Selenium Tutorials

webdriver commands 0

Selenium WebDriver Commands

Selenium WebDriver is an open-source web automation framework that is widely used in the software development industry for testing web applications. It allows testers to automate web-based tasks and create robust automated test scripts...

running test on chrome 0

How to Run Selenium Tests on Chrome?

A well-liked open-source framework for automating web browsers is called Selenium. It allows developers and testers to automate web applications and perform functional and regression testing of web applications. Selenium supports multiple browsers like...

webdriver handing alerts 0

Alerts in Selenium

Alerts are a common feature in web applications. They are used to display important messages, warnings, or errors to the user. When testing a web application, it’s important to be able to handle alerts...

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How to Setup Grid in Selenium?

Selenium Grid is a distributed test execution system that allows users to run Selenium tests on multiple machines simultaneously. It enables users to run tests in parallel on different operating systems, browsers, and versions,...