.).

2: Under the Home ribbon, select the Drawing group.

shapefill in powerpoint

3: Select the shade settings by clicking on the Shape Fill button.

result in powerpoint

4: Select a shade colour from the colour palette. You can access a wider range of colours by selecting More Outline Colors.

fill more colour in powerpoint

5: Instead of using a colour, use the Photo to add a picture as the background.

6: To create a colour gradient in the background, select the Gradient option. You may alter the shade using gradient colours by using the predefined gradients or by clicking “More Gradients…”.

gradient in powerpoint

powerpoint gradient

7: Instead of a colour shade, use the Texture option to create a pre-defined texture.

texture in powerpoint


As you can see, it is quite an easy task to add a borders to pretty much any element in the PowerPoint presentation. You can try to learn to navigate these options with ease by practicing over and over again. Adding borders elevates your slideshow, so go on ahead and take your presentation to the next level!

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