Full Form Of CPR

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CPR stands for Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation where Cardio means heart, Pulmonary means related to lungs, and Resuscitation means to revive. CPR is a lifesaving method used during a heart attack or heart arrest caused by a heart condition, suffocation, drowning, electrical shock, etc. The CPR process is a combination of mouth-to-mouth respiration and chest compression, where,

  • Respiration offers oxygen to the lungs.
  • Compression keeps the oxygen-rich blood flowing until the restoration of heartbeat and respiration.

Importance of CPR

  • No blood circulation can cause permanent death or brain injury. Thus, it is necessary to maintain blood circulation and respiration until the arrival of medical assistance.
  • CPR is only effective if performed within the first six minutes when the heartbeat stops.
  • One should perform CPR until the heartbeat returns to normal or the patient is declared dead.

Procedure of CPR

1. Make the patient lie down on a flat surface in the supine position. Make sure that the surface is not uneven.

2. Tilt the patient’s head back to open the airway and to make sure that the airway of the patient is clear.

3. Make sure whether the patient is breathing or not. If you hear no breathing sound for more than 10 seconds, then perform CPR.

4. First, place your hands in the middle of the patient’s chest and push hard and fast. The given compressions should at least have a depth of 2 inches and a minimum of 100 compressions per minute should be given.

5. During mouth-to-mouth rescue slightly tilt back the patient’s head and lift the chin. Then pinch the nose and cover the patient’s mouth with yours properly and blow air into the patient’s mouth to make their chest rise.

6. Alternate between chest compression and two rescue breaths. Continue this process until the patient shows signs of consciousness or until a health professional arrives.

Safety Measures for CPR

Following are some safety measures before performing CPR:

  • It is necessary to perform CPR on a flat and secure surface.
  • Be clear whether the patient is conscious or unaware.
  • Call for emergency medical care asap.

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