Why You Should Choose DataFlair for Online Training?

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Have you decided to master the new cutting-edge technologies? Well, you are at the right place. You may have questions related to DataFlair and the online courses provided by us.

DataFlair provides courses on the latest cutting-edge technologies, where the objective of each and every course is to make you employable in the industry. Students from various technology domains join the courses to carve their career in the latest upcoming field.

We at DataFlair, are working on an alternative learning paradigm, where along with the knowledge, instructors share their real-life experiences with candidates, which helps them a lot once they join the respective
industries. We focus more on industry requirements, cover best practices of development and deployment. Rather than a theoretical part, we focus more on workshops where candidates solve real-world

Why DataFlair?

The courses at DataFlair are offered online, which have another added advantage, you can attend the classes from the comfort of your home and run them on any device, you don’t need to travel long. Here, you are not dependent on local instructors, rather, we have a team of industry veterans, who have spent more than 15 years in the IT industry.

Why DataFlair

DataFlair Online Course Benefits

Mentors at DataFlair

All the instructors at DataFlair are actually industry veterans of the IT industry. Teachers share their experiences with you, like about their live projects, the end to end data flow, project architecture, best practices. The transfer of knowledge is the key to success, after the completion of the course, you will become job ready right from the first day to start working on live enterprise projects.

Apart from this, instructors share the common issues/errors you could get while working on live projects and make you ready in advance. You get to know about the expectations of the industry, so they can prepare accordingly. These trainers also interact with you to provide individual attention.

Industry Oriented Courses

The DataFlair courses are designed based on job requirements so that you can fit easily in the industry.

We have researched the job market thoroughly and prepared the curriculum in such a way that all the required skills are added in your profile. All the DataFlair courses are designed by industry experts, during the course all the important and complex topics are covered in great details. During the live courses, we focus on practices which are used in the current industry, so after joining the new organization, candidates are able to work quite easily.

Industry Recognised Certificate

Once you complete the course with us, you will get certified with industry recognized DataFlair certificate to showcase your competency in the technology you have learnt with us. The certification will be provided to you once you successfully complete the course and do the projects as per the trainer guidance. This certificate will add value to your resume and will help you in your career.

Regular Updation of Courses

The course curriculum is updated regularly to match the industry demand, based on industry pattern we upgrade the version of setups and match with what is being used currently in the industry. On upgradation of courses, all the students get the newer version in their LMS (Learning Management System).

Workshops at DataFlair

Courses are designed by industry experts in a way more focus is given to workshops rather than the theoretical part. From initial sessions, you will solve a real-world problem and by the end of the course, you become ready to handle enterprise projects. Each and every topic is associated with a workshop, you can implement whatever you learned. This approach gives you an upper hand in the interviews, as interviewers focus more on use-cases, they could give any arbitrary use-case and you need to solve the same on the fly. If you want to know more about the DataFlair you can check our student’s reviews and their success.

Live Projects

If you are working professionals, you must have a doubt how will I be able to switch to newer technology? The answer is live projects. You will be working on a minimum of 5 projects; you need to apply whatever you have learned during the course. If you are able to complete projects without any help from the support team, it will boost your confidence.

Why enroll for DataFlair course?

Individual Attention to Each Student

We believe in providing individual attention and find the area where you are lacking, now we also work with you on your weakness. The batch size is merely 12 students + 2 trainers, along with the instructor we assign a co-trainer for every batch. Now we can work more closely with you and guide more efficiently. On one hand, other institutes take more than 35 students in a batch and only one instructor to handle all, where he is not able to handle all the queries. But at DataFlair, each and every query is answered by the trainer, as there is a limited batch size.

Interactive Sessions by Trainer

Why DataFlair


If you are skeptical about online training if you have a question like whether I will be able to interact with the trainer for my queries or not? The answer is a big YES, this is actually possible due to small batches. Moreover, we believe small misconception could spoil the foundation, we answer each and every question even if it’s a small query.

Lifetime Access and Support

Why DataFlair

Along with the live sessions in DataFlair course, you will get access to the LMS – Learning Management System, where we will provide all the study material like –

  • PPTs,
  • Tutorials,
  • Reading material,
  • Quickstarts,
  • Installation manuals,
  • Command manuals,
  • Practical/workshop/project code,
  • All the data-sets,
  • Required libraries etc.

We record all the sessions and upload the same on LMS. Moreover, you will get lifetime access to LMS and if you want to revise any topic, just log in and watch the recording. The support team is just a mail away, even after completion of course as well, you can connect with us for any queries, we are always here to help.

Assignments and Quizzes

Why DataFlair

One of the key features of DataFlair course is regular quizzes in between the sessions to check the learning
of individual students, now based on your performance, the instructor gives extra assignments. This will help you to revise all the concepts which you learnt recently. We believe in the proverb “Practice makes the men perfect”, if we show one implementation in the session, we will assign five for the practice. In this manner, you will become job ready by following a comprehensive methodology.

Discussion Forums

The discussion forum is a rich source of knowledge, where you will get the solution to 1000s of queries. Even you can answer other’s queries and become an expert in the subject.

Career Benefits of DataFlair Course

Following are the career benefits of selecting any Course from DataFlair

Why DataFlair

Premium Placement Assistance

As discussed, the objective of course at Dataflair is to make you job ready, we provide complete placement assistance. It starts with the first session, as the complete course is 100% job oriented. Also, we will schedule a
special session for a mock interview and resume preparation, apart from this you will get the access to job portal where we are posting 100s of the job.

Mock Interviews and Resume Building

On completion of DataFlair course, we schedule a session for a mock interview, where the instructor will ask tons of real industry questions to check your preparation, he also shares the tips on how to answer the questions. The instructor has already taken 100s of interviews, he understands the expectations from the industry and makes you ready accordingly. “The first impression is the last impression” and in this context, it means that resume is your first impression, based on our decades of experience of the job market, we will guide you to prepare the best resume so that you can move ahead of the crowd and get an interview call easily.

One to One Career Discussion with the Trainer

DataFlair trainers are directly available to you and you can get career guidance directly from them on how to proceed ahead in their professional career. Trainers also guide students to focus on which areas for an interview, how to answer interview questions and which offer to choose out of their multiple offer letters. This makes it very easy for students to choose the best career path.

Why DataFlair differ from others

All the training providers are dependent on advertisements, but we stand for our quality, you will never find a single advertisement about DataFlair on any platform. Rather than wasting amount on advertisements, we have reduced the course fees to half as compared to market rates of other similar courses.

Why DataFlair

Finally, you just have to dedicate your time & efforts in learning and you will not find any hurdle in your career path.  We will provide you with best training guidance & assistance which will surely enlighten your career with growth opportunities. Just don’t stop learning and as you all knowSuccess is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

If you have any query related to our courses and services, you can freely ask us in the comment section.

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